
I fancy myself a professional napper. I have no secret to share, however. My commute to work is 1.5 minutes so I go home for lunch, grab a quick bite and it's off to bed for 45 min. I come back to work refreshed and ready to go.

Now, my body equates lunch time with nap time so even if I'm not particularly tired I can quickly fall asleep. So, maybe that's my secret. Train your body by consistantly lying down at the same time each day and not getting up until your nap should be over. Your body will eventually get the message that this is nap time and will shut down for you.
Naps / sleeping come very easy to me. I can sleep just about anywhere, anytime,
evan after multiple sodas or coffees. Light naps sitting at my desk, power napping
in mid-day, as a passenger in a car, or night time. If it is noisy, jostling, and light it
might take me 1-2 minutes to fall asleep. If I cheat and turn out the lights and hit the
bed, I barely remember hitting the pillow. It does not matter if I have just slept 12
hours - once I decide to sleep it is all over.
During 43 years of employment, not once did I nap. Just couldn't do it. Now,it takes willpower NOT to nap. I get in the lazyboy right after lunch, close the curtains, and voila. I don't like to nap very long, as it makes me grouchy. But I never set alarms. Like Nike, I just do it.

Never tried the sex part... first I've heard of that. So, another trait to develop in ER. Hey, maybe napping could be defined as a hobby.
i've always suffered extreme night owlism. i'd make a good vampire. have never forced a nap but i simply go to sleep when i'm tired. when i worked i used to do powernaps during the day if i got tired. never more than 20 minutes. any more than that and i'd wake up groggy for hours.

since retirement i've had the luxury of letting my body run on its natural cycle. sometimes i'm up for 24 hours. sometimes i sleep for 10. i average 8 hours of sleep per night, just not the "normal" 8 hours. i love being able to be on my natural waking/sleeping schedule even if all my family & friends think i'm nuts. when i worked and had to be on an artificial schedule, it used to cause me stress to force myself to sleep and then force myself to wake. so i have trouble relating to someone trying to force a nap. sleep is supposed to relax you, not cause you stress.
Most nappers report the best results by engaging in sex just before the nap.

DW read this thread -- Thank You Nords!
How about a couple of glasses of wine with your lunch? I have a glass or 2 at night and it relaxes me big time. Of course naps are natural for me after a round of golf. :)

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