Looks like I'd gambled and lost

Bondi, hang in there. Lot's of folks are pulling for you here on this forum and, I'm sure out in the physical world!

Please keep up posted and lots of us will keep you in our prayers.
Hi Bondi, I'm Gunny. Now we are friends so I can request prayer for you, my friend, at church this morning. Hang in there. The fat lady ain't even in the building. :)
Two thoughts to add.

First - when my wife was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (incurable blood cancer) at age 43, the consensus was for 3-5 years. That was in 2003, 15 years ago. She's not in the best shape today, but she's still with us, and kicking MM's arse. So don't succumb to general rules of thumb.

Second, completely agree on going to a recognized cancer specialty place for a complete work-up and consult. We went to the Mayo Clinic early on, and that visit gave us a more complete picture and lots of options for treatment. We've been back at least a dozen times, over the years - they are always up on the latest research and treatment possibilities.

Best of luck to you in your treatment!
I am sure many on here have dealt with health situations where they thought the worst and ended up fretting for nothing. Hoping your situation turns out to be nothing to worry over.
Thinking of you Bondi, and continuing to wish you the best.
My prayers are with you and I wish you the best.
I hope it isn’t so, and a false scare. They do happen all the time. A regular on CD, that never smoked, was told by two DRs he had late stage lung cancer. When he finally got his biopsy back it was a type of pneumonia, perfectly curable. But had he given up and taken it for granted, it would have progressed to death. Fight and get opinions. Be sure.
Bondi......What's the word? Lots of people thinking of you and I'm keeping you in our families prayers. Whatever the plan is, I hope you are well.
Since everyone covered the health angle, I will ask does this mean you went out and filed for your SS? :) Hope to see an update that you got good news or a good treatment plan if the news is not so good. I know many people alive years after their stage 4 diagnosis due to good treatment. Will they live forever, no. But no one will regardless. Hang in there, I know waiting is tough.
Hope you can give us an update, but you have lots to think about so we understand...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...
Anyone hear anything further from Bondi? In this case no news doesn't seem like good news, but hopeful.

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