Santa Belief

What's the deal with Santa?

  • You screwed up.

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • Nah, nobody has ever really believed.

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 16, 2006
Our 4-year-old was telling me what she wanted for xmas. So, I tell her to put it in a letter to Santa.

"What do I say?" Tell him if you've been good or bad, and what you want for xmas.

"Iv ben good. Red Powr Rangr Helmt." "What else?" Erhm, tell him how to get to the house.

"Bloo hous bie wadr." "Wait, what if he sees other blue houses by the water?" Erhm, give him our address.

"Good idea. Wait, how will he see our address? He'll be in a sled. Pulled by reindeer or something, right? Is Santa real?" If you believe, he'll bring you a present.

"So, if he's not real, we'll just buy something at a store, right? Cool!"

Did I screw up? Aren't kids supposed to believe in Santa at this age? Does your kid? Did you?
Our 4-year-old was telling me what she wanted for xmas. So, I tell her to put it in a letter to Santa.

"What do I say?" Tell him if you've been good or bad, and what you want for xmas.

"Iv ben good. Red Powr Rangr Helmt." "What else?" Erhm, tell him how to get to the house.

"Bloo hous bie wadr." "Wait, what if he sees other blue houses by the water?" Erhm, give him our address.

"Good idea. Wait, how will he see our address? He'll be in a sled. Pulled by reindeer or something, right? Is Santa real?" If you believe, he'll bring you a present.

"So, if he's not real, we'll just buy something at a store, right? Cool!"

Did I screw up? Aren't kids supposed to believe in Santa at this age? Does your kid? Did you?

I believed, and so did my kids. As to did you screw up, I don't know. I know that I enjoyed believing, and I enjoyed having my kids believe. Some people believe that kids should immediately be busted of any belief in Santa. However, If I ever go around again I hope I will believe once more.

I didn't vote because it is what it is. You didn't screw up and I still believe in Santa...well a little bit. :D

I believed in Santa as a child and those memories are some of the best of my life. Kids grow up too soon. It doesn't matter how long the magic lasts....just as long as it was there for a while.
Until the the existence of Santa is disproved , I am remaining open to the possibility....

Wish List

Granite counter tops

I believed until my pre-school years. I think I began to doubt Santa when I was 2-3, but it was fun to pretend to believe in him. Like a game, y'know. Put out the cookies and milk, and peek in the living room early in the morning.
:angel: No vote here either....I don't think you screwed up but I continue to believe that Santa is all wrapped up in the magic that Christmas time brings!
As far back as I can remember, Santa was a fun make-believe game. My 'rents would have us put out the stockings so "Santa (wink wink)" could fill them. Christmas was still magical though and I don't think the Santa thing made it less so. I kind of wonder if it would have been worse to believe in Santa and then get disillusioned.

FWIW, I don't think you screwed up.
I kind of wonder if it would have been worse to believe in Santa and then get disillusioned.

One's answer to this question would do a good job of separating romantics from realists.

God doesn't exist. Oops, sorry!
I am Santa.

From close observation, I can tell that most of you have been bad. So, forget it, you're getting nothing. And for those of you that have been reasonably good, please put red wine, cheese and crackers by the fire place, thank you very much. Milk and cookies suck. Ho! Ho! Ho!
Shame on me!

Back a while ago (1970's), when my then-little-kids were just beginning to dis-believe in Santa, my then-wife & I went to one of our MD friends who had horses, and asked for a bucket of horse poop (he was having a formal dinner party at the time,which caused somethinhg of a stir). After the kids had left the milk and cookies for Santa, we spread the droppings from the tree to the chimney. When the kids got up the next morning, there was 'the proof' that not only had Santa come down the chimney, but at least one of his reindeer did too.

It took another two years for the disbelief to finally settle in.

