shameless ask for praise for walking

And here I thought my 2+ mile walk this morning was a good way to start off a Friday. Your 11 miles is great! Congratulations.
I have a friend who constantly posts on Facebook about hiking 12 miles with 3200 feet of gain up Mt. Horrendous. Bully for him. But, it gets boring reading about his accomplishments after a while. Your 11 miles is much nicer to read about.
Walking 11 miles is impressive. Great job! You should feel really good about your accomplishment.
Walking 11 miles a day regularly might be too much, just my opinion.
I think 11 miles is great! I love to walk ever since I started 30 years ago. It’s addictive and I do it everyday. Some people are just jerks!!
It's such a preposterous comment it doesn't even dignify a response. Walking is fantastic on many levels. 11 miles? well done!
Great job! As far as the running naysayers, personally my body does not tolerate it well but I do like to hike and walk and bike.
I've run a few 5K's on the treadmill with that cushion in the deck, but the road slays me.
Our roomie has taken up running at 45 and is doing great with it.
Walking 11 miles a day regularly might be too much, just my opinion.

And nobody here is doing that, just the facts. OP said it was a personal longest walk.

However, most through hikers on the AT do at least 11 miles a day week after week, with occasional 0 days in towns.
That is a good. 11 miles is a great accomplishment.
Congrats. Great Record.
I jogged/run/walk 6 miles the other day. Been doing like 4 - 6 miles of jogging/running/walking 4-5 days a week. 11 miles is great. Keep it up.

I mentioned to an acquaintance I had walked a new record (over 11 miles) the other day and got a reply of "That is so unhealthy. Why can't you just read a book or something?"

I care nothing for their opinion and barely know them in reality but calling it "unhealthy" when I thought walking was WHAT DOCTORS RECOMMEND OLD PEOPLE DO (partly) . . . was a bit much.

So as I am feeling a little blue anyway I am asking for some encouragement from my virtual friends here. . .

I really wonder why people are so nasty. . . Like even if you think it is stupid can't you just say "That's nice". . . . It wasn't like I revealed I had a drug addiction. . .

Just reminds me why I talk to so few people to begin with!
Same here. But I have a comeback for them. About 12 years ago I had a ski accident and tore my ACL, MCL and meniscus. The surgeon was able to repair the meniscus rather than remove, which I thought was good news for my running. I asked the surgeon afterward if he could tell how much wear I had done to my knee, being 50 years old and having run 24 marathons or longer to that point. He said my knee looked great, no real signs of wear at all.

I know some runners wear down their knees, but not everyone does, and I am proof of that. I've since run another 39 marathons or longer, with another coming up at the end of this month. I ran/walked 17 miles today and only feel a little bit sore. I think doing a run/walk combo will help extend my running career, which is my main form of exercise.

Yet people walk away, unconvinced, because they "know better" than me. And I don't let it bother me. I just never bring up running with them again, and if they ask I try to change the topic or avoid that line of discussion.

And yes, 11 miles of walking is awesome!

Glad your knees are in great shape. I thought I've heard running was harder on the hips. When my husband was in with his surgeon after his hip replacement, he made a joke about taking up running and the surgeon responded about seeing him in a few years to do the second hip. Hopefully, nothing of yours wears out!
I haven't walked that distance since I was a teenager hiking the Appalachian Trail. Even in the Army I was in the Cavalry so no-one walked any appreciable distance. :LOL:

Thats quite an accomplishment.

Yes indeed, great accomplishment! I was cleared of crutches on Tuesday and Im good for MAYBE .11 mile, but carry a cane anyway.

As a teen in the Catskills we hiked all the time. one trip was 16 miles in a day, with back packs... planned to stay for the night, but late winter storm blew in and we just kept pushing it.

Not as smart as Beldar... was infantry... not much walking... we RAN....
Have not done 11 miles at one time, but my wife and I did hike (with backpacks) out of the Grand Canyon on the Bright Angel Trail (9.2 miles, took 9 hours). We both slept well that night. That was 5 years ago, do not think I could do it again.
Have not done 11 miles at one time, but my wife and I did hike (with backpacks) out of the Grand Canyon on the Bright Angel Trail (9.2 miles, took 9 hours). We both slept well that night. That was 5 years ago, do not think I could do it again.

