Road Rage Uptick

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But if someone is tailgating you, you should slow down.

Maybe. If you're going slower than everyone else you should move over and stop blocking traffic. Slowing down even more only makes it worse.

If you find that you're always going slower than everyone else, then you might be the problem.
That's my view. If you are in the left lane and there is open road ahead and cars tailgating you, then you should move over to the right lane. You are not a state trooper and it is not your duty to force others to drive the speed limit.
Lately I've seen many people driving 20 mph over the speed limit, when the road is not empty. And they weave a lot. I was unnerved by a true tailgater while in the left lane on a four lane highway, when I was going 10mph over the speed limit, which is typical around here. The right lane was full of trucks and I was near a major trucking highway service center, so I try to stay in the left lane around those onramps because there are usually more trucks getting on the highway. I slowed slightly to maintain a greater distance from the car in front of me, and got into the right lane when I could. Several cars then passed on the left doing over 75 in a 55 zone. This particular highway is always under construction because of the insane amount of truck traffic.

When someone is tailgating you and you cannot get out of their way, you must maintain a longer distance from the car in front of you for your own safety. That frequently involves slowing down slightly.

I am not the one causing a problem by "blocking traffic" if I am increasing my caution to accommodate the unsafe driving of others. It is their speeding and weaving and tailgating that is the real problem.

On a two lane road, if I am being tailgated, I try to pull over to let them by, but sometimes that is difficult. I also pull over if 5 cars or more are behind me. If they want to go way over the speed limit on a country road where there are deer and other animals, let them, just as long as they are not behind me.
Maybe. If you're going slower than everyone else you should move over and stop blocking traffic. Slowing down even more only makes it worse.

If you find that you're always going slower than everyone else, then you might be the problem.

Actually, pretty much anytime I'm being tailgated, I'm going at least the speed limit if not faster. But I slow down when tailgated and slow down even more if it's continued and will flash the brake lights. :LOL:

Note: I never said I was in the passing lane or that I was driving slower than anyone else. Those are false assumptions.

One a two lane road, I'm not about to pull over to let a tailgater pass me when I was driving the speed limit. I'll just slow down as you're supposed to for safety reasons.
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... But I slow down when tailgated and slow down even more if it's continued and will flash the brake lights. :LOL:...
Brake checking people can get you killed. We'd like you to stick around, so please be careful.
Actually, pretty much anytime I'm being tailgated, I'm going at least the speed limit if not faster. But I slow down when tailgated and slow down even more if it's continued and will flash the brake lights. :LOL:

That last thing you should ever do if someone tailgates you is speed up so good for you for slowing down. I would not hit the brakes though, I would just let off the gas and coast down a few mph.
Maybe. If you're going slower than everyone else you should move over and stop blocking traffic. Slowing down even more only makes it worse.

If you find that you're always going slower than everyone else, then you might be the problem.

Most streets I drive, there is no place to pull over. All the lanes are full. Should the offending tail-gater get around me, he would simply tail gate the person that was a few yard in front of me. I try to drive with traffic. BUT, I refuse to accelerate TOWARD a red light. If that irritates someone - it's on them.
I have pulled into businesses in order to get away from the person on my axx.

I think those of us with conventional cars have it bad. These huge vehicles that see over us try to make judgements for us. It adds to the rage.

My recently acquired mini-van sits about half-way between a sedan and SUV. I have to admit I've gotten used to it and like the feeling. I also have gotten used to the extra 1,600 pounds*. I can feel it. Seems like I can just use that heft to push someone out of my way, if necessary. Weird. I think I understand the intoxication that has occurred with our vehicle mix now. We're all losing our minds out there.


* - Weights for consideration if you care
2011 Honda Odyssey: 6,020
2010 Subaru Legacy: 4,430
1980 Chevy Malibu: 3,120
2023 Chevy Suburban: 7,500

2010s minivan nearly 2x in weight of a 1980 typical sedan. Modern SUV well over two times the weight.
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One of the things I do when being tailgated in the right lane when there is an open left lane is to deliberately weave just slightly and randomly tap my brake lights (not actually braking). Acting like a drunk/distracted driver gets people to avoid you.
If someone seems to be determined to chase you down, drive to a police station. 30 years ago I was first in line at a stoplight. When the light turned green, I drove normally but the lady behind me decided I wasn’t going fast enough for her. She pulled beside me and rolled down the window and started yelling. I just kept driving. I then made random turns and realized she was following me. So I drove to our local police station, got out of the car and ran inside. She blocked my car in the parking lot. She took off when I came out with a police officer.