Last Christmas (30 years later), I noticed a suspicious trail of horse poop at my son's house, leading from the front door to the tree ...
My parents screwed up, when I began doubting the whole story they tried to keep it going. They should have simply said, "Yeah, it was fun, but..." and we all could have had a good laugh. Instead they tried to keep the game going and I ended up realizing that everyone, even my parents, were capable of deception. Then again, maybe that was the point all along?
What is the purpose of trying to convince a child that his/her ability to reason is wrong?
Santa IS real!


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My kids figured it out at Tooth Fairy time. They shared a room and pretended to be asleep. When I went in to put the $1 under the pillow, they both jumped up, pointed at me and said " We knew it was you!". They were in 1st grade. I made them promise not to tell anyone else about the toothfairy, but my son extrapolated and told a friend that Santa wasn't real. his parent's were not pleased, but what can you do.

BTW, son, now 11, lost a tooth this weekend. We were in a parking lot. He looked at me and said to tell the "toothfairy" to direct deposit the $1 into his bank of mom and dad account.
Santa IS REAL, and don't forget it..........:)
"Santa" used to deliver unwrapped Christmas presents under the tree to be discovered by the kids Christmas morning. We exchanged family gifts on Christmas Eve. That was my way of incorporating both philosophies (my family opened all gifts Christmas Eve, and ex-hubby's was exclusively Christmas morning) The fun is in the Christmas spirit - not the blatant truth (no Santa in a sleigh...etc) We even used to rustle the kids up around 4 am...after Santa made a bunch of noise! ;) Great times!
We took the niece and nephews out for cupcakes and to see the lights downtown on Friday night, and I overheard a conversation about that my niece saw Santa's shadow last year, and then nephew said he heard him on the roof. What good fun! They are 8 and 6 this year. I think it is cool that they believe.
You've got to admit that this global conspiracy that involves lying to kids is a little weird. I'm not saying it's bad. We do it because of tradition.

I don't know how it started, but I wouldn't be surprised if LSD were involved somehow.

"Hey, man, let's tell the kids there's a fat man in a red suit that brings toys."
"Yeah, and he comes down the chimney."
"Hey, I got it, he lives at the north pole, with midgets."
"Yeah, and he's got a reindeer with a light-up nose."
"Far OUT, man! Get those kids over here."
My kids figured it out at Tooth Fairy time. They shared a room and pretended to be asleep. When I went in to put the $1 under the pillow, they both jumped up, pointed at me and said " We knew it was you!".

Well, it was a dead give away! Everybody knows the Tooth Fairy only pays a quarter......NOT a dollar! :D
"Hey, man, let's tell the kids there's a fat man in a red suit that brings toys."
"Yeah, and he comes down the chimney."
"Hey, I got it, he lives at the north pole, with midgets."
"Yeah, and he's got a reindeer with a light-up nose."
"Far OUT, man! Get those kids over here."

I think those were the same guys who came up with the idea of a bunny hiding colored eggs to celebrate the resurrection of a dead guy.

I teach our kid not to be afraid of monsters. I teach her to explore the world around her and make observations and inferences. And I'm also supposed to tell her about a fat guy who breaks into our house at midnight to leave us commercially produced goods?

OK, I can do that! :)
I was talking to my son today and we had one of those clarity moments.

He said my grandaughter wondered how Santa "knows everything".

She is 6 and he wasn't sure what to say, so he said, "Well maybe he's like god."

And of course the brilliant Zipper grandaughter that she is, came back with

..."well god isn't real." We both had a huge laugh over that.

I am seriously thinking there might be hope for the human race yet.

I recall in the very early 50's when I was about 8, that all the religious brainwashing sh*t I was being subjected to was a total crock.

Mrs. Zipper and I proudly raised a couple of Atheistic sons in the '70's.

And now it's 6 year olds that aren't sure about Santa, but are damn sure there is no god.
My great nephew is 11 now and a year ago when he sat on Santa's lap Santa told him his sons played soccer too. Then when he was back with his mom he told her that Santa didn't even ask him what he wanted. This summer his mom told him Santa wasn't real and he cried. Then a few minutes later he asked about the tooth fairy and easter bunny and told her she could tell him he wouldn't cry. She said he looked like he wanted to cry.
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