Just for fun: What would you taste like?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 28, 2006
west coast, hi there!
Just occurred to me in one of my more happy moments. What would you taste like if we could taste you?

Now I know this is impossible and just a fantasy. But it's an interesting association to me. I think I might taste like goat cheese (story below).

I was out sketching with a group yesterday. It was at a goat farm (Redwood Hills Farm in Sebastopol, CA) and the weather was idyllic. We had a picnic table with a blue & white table cloth. Very picturesque. The nice lady who is part of the family that owns the farm (and does some watercolor sketching too) brought some cheeses from the farm for us to taste. The strong tasting goat cheese reminded me of the smells of goats at this farm.

It is tough to draw goats or any mobile creature. Even though they might move slowly, they do move or another goat moves in front of your subject. I got a few decent sketches. It was a great day out. Art can be hard but very memorable.

Later I was idly thinking that if someone could taste me, maybe I'd taste like goat cheese. :LOL:

P.S. I usually go for cheap cheeses like Australian cheddar. Might make an exception in this case but have not looked at prices. The cheese I ate can be bought at Whole Foods. Here is the link to the farm: Goat Cheese & Goat Milk Products- Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery
Roasted, with cherry sauce?

OK, you want the cherry sauce on the side? BTW, the sauce will cost $3.95 extra. Still want it, Mr. LBYM man?

And, oh, we're out of napkins, but here's some Kleenex you can use.
(If this is confusing, and you don't have much of a life, please see the thread about throwing stuff out).
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OK, you want the cherry sauce on the side? BTW, the sauce will cost $3.95 extra. Still want it, Mr. LBYM man?
I'm sure it's worth the whole $3.95, but I don't want the duck, thanks anyway. :)
After all the years I spent in labs and chemical production buildings, I'm sure I still taste like methyl ethyl chickenwire.
Turmeric, I'm addicted to it, makes me look like I have a great tan.
Correction, I meant boiled ox hide. I was thinking of the Donner Party, which according to all accounts had first hand experience in eating both ox hide and human flesh.

Life at Truckee Lake was miserable. The cabins were cramped and filthy, and it snowed so much that people were unable to go outdoors for days. Diets soon consisted of oxhide, strips of which were boiled to make a "disagreeable" glue-like jelly. Ox and horse bones were boiled repeatedly to make soup, and became so brittle they would crumble upon chewing. Sometimes they were softened by being charred and eaten.
Donner Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faintly like what you been smokin', or methane burbling up from a murky river bottom.

good or bad sh*t / not tasty
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Soylent Green!
I just hope none of you people know where I live! I'm sure I taste really bad...
Just because I live within biking distance of Alferd Packer's last resting place does not mean I wish to emulate him.

In any case, I will play: bourbon-marinated squirrel.
No doubt we would all taste a bit like pork. Wasn't "long pig" what the South Seas cannibals called their favorite feast item?

No wonder I don't care for pork!

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