Move to a commune!

Lazarus said:
Perfect way to semi-retire and get away from the rat-race. Any takers? Don’t miss the part where you give them all your money. :LOL:

To East Wind;
Since honesty ;) is the best policy (for you), I can tell you that I only have $2k in assets :LOL: and I am more than happy to share my bounty with you, my brothers and sisters.
Lazarus said:
Perfect way to semi-retire and get away from the rat-race. Any takers? Don’t miss the part where you give them all your money.  :LOL:
A little vague on the membership requirements, weren't they?

"... and we also have a dial-up PPP internet account."

I was groovin' up to this point and I wouldn't mind living a commune lifestyle, but there's no way I'm going to return to the life of dialup deprivation.

I wonder how many kids have grown up there and what their opinions are of the commune lifestyle...
I used to want to live in a commune until my DH was the member of a 11 unit condo owner's association.
Article about them in National Geo Explorer...said they farm and do chores in the nude :eek:
wildcat said:
Article about them in National Geo Explorer...said they farm and do chores in the nude :eek:

Wearing a 3 piece birthday suit is just the way I like going to work.
I am so formal, that when I come home, I leave my birthday suit on.
I even take my shower wearing it. Cut's down of the dry cleaning cost. :D
Well I doubt that they would let this 52 year old body to join. DH said that he was not going to any commune to live and he knew that our 16 yr old daughter would not go either!

wildcat said:
Article about them in National Geo Explorer...said they farm and do chores in the nude :eek:
Dreamer said:
DH said that he was not going to any commune to live and he knew that our 16 yr old daughter would not go either!

Dreamer, there is a little devil sitting on one of my shoulders whispering in my ear, "Ask Dreamer if the daughter can at least appear in the commune's recuiting brochure."

There is a little angel sitting on my other shoulder saying, "Don't dare post that! You have daughters and you know how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot."

Thankfully for all of us, I listened to the angel. :)

I actually knew two people who went to live there (East Wind) about 25 years ago. They are not there now I heard. It looks like its about the same as it was then. I bet they don't have many prospective members with money show up. Ironic that in order to survive they have to run a business. Just what they were trying to get away from.
Sorry, but my daughter is very modest! There is no way that she would do that. I know, probably everyone on this forum is thinking how naive I am!

Dreamer said:
Sorry, but my daughter is very modest! There is no way that she would do that. I know, probably everyone on this forum is thinking how naive I am!

Actually they are thinking REW should be ashamed of himself... :mad:

A while back I had toyed with the idea of starting a commune. I figured there were a lot of well off socialists in the area where I lived, and I could make a ton of money off of others. Starting a commune for personal gain is a great example of why capitalism works. :)

The whole idea came up after I helped a client with tax preparation work. She was trying to start a mini-commune. She didn't really know what she was doing though. I figured, with the right amount of business acumen, you could potentially make a lot of money from it.
wildcat said:
Article about them in National Geo Explorer...said they farm and do chores in the nude  :eek:
I wonder how much research Natl Geo did on that.

No wonder their website is vague on the financial commitment. They want to get a look at your ass(ets) first, so to speak.

I feel sorry for those assigned to blackberry-picking, bougainvillea pruning, bacon-frying, or tending the farm animals.
Nords said:
I feel sorry for those assigned to , or tending the farm animals.

You never know?
(just how much I love you, you'll never know just just how much I care.) :D

I know, really lame. hee hoe!
Well, all weird nude-chores aside...

I read that Epicurus started a commune in his day in order to ER. They did the minimum they had to do to survive and then spent the rest of the time sitting around talking about philosopy.
shiny said:
Well, all weird nude-chores aside...

I read that Epicurus started a commune in his day in order to ER.   They did the minimum they had to do to survive and then spent the rest of the time sitting around talking about philosopy. 

Not too different fromt the Hog Farm or other 60s communes. Only the philosophy sounded a little weird, in that pretty much all the philosophers were either stoned or stupid or both.

I don't know if I would like the commune life , but I wouldn't mind a little hobbie farm.We already have a small veggie garden, but could not get away with animals though where we live. We can our own veggies, make wine and beer, hunt, fish, pick mushrooms, wild berries, ect. It wouldn't be a stretch to go the hobbie farm route. But work for the benefit  of some lazy ass who does not, or very little, in a commune, now that would be just like working again...........Shredder
Shredder said:
I don't know if I would like the commune life , but I wouldn't mind a little hobbie farm.We already have a small veggie garden, but could not get away with animals though where we live. We can our own veggies, make wine and beer, hunt, fish, pick mushrooms, wild berries, ect. It wouldn't be a stretch to go the hobbie farm route. But work for the benefit of some lazy ass who does not, or very little, in a commune, now that would be just like working again...........Shredder

After spending my younger years on a small farm, where we grew our own veggies, hunted, fished, picked mushrooms, wild berries, etc, it is not for me.

Maybe it is because we didn't make our own wine and beer.

Or maybe I don't miss mice running accross my bed at night, chickens pecking each other to death, picking 40 woodticks off my two year old brother, and canning vegetables for next winter in 90 degree weather.
We did - make our own wine and beer - didn't help a bit.

Couldn't wait to grow up and head for the bright light's, big cities of Portland and later Seattle. San Fran - was the mythical vision of paradise(even before the hippies) - never made it there though.
HaHa said:
Not too different fromt the Hog Farm or other 60s communes. Only the philosophy sounded a little weird, in that pretty much all the philosophers were either stoned or stupid or both.


Sounds like congress to me. :)

Maybe we can arrange a visit to the commune by non other than John Galt. I'd like to see the outcome of that. :LOL:
If one was in the neighborhood, it could be an interesting inexpensive 3 week vacation for only $2 a day up to a maximum of $20 if you can last the full 21 days.
MJ said:
If one was in the neighborhood, it could be a interesting inexpensive 3 week vacation for only $2 a day up to a maximum of $20 if you can last the full 21 days.

We could have our own version of "ER Survivor". Who will be the last ER to be voted off the commune? Will any one make the full 21 days?

Any takers?
Cal said:
We could have our own version of "ER Survivor". Who will be the last ER to be voted off the commune? Will any one make the full 21 days? Any takers?

OK. Who's playing the part of Richard 'no pants' Hatch? :)

I would think that moving to a commune could be a trap. How could you ever accumulate any money to leave and start over somewhere else if you tired of it? Must make a great entry on your resume. Occupation for the last 7 years? I washed dishes in the nude at a commune. Great! We have an opening for someone of your experience.

I would be interested to know how many are on welfare, or some other government program. Education for the children? How would that work?

They want contributions for their library. I’m thinking Ayn Rand. Perhaps some Rush Linbaugh tapes ect.

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