Invisalign braces


Recycles dryer sheets
Jul 14, 2007
Just wondering if anyone tried these braces and if they liked them?

I had thought of getting them over the years but I never knew of anyone that actually tried them.

I would be interested in hearing about experiences with them and approximate cost of them as well.

I have had invisalign braces for about 4 months now, and haven't had any problems with them yet. Minor lisping when I first began, but none after the first week. There is some pain when you switch the clear trays every two weeks, but its more of an ache and is not too bad with asprin. I am happy with the results so far, and am able to notice that my teeth are straighter and closer together. I paid about $4400 for mine, however I hear that price varies widely across the country, and this is considered cheap for my neck of the woods. I work very close to people all day long, and have only had 4 people ask what was on my teeth in the 4 months.
I was hoping to get them but had to get regular braces because I had to change my bite also. Now I wear invisalign at night as a retainer. The orthodontitst says I have to wear them forever at night to keep my teeth straight.

They're fine at night. It looks like cost is about the same as regular braces.
Dang! I just finished paying 6K for standard braces for myself. I should have moved to a cheaper COL area!

My teeth were too messed up for invisilign I think. Or I was too cheap. I didn't want to pay the extra $400 for tops/bottoms for white braces. I went with old school silver.

I had the same ache, especially after "adjustment" (aka tightening).
Thanks everyone

I guess 4 or 6 grand is not too bad if it really makes a life long difference for you.

I regret not getting braces back when I was 12 now!

I tried to guilt my mother into paying for them. She said "there is nothing wrong with your teeth, look at the size of you!"

I got tired of people asking if I was wearing billy-bob teeth and got them fixed.
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