New Variant Vaccine

Why wait a month for Moderna??! My previous vaccines were all Moderna and I got the Pfizer booster on Sunday, along with the flu shot (1 in each arm). Made appt in 1 day from searching and shots took 5 min, no waiting.

I agree with you. We'll see what the next couple of weeks bring. If supplies come in, fine, if not, I'll go with the Pfizer. We're not traveling soon nor have any other high risk activities coming up so I feel comfortable waiting for a little while.
I just got my moderna bivalent shot this afternoon. It will be the 5th moderna shot. The pharmacy where we get our injections has been waiting for a shipment as we check every couple of days. It just turned out that their shipment had arrived so I got the shot and phone my wife to come down for hers as well. Since we will be taking our first vacation in 3 years (driving to the mountains for a fall festval) and will be around a crowd of people outdoors we thought now is a good time. We will still be wearing our masks and looking for places to eat that have outside tables. So far we've remain covid-free and intend to do what we can to remain that way. We have no interest in living the rest of the time we have left with any more medical issues than necessary.

I'm definitely experiencing a large red rash/bump in the injection area. It seems to be a Moderna side effect. I'm also experiencing insomnia. That's rare for me. The nurse said just make sure there are no red lines coming from the injection site that indicates infection.

Last 2 nights I was wide awake, not worried about anything. Felt like I had a big cup of coffee.
I'm definitely experiencing a large red rash/bump in the injection area. It seems to be a Moderna side effect. I'm also experiencing insomnia. That's rare for me. The nurse said just make sure there are no red lines coming from the injection site that indicates infection.

Last 2 nights I was wide awake, not worried about anything. Felt like I had a big cup of coffee.

Sometimes I swear that they sanitize an area different than where the needle goes in. It felt like that happened this shot. But I had zero redness.

It can be a crap shoot. I donate blood products every two weeks and despite watching them all do a proper job of sanitizing my arm, each donation heals differently with regard to skin redness around the puncture site.
DH and I followed up today and got an appt for early next week with a pharmacy for the Moderna booster. DH first tried with our clinic but they only had availability in SF and we didn't want to drive that far. Said Moderna was having from supply issues, but in our area, most of the unavailability was the much stronger demand for Moderna rather than Pfizer.
Appointment Monday, Pfizer.
Waiting for our county health dept to get Moderna bivalent. DW says she’s passing on this round, so we’ll see what happens.
We're scheduled for Flu and Pfizer Covid on the 2nd of October. I'm recovering from cataract surgery yesterday and I wanted to make sure any side effects didn't overlap. Next eye will be done late October.
Sometimes I swear that they sanitize an area different than where the needle goes in. It felt like that happened this shot. But I had zero redness.

It can be a crap shoot. I donate blood products every two weeks and despite watching them all do a proper job of sanitizing my arm, each donation heals differently with regard to skin redness around the puncture site.

I asked a doctor once about this. "Why do you have to rub the injection site with alcohol? When I take my cat or dog into the veterinarian for a vaccination, they plunge the needle right through the fur and never use alcohol. I've never had a pet get an infection at the injection site." The doctor replied, "Cats and dogs don't have lawyers."
I think it's interesting that so many people have to wait so long for appointments. When I went in to my neighborhood Kroger pharmacy to ask about a Covid shot a couple of weeks ago, I was told it was appointment only and it had to be made online.

So I went home and found appointments available starting in half an hour. Got back in the car and returned to get the shot. All my qualifying information was entered when I made the online appointment so they just gave me the jab without any fuss. I presume that's the reason they don't make appointments in person.
We have our appointments for 6 days time (30th). Don’t know if it will be the Pfizer or the Moderna bivalent. Our 3rd and 4th shots were Pfizer and Moderna so we don’t really care which one we get for number 5.

Flu shot scheduled a couple of weeks later
We're scheduled for Flu and Pfizer Covid on the 2nd of October. I'm recovering from cataract surgery yesterday and I wanted to make sure any side effects didn't overlap. Next eye will be done late October.

I just found out I need cataract surgery. It sounds pretty simple, no anesthesia, and all better in a few days. Is that true or is the doc just trying to make me feel better about it? She said they can put lenses in that cure near and far sightedness. I kind of like my glasses.
Since this is the COVID forum, you will probably get more of a response if you post in the Health forum. There are many threads about cataract surgery there.
Since this is the COVID forum, you will probably get more of a response if you post in the Health forum. There are many threads about cataract surgery there.

