Post Vaccination Behavior

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Shortly after his NHS app alert went off on Saturday warning him he'd been in contact with Covid I walked over and left an infrared thermometer (point and shoot) and an oximeter in his porch, then talked him through how to use them while looking through his window and talking on the phone.

Since he feels hot but has a normal temperature he is doubting the accuracy of the point and shoot thermometer so this morning after we took over some supplies I also left a much older digital thermometer. He was in bed so later in the day I texted him to let him know about the thermometer and told him that he needed to press the button until it beeped then stick it up his a$$ until it beeps again. (Hey, it is April 1st)

I waited for a few seconds then texted him to say that under his tongue or in his armpit also works, and he replied that he was so out of it he would have followed my instructions.

No fever or loss of taste or smell but vomiting and a bad cough are his symptoms at present.
Alan, best wishes for a quick recovery for your son.

I have to admit, though, that I was laughing out loud from your last post. Hate to laugh at something potentially serious! But you got me.
Vaccine / negative test required

SF Giants will have spectators at the games BUT verification of vaccines (card) or negative PCR test required 72 hrs before attending. Will others follow suit?
Hope you remain uninfected amd your son recover soon.

I've had both shots. I found a gift card for a free pizza at the local pizza pub - eat in only - that was due to expire so a friend and I met for pizza and beer. First time back where we used to go 2x a week. Great to see alot of the neighbors.
DGF just got her 2nd shot today and has already been texting about hitting the oyster bar. Have to talk her down into waiting another week at least.
Pfizer Vaccine - Six Month Immunity?

I'm reading today that Pfizer says their vaccine only lasts six monhts - that doesn't seem like a long time, but does that mean those that were immunized in Jan will have to sign back up for another vaccine in July? Perhaps it's too early to reach conclusions, but would think they would guide the public to wait until winter before signing up for next vaccination.
I'm reading today that Pfizer says their vaccine only lasts six monhts - that doesn't seem like a long time, but does that mean those that were immunized in Jan will have to sign back up for another vaccine in July? Perhaps it's too early to reach conclusions, but would think they would guide the public to wait until winter before signing up for next vaccination.
You misread what Pfizer reported.

The latest results from the Pfizer/BioNTech Phase 3 clinical trial are very encouraging, with the vaccine providing good protection against infection for at least 6 months following the 2nd dose, including protection against the South Africa variant:

"The vaccine remains more than 91% effective against disease with any symptoms for six months, the companies said. And it appeared to be fully effective against the worrying B.1.351 variant of the virus, which is the dominant strain circulating in South Africa and which researchers feared had evolved to evade the protection of vaccines, the companies said."

"The vaccine was 100% effective against severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 95.3% effective against severe COVID-19 as defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)," Pfizer and BioNTech said in a joint statement."
I'm reading today that Pfizer says their vaccine only lasts six monhts - that doesn't seem like a long time, but does that mean those that were immunized in Jan will have to sign back up for another vaccine in July? Perhaps it's too early to reach conclusions, but would think they would guide the public to wait until winter before signing up for next vaccination.

I think you may have misunderstood the latest reports. Pfizer is saying that now that it's been six months since the first doses were administered, they can confirm that the vaccine is effective for at least that long. This is not saying it will be ineffective after six months, just that they can't know until more time has passed.
"lasts at least" vs. "lasts only".

What's a word or two among friends? :)
I'm reading today that Pfizer says their vaccine only lasts six monhts - that doesn't seem like a long time, but does that mean those that were immunized in Jan will have to sign back up for another vaccine in July? Perhaps it's too early to reach conclusions, but would think they would guide the public to wait until winter before signing up for next vaccination.

You didn’t read that correctly. The news is that it is still going strong at six months.
You didn’t read that correctly. The news is that it is still going strong at six months.

Keep watching the data coming out of Israel.

They have an excellent medical information system and are a few months ahead of anybody else when it comes to vaccinating people. So far, it's looking very good for Pfizer and Moderna's version 1.0 of the vaccine. The Doom and Gloom crowd may be eating crow soon. I hope they are not vegans. :)
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Alan, I hope he makes a quick and full recovery. You are great parents.

Thank you.

I just asked him if I could have his Easter eggs now that he is too sick to eat :)
Keep watching the data coming out of Israel.

They have an excellent medical information system and are a few months ahead of anybody else when it comes to vaccinating people. So far, it's looking very good for Pfizer and Moderna's version 1.0 of the vaccine. The Doom and Gloom crowd may be eating crow soon. I hope they are not vegans. :)
I expect to hear even longer times for effectiveness as we go forward.

