Share your amazing coincidence story

"Amazing" coincidence only because of the sheer #'s involved: I've run NYC Marathon 4 times. First or 2nd time, I couldn't help but notice another unique runner: Likely in his 70's, maybe 5'1, arms folded at his elbows and not moving, and ran with a waddle. I was about 50 at the time, and that SOB passed me around mile 20. A year or 2 later when I ran that marathon again, by mile 22 I was struggling, genuinely thinking about quitting. You guessed it, that same now-older SOB passed me again. Somehow, that motivated me to get to the finish line, although he left me in the dust.
My wife noticed a familiar looking ornament on my daughter's Christmas tree last year. It was a vintage looking cross-stitch of Rudolph in a red plastic frame.

DW exclaimed that she used to make ornaments just like that back in the early 1990s when we lived in New Hampshire. She used them as tags for Christmas gifts for friends in her quilting group.

Then things got interesting. Daughter said "Look on the back!". It read "From (my wife's name)" with her same rather uncommon spelling. DW had made that very ornament.

Daughter purchased it from our local Goodwill store in Kentucky mainly because of the coincidence of having her mother's name on the back not realizing the true connection. That old ornament had quite a journey.

DW came up with a theory explaining that path but It only detracts a little from the coincidence, One of her NH friends was very close to another quilter who lived in our current home city. It seems reasonable that the ornament was regifted at some time and found it's way to the thrift store after the KY friends passing. Small world.
My DW and I went to a concert at our local Performing Arts Center last March -- Travis Tritt and his Country Club Band. We had tickets in the Center Orchestra section about 20 rows back. We sat next to a couple around our age, and pre-show we shared some fun stories about past concert experiences. Travis came out and blew the roof of the venue. We went our separate ways.

Next day, I said to DW, "That was an interesting couple. I should have got his email to keep in touch." Oh goes on.

Two months later, in May, we got tix to see Vince Gill at the same PAC. We sat in our favorite section -- Center Orchestra.

Who walks in and sits next to us ?? Our friends from the Travis Tritt show !!

What are the odds ?? 14,000 seat arena. He bought his tix thru TicketMaster, I buy our tix at the Box Office to save the gouging TM fees. Both purchased months apart. I was astounded.

All my Math Major buddies said, "That's not such a big deal. Similar musical tastes. Similar preference for seating choice."

Balderdash and Poppycock, I say !! That was a long shot..
I was a teaching assistant in graduate school on the East Coast for two years. One day in the lab, I heard a crash of glass and a scream. Never a good thing. When I looked up, a person mostly engulfed in flames was running toward the exit. I grabbed the male student I was talking to and said "don't let her out!". We tackled her and snuffed her out. Fortunately, her physical injuries were very minor. The emotional injuries were deeper. I had to hold her hand and walk her into class for weeks after that.
Life went on. I went overseas for a couple of years and I didn't know what became of Maria. My first week back in the US, I had just arrived at UCLA and was walking across campus. I thought I heard my name from somewhere behind me. I knew no one there, so I kept walking. Then, I heard my name again. I turned around and there was Maria, my human torch as I called her. We embraced and excitedly told our stories. She was on campus only for a brief errand and did not live in LA. Only a few seconds difference and we would not have met there.
Youngest kid graduated last spring & is currently undergoing National Guard training (BOLC) out-of-state.

Met another kid a couple of years older in his NG training class who lives near us but has no vehicle there so he offered that kid a ride home for Thanksgiving.

He realized just a few days ago that kid's father taught him in Boy Scouts back when my kid was in middle school.
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My mom, brother, and DH have the same birthday. DH's cousin in the next town too.
No offense to anyone, but seeing someone that you haven't seen in a couple decades isn't an amazing coincidence.
My sort of amazing true coincidence. Amount 15 years ago when still working I hired a new employee from Michigan. Some days after the new employee's relocation to our facility in Illinois we were sitting together having a getting to know you conversation.

I mentioned that I had a daughter that was 35 years old. He said his oldest son was also 35 years old. He then asked what month my daughter was born and I told him April. He said what a coincidence, his son was also born in April. Naturally, his next question was what day in April and I replied the 7th. Amazingly, his son was also born one the 7th. We both were nearly stunned. My question was do you remember the time of day his son was born and he said he did remember it was 1:30 PM. I told him my daughter was born at 12:37 PM. I then asked him where his son was born and he said Michigan. I then said his son and my daughter were born only 7 minutes apart because my daughter was born in Iowa. (Considering Michigan is in eastern time zone and Iowa is in central time zone). I consider that a pretty amazing coincidence.
Back in May of 2015 I recorded on my DVR an episode of 60 minutes that had a segment with CrossFit founder Greg Glassman. I had heard of CrossFit before but did not know anything about the founder including his name. About a 10 days later I finally watched the 60 minutes episode and learned about Greg Glassman.

The next day I went camping down in Northern San Diego county which is about 2 hours from where I was living at the time. After being at the campsite for a few hours, I left and walked over to a Starbucks with my dog to get some coffee. As I was sitting there drinking the coffee a man and a lady were walking by and the lady asked if she could pet my dog. When I looked up at her to say yes, standing next to her was Greg Glassman. I told him I just watched the 60 minutes episode the night before so we talked for a few minutes. He seemed down to earth type of guy with a Jimmy Buffett vibe to him. He seemed like a real nice guy.
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I just remembered another sort of amazing coincidence that happened just last year. We are originally from Iowa but are now in Florida. We have an old classic car that we take to a monthly cruise in. On my old car I have a vanity plate on the front that has the Iowa Hawkeye Logo. I like it when people recognize our connection to our home state and stop to chat.

