Protesting against Freedom - Rally against Gay marriage.............



A plethora of folks turned out today at the Minnesota State Capital demanding that a ban against gay marriage be amended to the State Constitution.

With the Country at war and people dying every day, with the nation over 9 Trillion dollars in debt, these people took time out of their daily lives to lobby for this 'very important' amendment to the state constitution.

When our country was founded over 200 years ago based on the major tenant of Freedom of Religion, you can understand what kind of people drove them over a thousand miles of Ocean to find a new land.

Why do they care so much about limiting others freedoms and beliefs? :confused:

What part of Freedom don't they understand? :confused:

Do they even think about these things? :confused:
Legalised gay marriages a few years ago, then again, we abolished slavery a few years before the States as well.

The State has no business in the bedrooms of the Nation ...... Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
Perhaps they should outlaw straight marriage. What's the divorce rate now, over 50%? Outlawing straight marriage could free up the courts and save a lot of grief for people trying to split common property.

(I should know better than to participate in this thread...<sigh>)

I said something about gay marriage to a coworker, and he said something to the effect that you had to draw the line somewhere or people would be marrying horses. If people can't understand the difference between marrying a horse and marrying another independent adult human then perhaps we should just forget marriage altogether.
This issue makes my blood boil. Stay out of other people's bedrooms and pay more attention to your own.
as someone once said: "don't quote leviticus to me unless you've recently sacrificed a goat."

just today, my sister-in-law finally told their youngest (age 10) that i'm gay.  before my sil couldn't understand why i might be upset that they hid my orientation from their kids while they flaunted their own.

seems the kid has been trying to marry me off everytime he sees me lately. last time he was instructing me on how to pick up a chick. turns out, he only wanted some first cousins to play with. sil told him maybe i'll meet a nice guy and we'll adopt first cousins for him.

sil was never stunned that she kept me in hiding for 10 years, but now she's stunned to learn that it is illegal for me to adopt children in the great state of florida. that if the parents should die, the state would not allow me to adopt my niece & nephews to raise here as my own.

intolerance starts at home. from there it manifests to simple button pushing all families know & enjoy to an over-abundance of teenage suicide which only thumpers seem to enjoy, to gay bashing which many teenagers enjoy, to gay murders which seem to be almost as acceptable as blowing up abortion clinics.

it's quite something going thru life in a world that hates you. they hate us so much that all they have to do is yell gay marriage during election time and you'd be surprised who they can get elected.
I'd feel sorry for the horse...

Karl Rove and his cabal of operatives are clever, like CT said, if the real issues aren't in your favor, make up some that you can win on. Heck, I'm a Christian, but how two guys or gals getting married weakens my relationship with my wife, I haven't figured out yet. This is why I'll stay in California, I have no use for intolerance. The cantor at my wedding is gay, one of my wife's closest friends growning up. He sat with my family at the receptioin. In flyover country, there woulda been a hangin'.
Yep, lets focus on who marries who, guns, and abortion. As far as properly running the country, being honest and respectable, doing the right thing for the people, wisely spending our money? Naaahhhhhhhhh.
Cute 'n' Fuzzy Bunny said:
Yep, lets focus on who marries who, guns, and abortion.  As far as properly running the country, being honest and respectable, doing the right thing for the people, wisely spending our money?  Naaahhhhhhhhh.

Did you notice that as people finally had enough of the Iraq debacle and Bush's ratings went into the toilet the gay marriage and abortion issues came back to the forefront?

It is so transparent, but all they have to do is stir the pot and the crazies come out.
who said, "in democracy, people get the government they deserve." ? The politicians may be the whores, but the people are the "Johns". :-\
Laurence said:
Heck, I'm a Christian, but how two guys or gals getting married weakens my relationship with my wife, I haven't figured out yet. ... the cantor at my wedding is gay, one of my wife's closest friends growning up. He sat with my family at the receptioin.

Whoa - covered a lot of ground right there. Cool!! Sorry I missed the wedding :D

Obviously you all judge people as people. Bravo.
Laurence said:
who said, "in democracy, people get the government they deserve." ?