Thanks, I found a great cataract surgery thread from 2021.
I just found out I need cataract surgery. It sounds pretty simple, no anesthesia, and all better in a few days. Is that true or is the doc just trying to make me feel better about it? She said they can put lenses in that cure near and far sightedness. I kind of like my glasses.
I don't want to highjack this thread and will watch to see if you post in a cataract thread. But briefly, it's a pretty easy procedure but you likely will have some sedation. There are a number of options for the implanted lens and each has pluses and minuses. I'm three days post surgery and doctor says the eye is doing well (had a followup exam 24 hours after the surgery.) I have to wear a plastic eye cup over the eye for a week when sleeping and drops have to go in three times a day for three weeks. I also have a disorder of the cornea called kerataconus but it is a relatively mild case and stable so little if any impact on the cataract surgery.
My wife and I got our Pfizer Bivalent vaccine this afternoon. The pharmacies around here are doing them again rather than the GP clinics. I think they are better set up for the cold chain requirements than the GP clinics.

Our Flu jabs are being done at the GP and we have those booked for 10 days time. Apparently, a common side effect for this year's flu vaccine is a headache so we plan on taking tylenol immediately before or after getting the jab.
We had our flu vaccine on Monday--no side effects except injection site tenderness.
Have appt for Covid booster tomorrow.
I got covid shot #5, covid+covid+booster+over50booster, now bivalent booster on Wednesday afternoon. I also got a Fluzone Quadrivalent flu shot at the same time Thursday late morning I started feeling really nauseus while working from home. A couple hours later I had a headache and was super tired and had to nap. By evening I had a fever over 101 and had vomited a couple of times!

After some research it seemed like my symptoms were probably caused by the flu vaccine. I was very close to going to urgent care. We decided to wait overnight. I has a good night and felt better in the morning and no fever.

I have not had a flu vaccine in about 10 years because each time I did I would have flu symptoms. In those 10 years I have not had flu that I noticed

I think I'm done with the flu vaccine
Got an appointment at Walgreens for this year's flu shot. I think this is 22 years in a row of taking the flu vaccine. They asked about a Covid booster, but I declined. I am really on the fence about skipping this round of bivalent Covid booster, for 2 reasons. I had a mild case of Covid (three positive tests), back in May. I also had pretty bad systemic effects from my second shot and also booster (Moderna), that were subjectively worse than my actual case of Covid. I imagine that the vaccinations played a big part in the mildness of my first actual Covid bout, but I'm wondering if I might be better off going with my natural immunity going forward. I really don't want to spend another whole night in the shower under hot water because I'm shivering uncontrollably, which was my experience with the original Moderna jabs.
Flu shot every year for the last 50 with just four years missed, long ago. Never any reaction at all beyond slight soreness at the site the same evening.

No reaction to any of my Covid shots either, so I have great sympathy for those who suffer.

But maybe my pain receptors are just deficient in some ways. I've never had a headache in my life, which I think is unusual.
I got covid shot #5, covid+covid+booster+over50booster, now bivalent booster on Wednesday afternoon. I also got a Fluzone Quadrivalent flu shot at the same time Thursday late morning I started feeling really nauseus while working from home. A couple hours later I had a headache and was super tired and had to nap. By evening I had a fever over 101 and had vomited a couple of times!

After some research it seemed like my symptoms were probably caused by the flu vaccine. I was very close to going to urgent care. We decided to wait overnight. I has a good night and felt better in the morning and no fever.

I have not had a flu vaccine in about 10 years because each time I did I would have flu symptoms. In those 10 years I have not had flu that I noticed

I think I'm done with the flu vaccine

Did the same two weeks ago. Got the Pfizer bivalent and the Fluzone high dose. Very minimal discomfort in the Pfizer arm but the flu arm felt like somebody hammered a nail into my bone.

Woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick and feverish but by noon the next day (24hr post shots), the feeling was gone.
We got the Pfizer booster a week ago. Stepdad (91), and I (65) had a sore arm. Mom (95) felt really tired about 4 hours after getting the shot and had to be put to bed early. She complained about aching, especially where she had had her hip replacement. The next day she was OK but still had a sore arm like us.

In my area there seems to be a lot of covid going around that is not talked about much. In the past week, my parish priest, my former boss, 12 out of 14 people riding on a senior bus outing and 4 of my friend's cousin's coworkers tested positive. And that is just what I hear with a very limited circle of contact.

If it were just me, I would probably skip the vaccine and just take my chances. But with my parents in the mix (caring for my mother at home and stepdad half the time) I decided to get it. I also still wear an N95 mask everywhere I go even though it makes me look a bit foolish.
We got the Moderna bivalent last week, while we were in for fluzone shots. I had a sore arm one night, DW didn't feel very good next day, but both fine thereafter. Seems like free protection against Covid since some people choose to not protect themselves or others, why not? If you disagree, I am totally fine with that.
got the Pfizer bivalent yesterday. No side effects except tenderness to touch at the injection site today (I know, don't touch it!:))
High dose flu vaccine last week, no side effects, barely a sore arm.
We got the Bivalent Pfizer on Thursday, sore arm for 2 days for me, 1 day for DW.

Flu shot scheduled on the 10th.

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