I think the Doom and Gloom crowd get at least one last hurrah because we aren't vaccinating everybody fast enough to avert a 4th surge IMO, and everything is opening up like crazy.

Both can happen. We can get a bunch more people vaccinated and protected as we move through April. But that still won't be enough to protect the unvaccinated folks who blow off basic precautions. And there are still way too many unvaccinated folks. If the B117 variant wasn't already rampant in the US and school age kids very vulnerable to it, I would think differently about the near term. Remember that Israel went through another lockdown to combat B117. The US is doing the opposite.
I just asked him if I could have his Easter eggs now that he is too sick to eat :)

Now I feel guilty. :(

He followed the online NHS guidance on treating Covid at home and with his not being able to keep anything down he was told to call the NHS helpline who have now ordered an ambulance to take him into hospital later this evening.

How things can change so quickly....
Now I feel guilty. :(

He followed the online NHS guidance on treating Covid at home and with his not being able to keep anything down he was told to call the NHS helpline who have now ordered an ambulance to take him into hospital later this evening.

How things can change so quickly....

Praying for a good outcome for your son.
Hoping for a good outcome; that's really rough. They should have enough experience in treating it by now, so at least that's a strong ray of hope.
Now I feel guilty. :(

He followed the online NHS guidance on treating Covid at home and with his not being able to keep anything down he was told to call the NHS helpline who have now ordered an ambulance to take him into hospital later this evening.

How things can change so quickly....

Do you think perhaps they are erring on the side of caution? If he can't keep any food down he may also be dehydrated, and I imagine they would want to jump on that quickly. Fingers crossed he has a very short hospital stay and is soon home and feeling much better.
I absolutely think it is the proper response for reasons outlined. There is no reason to let someone get sick enough due to dehydration.
I also know they want him back out of there ASAP, so they will get him patched up and taking care of himself quickly.
Oh no Alan!!! So hope he improves quickly. I'm glad they are watching him closely, though, and I am sure he is in very capable hands. :flowers:
Hope you remain uninfected amd your son recover soon.

I've had both shots. I found a gift card for a free pizza at the local pizza pub - eat in only - that was due to expire so a friend and I met for pizza and beer. First time back where we used to go 2x a week. Great to see alot of the neighbors.
DGF just got her 2nd shot today and has already been texting about hitting the oyster bar. Have to talk her down into waiting another week at least.

Gravity, what a difference two hours (and an international border make). We are just up the highway from you in Ontario, and today we have re-entered another 4 week province wide lockdown. All indoor dining closed, outdoor gatherings limited to 5 people. Well at least we had 6 weeks of lesser restrictions in March and February. The irony, is that our Health Region has done a great job and we have consistently seen less than 10 new cases per day (in spite of being a University town) and only 1 death since the pandemic began last March. However, the province is being very cautious and trying to avoid having people from areas with high case loads like Toronto and Montreal going to "safer" regions like ours and spreading the virus wider. So we get painted with the same brush and a province wide lockdown is the result. The other irony is that DW and I and our parents have all received our first jabs so have some protection, but these new rules apply to all.

It could be worse - DD and SIL have essentially been in some form of mandated lockdown since Christmas.
Both can happen. We can get a bunch more people vaccinated and protected as we move through April. But that still won't be enough to protect the unvaccinated folks who blow off basic precautions. And there are still way too many unvaccinated folks. If the B117 variant wasn't already rampant in the US and school age kids very vulnerable to it, I would think differently about the near term. Remember that Israel went through another lockdown to combat B117. The US is doing the opposite.

Well, Nobody ever said our political leaders were perfect. :D
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Now I feel guilty. :(

He followed the online NHS guidance on treating Covid at home and with his not being able to keep anything down he was told to call the NHS helpline who have now ordered an ambulance to take him into hospital later this evening.

How things can change so quickly....

Oh man! Wishing for the best for your son!
Talked to him this morning, he had a good checkup and has been told that he is in good shape and has a mild case of Covid. He is home with instructions on how to look after himself. My sister is doing a supplies and medications run for him this morning. He said they were very reassuring and he feels much more positive. By the time he called us at 8:20 he had already received a call from the NHS who will be calling daily from this point on to check on his progress.
Alan, hope your son starts feeling improvement soon.

Also glad to hear the NHS had him come in to check. I'm not sure about the UK, but in the US, it was a real mess at the start of the pandemic. We were all told to not call a doctor unless we couldn't breathe. Of course, in retrospect, this was terrible advice. It was just a reaction to the crisis at the time. We've come a long way since then.
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