At one of these mentioned cruise nights a guy came up to me after seeing the Iowa Hawkeye logo and asked I was from Iowa and I said I was. He asked me where I lived in Iowa, I told him my hometown was Fairfield but we hadn't lived there for a number of years. He said no Sh*t, he was from a different town in Iowa but he had lived recently in Fairfield for a few years before moving to West Des Moines. He asked me if I attended the high school in Fairfield and I told him I had. He started to get interested and he asked me what year I graduated and I told him 1971. He immediately said I needed to meet his wife. He left to locate her and returned a few minutes later. It turned out I graduated with his wife 50 years ago, we hadn't seen each other since graduation. We talked for a long time and took pictures. Of course, neither of us would have recognized each other after 50 years if we had passed right by each other. It was all the result of that guy seeing my Iowa Hawkeye logo license plate. That is sort of an amazing coincidence.
No offense to anyone, but seeing someone that you haven't seen in a couple decades isn't an amazing coincidence.

When you consider that we DON'T see most of our old school mates or other acquaintances - ever again, I think it's okay to call meeting an old acquaintance - miles from where either made the acquaintance - an amazing coincidence. All a matter of opinion, so YMMV.
In 2020 DW and I took a trip across the northern plains and stayed in Grand Teton NP for a week. One day we hiked to Taggart Lake and saw Ken Jennings on the trail.
I was a foreign exchange student to the US in the early 90’s and spent a year in a small town in WY. A decade later while doing graduate studies in the Bay Area, I met the younger sister of a recent friend from my home country also living in the Bay Area.
It turns out that she had been a foreign exchange student in the same small town in WY some years after me. She had been asked if she knew me, which she of course didn’t being from a town quite a few hours from my hometown.
Originally Posted by Music Lover View Post
No offense to anyone, but seeing someone that you haven't seen in a couple decades isn't an amazing coincidence.
When you consider that we DON'T see most of our old school mates or other acquaintances - ever again, I think it's okay to call meeting an old acquaintance - miles from where either made the acquaintance - an amazing coincidence. All a matter of opinion, so YMMV.

No, it's a matter of probability - a science, not opinion.

My mom, brother, and DH have the same birthday. DH's cousin in the next town too.

Again, not too unexpected. It's called "The Birthday Paradox". It is more common than most think, because the day isn't specified, just that there be a common day in the group.

From wiki.

The birthday paradox is that, counterintuitively, the probability of a shared birthday exceeds 50% in a group of only 23 people.

You don't need a very large group to come up with three common birthdays occasionally. I share a birthday with my Son-in-law and my Aunt.

Not sure this fits in the coincidence category. I'm a firm believer in doppelgangers. I was approached, not once but several times by people who were convinced I was someone else. And I have seen and talked to people who look like and have similar mannerisms to other people I know.

It's one of those things that's hard to explain. We have a new neighbor we're just getting to know. The more I look at him, DH feels the same way, we say he's exactly like Frank, DH best friend from first grade. They keep in touch to this day and skype often. Neighbor looks like him, acts like him, smiles like him, same body type. And the way he drinks his wine. We look at each other in amazement.
When I started dating my future wife I asked when her birthday was. Well it was the same as my mothers and I knew I would never get in trouble for forgetting her birthday!
Not sure this fits in the coincidence category. I'm a firm believer in doppelgangers. I was approached, not once but several times by people who were convinced I was someone else. And I have seen and talked to people who look like and have similar mannerisms to other people I know.

It's one of those things that's hard to explain. ......

I've had the same experience, I once saw a show that related the doppelganger effect some commonality in genetic code responsible for our looks.
It makes sense to me, there are a limited number of gene combinations for physical attributes and humans tend to view things subjectively so I can see every now and then coming across someone that looks like somebody else.
My MIL and BIL died on the exact same day - totally unrelated situations and less than 12 hours apart. I'm sure that's happened before, but I've never heard of it apart from an accident involving both. YMMV
My father had one sibling and they died one day apart. Neither one knew the other was dying (they weren't close).
My mom's last few days were in the Comfort Care ward at the local hospital. The morning before she died, the daughter of one of her dear friends called to say that her mom had fallen ill suddenly and died in the same hospital the night before.

When DH and I went to see my mom that day, we said a little prayer for her friend and asked her to take mom's hand so she'd had some company on her journey. Mom died eight hours later.

I don't know what happens after death, but it was bittersweet for us living to think of the two friends chatting away on route to their next adventure.
This isn’t as profound as the many stories I’ve read so far, but still is eerie. My daughter and I live about 90 miles apart. She lives in a small rural town, while I live in a city. What has happened since she was in college is that we show up to meet for the day and we are wearing the same clothes. We’ve bought them independently, she usually orders online. I have no idea that she’s bought the same thing I’ve bought. It happens so often over the years, no one is surprised much anymore, even our grandchildren.
This isn’t as profound as the many stories I’ve read so far, but still is eerie. My daughter and I live about 90 miles apart. She lives in a small rural town, while I live in a city. What has happened since she was in college is that we show up to meet for the day and we are wearing the same clothes. We’ve bought them independently, she usually orders online. I have no idea that she’s bought the same thing I’ve bought. It happens so often over the years, no one is surprised much anymore, even our grandchildren.

I have seen some sort of "connectedness" in many related people over the years. I am convinced DW's mom and brother were so connected. I've most often seen such connection between twins - especially identical twins. Because science doesn't understand such familial connection, they tend to reject it. I don't suppose it matters as it's not particularly "useful" in most situations. Still, it's very interesting though YMMV.
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