Talked with some young folks in their 20s who did that a few years ago. Took them five hours but they said it was the toughest hike they had ever done.
I mentioned to an acquaintance I had walked a new record (over 11 miles) the other day and got a reply of "That is so unhealthy. Why can't you just read a book or something?"

I care nothing for their opinion and barely know them in reality but calling it "unhealthy" when I thought walking was WHAT DOCTORS RECOMMEND OLD PEOPLE DO (partly) . . . was a bit much.

So as I am feeling a little blue anyway I am asking for some encouragement from my virtual friends here. . .

I really wonder why people are so nasty. . . Like even if you think it is stupid can't you just say "That's nice". . . . It wasn't like I revealed I had a drug addiction. . .

Just reminds me why I talk to so few people to begin with!

Great job on 11 miles! That is an accomplishment and so good for your everyday living. We walk every day and I believe it has a very positive impact on healthy living. Way to go1
I been out hiking quite a bit this spring again. I put on 5 to 7 miles in rough country and that is all I really want to do. Not sure I could do a mile or two more because my body tells me it is enough.

Like I mentioned in an earlier post you did great!!!! I am a believer as I age I do as much as my body tells me to, but I never want to say that is good enough. Keep pushing on is good so you never want to give up what you can do.
Walking 11 miles a day regularly might be too much, just my opinion.

Absolutely too much can be a problem. A lot of USPS and UPS drivers walk 10-15 miles per day 5 days a week every week and have a lot of problems directly associated with doing so. Walking is an excellent thing to do in moderation but you can overdue it. Congrats on the 11 miles walk. Keep walking but take a break if it's causing pain.
Glad your knees are in great shape. I thought I've heard running was harder on the hips. When my husband was in with his surgeon after his hip replacement, he made a joke about taking up running and the surgeon responded about seeing him in a few years to do the second hip. Hopefully, nothing of yours wears out!

Yes, indeed! After my running years (20+ and a few marathons, etc), both hips were shot and replaced. My knees are in good shape, though! And so is my cardio system!
This time last year I had been WFH for 3 years and probably didn't get more than a couple hundred steps a day around the house.

I'm in pretty poor shape overall due to 33+ years of desk jobs and lack of proper self-care, so 11 miles is pretty far for this old lady.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I was just shocked someone thought that the work I had put into it was bad as walking is commonly considered a safe and useful exercise. Though TBH my doctor says it is not exercise at all because it does not build muscle. I need to work up to muscles (currently in PT for some issues related to that).

But I mean really if they think it is stupid I think most people would just say "that's nice". . . I wasn't expecting a lecture.
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Walking is excellent for exercise. Use good body mechanics and pay attention to any pain occurring.
There's a nature preserve not far from my house, with miles of trails. I'd done about 8-9 miles worth of walking a couple times, but one thing I always wanted to do, was park at their upper parking lot, walk to the lower, and then all the way back.

In December of 2021, I did it. It was about 11 miles. And I'll admit, I was in PAIN afterwards! Most of it was from just being tired, but I do remember my knees were hurting, and my shins. I wanted to start doing it regularly, to see if it would build up my endurance. But, I never did it again. I've done a few 5-6 mile walks, and recently did a ~5 mile walk, but on more level ground than that 11 mile hike.

One of these days, I do want to try that 11 miler again. But definitely, I'd say it's something to be impressed with!

As for being bad for your health, I guess if you overdo it, it could be. So, just pace yourself, stay hydrated, etc. And, most definitely, congratulations!
Walking is excellent for exercise. Use good body mechanics and pay attention to any pain occurring.
Of course.
We evolved to walk, it’s the most natural exercise.
Our bodies have robust signaling to let us know when we are overdoing it. Just listen.
With a rational approach, 11 miles on level ground is well within the capacity of most able bodied people.

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