Looking for books that make you laugh

If you like British humour and wit and like to read travel writing as well, try most any of the books by Peter Biddlecombe. (amazon has them all). A biz traveller who has seen most of the world and every short story is about a destination and the funny things, people and indignities that he has suffered.
George Carlin has a couple of books. Mostly his routines, but some additiional prose included.

"Darwin Awards #1" is entertaining.

If you're looking for something a bit different, "The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead"
+1 on Tim Dorsey and Bill Bryson and David Sedaris.
Those are all hilarious writers and great choices.
Southern authors that I think are funny include Gayden Metcalf (Being Dead is no excuse: southern ladies guide to hosting the perfect funeral) and Celia Rivenbark(We're just like you, only prettier) and the queen of southern humor, Florence King.
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