HL Mencken said that. The rest of the quote is something like "...and they should get it good and hard".

People are busy with their everyday lives. You need to push a button in them that makes them get off the couch and vote. Or you need a great tv commercial that touches them or makes the "other guy" look really bad.

Thats about it. Good marketing and a hot button issue or two.

How you can say that who marries who is a bigger issue than collossal failure at the executive level is beyond me, but for a bunch of people, apparently it is.
Cute 'n' Fuzzy Bunny said:
...and what if someone DID want to marry a horse?
Whose frickin business would THAT be?
Well, that depends. Would the horse someday be eligible for Social Security & Medicare from its spouse's work credits?

Oh, wait, I guess it depends on whether or not the horse is a U.S. citizen...
yep, if the horse is a US citizen and has a valid bank account and can cash or deposit the bet.

I think these things all have a way of sorting themselves out. ;)
I never got why the government is even involved in marriage at all. If two people want to live together or not is their own business. Kids, likewise. Although I think both parents should be equally responsible for their kids. That's not the same as making marriage a government institution, though.


Edit: for people read "consenting adults"
Was it Leno who said, "I've got nothing against same sex marriage. I think gay people have as much right to be miserable as the rest of us."
I never got why the government is even involved in marriage at all.

I don't think that the government should be in the business of defining marriage at all. But if it does, it d*mn well better not discriminate about it.

Voting to institutionalize prejudice is such an abhorrent act. It may be time for some boycotts against states that choose such a course of action.
Whoa people, you are starting to sound like Canadians, can't have that, next thing you know you will be demanding that you bring back your children from Foreign Lands and demanding Universal Health Care and Gun Control.

Where is Charlton Heston when we need Him?
You buncha misguided liberals. I don't care what any of you say, I'm against that horse marriage stuff. That's not right. Think of the children. :) :D :D :D :)
I would be concerned about the horse's ability to consent.

Though I did read about the case in Sudan where a guy was forced to marry a goat. So maybe these societies are less backward than we make them out to be?  ;)  ;)

This is just par for the course for a group (far-right Republicans) that only seem to know how to rule through fear. Get people's undies in a twist over something sex-related, pop open a cold one and sit back and watch the fireworks.

I'm tremendously disturbed over the HPV vaccine backlash.. just goes to show how the "pro-life" contingent is profoundly ANTI-life when it comes down to it. They just love them some divine punishment..

B.Globe op-ed

If there's ever an AIDS vaccine they won't want anyone to have that, either.

My attitude on the whole thing is that whatever two (or more) consenting adults do is their own business. As long as nobody ends up dead or permanently hurt (some people get into pain), and as long as it doesn't involve minors (not old enough to make a decision for themselves) or animals (CAN'T make a decision for themselves) then who gives a rat's ass?

I have a coworker who's one of those holier-than-thou types and is always carrying on about how Christians are persecuted. Well, the reason that she gets "persecuted" is because she feels that she can say ANYTHING that's on her mind and nobody can disagree with it. If they do, they're persecuting her! And then she goes on to say how this country was founded on Christianity. She gets really pissed when I tell her no, it was founded on "Freedom of Religion", which also means "Freedom FROM Religion!"

I got her real good the other day when she was carrying on about how the Patriot Act was a good thing, and that if people are losing their rights for the good of the country, that's okay. I told her there's an old saying along the lines of people who give up freedom for protection deserve neither.

She just looked at me like I was an idiot and asked, perplexed "Who said that?"

"Oh, I don't know", I replied. "I think it was Thomas Jefferson!"

If there truly is a God in Heaven, then a gay couple will move in upstairs from her, two of the butchest lesbians on earth will move in next door, and a few transexuals will move in across the street! :D
Ok I hate to jump into anything political :mad: but has anyone heard of the conspiracy theories as to why the govt wants to prevent same sex marriages?

It has something to do with how the big corporations and govt will collect more money - no married couple benefits - if they can prevent same sex marriages.

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