Another time I was on highway 1 going north through the devil’s slide area, into Pacifica then SF. It was nighttime. Someone tailgated me all through the area, obviously pestering me. At a stoplight, I was able to safely but abruptly change lanes to a right turn lane where they couldn’t follow. I turned into a hilly neighborhood I knew well, made a couple of turns, parked, turned off the lights, and ducked.

Fortunately they dropped the chase. After a few minutes I resumed my journey.

It’s pretty scary when someone chases you in a car and you have no idea why.
If someone seems to be determined to chase you down, drive to a police station. 30 years ago I was first in line at a stoplight. When the light turned green, I drove normally but the lady behind me decided I wasn’t going fast enough for her. She pulled beside me and rolled down the window and started yelling. I just kept driving. I then made random turns and realized she was following me. So I drove to our local police station, got out of the car and ran inside. She blocked my car in the parking lot. She took off when I came out with a police officer.

Another time I was on highway 1 going north through the devil’s slide area, into Pacifica then SF. It was nighttime. Someone tailgated me all through the area, obviously pestering me. At a stoplight, I was able to safely but abruptly change lanes to a right turn lane where they couldn’t follow. I turned into a hilly neighborhood I knew well, made a couple of turns, parked, turned off the lights, and ducked.

Fortunately they dropped the chase. After a few minutes I resumed my journey.

It’s pretty scary when someone chases you in a car and you have no idea why.

DW got followed home one night by a road rager. She called me so I met her in the parking lot. The lady following DW had gotten out and was screaming at DW. I had a 3 foot two-by-four in my hands when I came out. The lady quickly got back in her car and screeched away. Go figure.
DW got followed home one night by a road rager. She called me so I met her in the parking lot. The lady following DW had gotten out and was screaming at DW. I had a 3 foot two-by-four in my hands when I came out. The lady quickly got back in her car and screeched away. Go figure.
Recommend driving to a police or fire station and lay on your horn on the mainland. Someone that follows you for an argument is one step away from following you with a weapon.

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Actually, pretty much anytime I'm being tailgated, I'm going at least the speed limit if not faster. But I slow down when tailgated and slow down even more if it's continued and will flash the brake lights. :LOL:

Note: I never said I was in the passing lane or that I was driving slower than anyone else. Those are false assumptions.

One a two lane road, I'm not about to pull over to let a tailgater pass me when I was driving the speed limit. I'll just slow down as you're supposed to for safety reasons.

I used to do this too when I was in the right or center lane, driving 5-10 over speed limit and still harassed by extra-aggressive tailgaters. But I don't try to "teach anyone a lesson" or risk annoying them these days.

My state has minimal gun laws. Many mentally unstable people with anger issues keep loaded guns in their cars. Doing the above can easily get you killed. I read about people getting hurt or killed by vengeful drivers constantly.
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We had someone tailgating us a few months back but we were in the back of a line of about 5 cars with a double line no passing lane.

The guy just roars past on the shoulder, all 5 cars, half his wheels are in the dirt.

Is it wrong to sort of wish he had ended up in the ditch?
I slow down when tailgated and slow down even more if it's continued and will flash the brake lights. :LOL:

Why would you do that?

Does preventing someone from attending to an emergency somehow make you feel better about yourself?

If all drivers followed the rule of not doing anything to make another driver change velocity or direction, there would be no accidents.

If all drivers not passing anyone would get out of the left lane, there would be much fewer road rage incidents.
We had someone tailgating us a few months back but we were in the back of a line of about 5 cars with a double line no passing lane.

The guy just roars past on the shoulder, all 5 cars, half his wheels are in the dirt.

Is it wrong to sort of wish he had ended up in the ditch?

About 25 years ago, as I was driving to work early one morning, there was a slower cluster of cars on the parkway - probably ten deep in both lanes. Some guy in a giant pickup got impatient and roared up on the minimal right shoulder to get around the clog. Sadly for him, the lead car in the right lane, and the reason for the slowdown, was a state trooper. At least truck guy gave up and pulled onto the grass right away when the trooper lit up.
We had someone tailgating us a few months back but we were in the back of a line of about 5 cars with a double line no passing lane.

The guy just roars past on the shoulder, all 5 cars, half his wheels are in the dirt.

Is it wrong to sort of wish he had ended up in the ditch?

The ditch? I would be hoping he ends up in the morgue. Just as long as he doesn't take a good person with him.
The ditch? I would be hoping he ends up in the morgue. Just as long as he doesn't take a good person with him.

Wishing someone dead is a little extreme.

I think bad drivers should lose their license and be forced to undergo a driver training course, and then be put on probation.

This includes both tailgaters and those who block traffic flow, as well as those who drive dangerously.
Brake checking people can get you killed. We'd like you to stick around, so please be careful.

That last thing you should ever do if someone tailgates you is speed up so good for you for slowing down. I would not hit the brakes though, I would just let off the gas and coast down a few mph.
I just tap the brakes so the lights flash to get attention, not actually doing any sudden heavy braking action. The slowing is really just from the coasting by letting off the gas.
I just tap the brakes so the lights flash to get attention, not actually doing any sudden heavy braking action. The slowing is really just from the coasting by letting off the gas.

Again, why?

Are you looking to incite road rage?

Do you feel it's your duty to control traffic speed?

I see people do this and never get the chance to ask them what they're trying to please let us know!
Again, why?

Are you looking to incite road rage?

Do you feel it's your duty to control traffic speed?

I see people do this and never get the chance to ask them what they're trying to please let us know!

Negative reinforcement. Let the tailgater know that doing so will not result in anything favorable for them. You ride my bumper I will slow down. Don't like it, get off my bumper. Tailgating is probably the most dangerous behavior out on the roads and needs to be stopped by any means necessary.
You ride my bumper I will slow down.

I've seen many cars with a bumper sticker that says "The closer you get the slower I go."

Personally, I think that's a bad idea and asking for trouble, so I wouldn't do that. I won't speed up unless I'm going slower than most, but deliberately slowing down seems just as dangerous.
I've seen many cars with a bumper sticker that says "The closer you get the slower I go."

Personally, I think that's a bad idea and asking for trouble, so I wouldn't do that. I won't speed up unless I'm going slower than most, but deliberately slowing down seems just as dangerous.
And it reeks of arrogance. Self-appointed traffic cops are some of the worst drivers on the road.
Negative reinforcement. Let the tailgater know that doing so will not result in anything favorable for them. You ride my bumper I will slow down. Don't like it, get off my bumper. Tailgating is probably the most dangerous behavior out on the roads and needs to be stopped by any means necessary.

Might not result in anything favorable for you either.

A trooper friend recently told me that in some areas, potential gang members will tailgate, sit at a green light or drive with their lights off etc in order to get you to react. When you do they shoot you as part of an initiation rite.

I used to be pretty proactive, but now between that and so many screwballs running around, I just let it go.

As we've seen in the news last week, just accidently driving up the wrong driveway can prove fatal. Beep at someone running a red light and YOU get the finger!
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I try to distinguish between drivers doing things that bother me vs driving in a way that puts me at risk. When bothered, just ignore - or at least try. It’s not my role to enforce traffic laws. When the other driver is dangerous, I get out of the way, and if I can’t, try to minimize the risk. I avoid provoking other drivers, though, because there’s no upside and plenty can go wrong and end badly.

Since retiring, I drive more slowly and carefully, especially on the highways, One of the pleasures of retirement is not having to deal with rush hour traffic. That’s when drivers suffer “peak traffic stress”, especially Monday mornings and Friday afternoons, and are prone to reckless driving and confrontation. Even walking has dangers, lots of drivers drive through lights and stops when there is no cross traffic.
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