Shook Hands with John Edwards This noon...............

eridanus said:
The IRA terrorists were Catholic.

The King David terrorists were Jewish.

The 9/11 terrorists were Muslim.

The 1993 terrorists in India were Hindi.

Those terrorists had wide support for their actions among their own faith.

But only one of these groups attacked the USA and are indiscriminantly killing civilians all over the world for no reason.

So right now my beef is with them since they are trying to kill me and my family.
retire@40 said:
But only one of these groups attacked the USA and are indiscriminantly killing civilians all over the world for no reason.

So right now my beef is with them since they are trying to kill me and my family.

This is the problem with this kind of Logic - The other side says exactly the same thing!

Let's have peace on earth as soon as we blow the enemy to smithereans!
saluki9 said:
Now, let's say you stopped a person on the street of Riyahd and ask them if it's ok to blow up a bus in Tel Aviv full of women and children

Care to guess what their response would be?

Abhorrence. Your point?
the 'religion of peace' seems to be leading the body count of late.....
the moniker of Islam should be changed to 'The religion of piece' since its adherants would like to see all non believers (infidels!) in at least two 'pieces'...
bpp said:
Abhorrence. Your point?

In your dreams! The Arab world rejoices at the deaths of Americans and Israelis. See if you can recall who was celebrating and handing out candy on 9/11?

(Just in case you forgot

Not to mention, just like Retire@40 indicated, these people would love nothing more than to see you and your family dead. Just keep that in mind.

Every time you start to forget who these people are what they want to do I suggest you watch the video of the planes going into the towers or perhaps sit back and watch the video of Nick Berg's passing
saluki9 said:
In your dreams!  The Arab world rejoices at the deaths of Americans and Israelis.  See if you can recall who was celebrating and handing out candy on 9/11?

(Just in case you forgot

Not to mention, just like Retire@40 indicated, these people would love nothing more than to see you and your family dead.  Just keep that in mind. 

Every time you start to forget who these people are what they want to do I suggest you watch the video of the planes going into the towers or perhaps sit back and watch the video of Nick Berg's passing

Arabs and Muslims are two overlapping groups. Some Arabs are not Muslims, and some Muslims are not Arabs. Do you personally know anyone from Lebanon? I do. Some of the best people I've ever met, and 100% pro American (not that that's automatically an indicator of goodness). Several of them have become US citizens. They're doctors, engineers, and scientists. They have family in Lebanon right now, and are very frightened by what's going on.

A broad-brush of an entire segment of humanity as sub human -- which is what you're trying to do -- is about as ignorant as it gets. What do you want? Revive the Crusades? Nuke em? Have a nice day, buddy.
jeff2006 said:
Arabs and Muslims are two overlapping groups. Some Arabs are not Muslims, and some Muslims are not Arabs. Do you personally know anyone from Lebanon? I do. Some of the best people I've ever met, and 100% pro American (not that that's automatically an indicator of goodness). Several of them have become US citizens. They're doctors, engineers, and scientists. They have family in Lebanon right now, and are very frightened by what's going on.

A broad-brush of an entire segment of humanity as sub human -- which is what you're trying to do -- is about as ignorant as it gets. What do you want? Revive the Crusades? Nuke em? Have a nice day, buddy.

Actually, I think you're getting confused. Most of the pro-American Lebanese are not Arab, they are Maronite or Assyrian, and yes I do know some of them. You want to talk about reviving the crusades! Go read what they think of their countrymen. Do a search on Shatila and Sabra and get back to me when you're done.
saluki9 said:
Actually, I think you're getting confused.  Most of the pro-American Lebanese are not Arab, they are Maronite or Assyrian, and yes I do know some of them.  You want to talk about reviving the crusades!  Go read what they think of their countrymen.  Do a search on Shatila and Sabra and get back to me when you're done.

You know what? I was going to answer you. But quite frankly it's not worth the trouble. Go play with your guns (and don't hurt yourself!).
saluki9 said:
Every time you start to forget who these people are what they want to do I suggest you watch the video of the planes going into the towers or perhaps sit back and watch the video of Nick Berg's passing

Those are different people than the average person on the street of Riyadh. You're changing the subject.
saluki9 said:
Every time you start to forget who these people are what they want to do I suggest you watch the video of the planes going into the towers or perhaps sit back and watch the video of Nick Berg's passing

Don't forget to watch a video of Afghanistani and Iraqi women and children being tortured, raped and killed. Oh wait - that's right. I forgot the difference - we don't intentionally publish those pictures and videos.

You're just as extremist as the nuts you are pointing to. Are the American soldiers that tortured Iraqis representative of ALL Americans? Ask the average American Joe what they think about the torture of Iraqis - you'll get as many horrific and sub-human responses as you would get from an average Joe in the middle east about their extremists. But go ahead and continue to feed on the propaganda.  ::)
jeff2006 said:
You know what? I was going to answer you. But quite frankly it's not worth the trouble. Go play with your guns (and don't hurt yourself!).

Web to English translation: I know you're right, I don't have answer, so I will try to insult you personally

Nice try though

As for your suggestion that I wanted to wipe out all Muslims, that too was a good try at putting words in my mouth but that isn't going to fly either. I never suggested anything of the like, I had just mentioned that the world shouldn't mince words when pointing out who these people are causing the trouble.

As for your friends with family in Beirut. I can understand why this would be a very scary time. But the truth is that a large % of the Muslim & Christian populations in Lebanon took money from Hezbollah, they let them store weapons under their homes, they let them shoot rockets at Israel from their homes, and now they're shocked that they are reaping the whirlwind? Gee, what a shock, maybe if I let Hezbollah shoot rockets at Israel, they will just ignore it? Maybe if we let them kidnap soldiers and bring them here they will just forget about it.

Either way, I know I'm not going to change any minds here, so I will just return to the regularly scheduled progrmming. I just worry about people who think this problem will go away if we appease them and try to make nice. These people weren't kidding around with what they were trying to get away with last week in the UK
saluki9 said:
These people weren't kidding around with what they were trying to get away with last week in the UK

Ahh, I remember 10 years ago when Irish Catholics were all the rage. Add in some Chiapas Indians, some Basques, some Algerians (the world's former hotspot for terrorism), and then we're talking business.

If we toss in some Christian Conservatives and some neocons, can we get a cage match going?
eridanus said:
Ahh, I remember 10 years ago when Irish Catholics were all the rage. Add in some Chiapas Indians, some Basques, some Algerians (the world's former hotspot for terrorism), and then we're talking business.

If we toss in some Christian Conservatives and some neocons, can we get a cage match going?

Hey, that's fine. Does this mean that you would like the authorities to let them go? Perhaps you would like to fly with them?
saluki9 said:
Hey, that's fine. Does this mean that you would like the authorities to let them go? Perhaps you would like to fly with them?

Hey, that's fine. Does this mean you are going to join the Marines tomorrow and help out in Iraq?
Cut-Throat said:
Well jeff,

I just wanted to test Edwards here and see how many negative comments we could get about him from the GOP spin machine. He sounds like the perfect candidate to me! 8).

The GOP would love to see Hillary as the nominee, because they know she can't win! But Edwards can win and they know it!

Today, we have a spoiled rich kid as President that failed at every business he attempted. He has put this country in world disgrace, increased our enemies, and has created an economic disaster. John Edwards is the polar opposite. And the polar opposite is exactly what this country needs right now.

As far as Clinton being a do nothing president, I guess the posters that commented were just tired of 8 years of peace and prosperity.

Both parties have been over-achieving in selecting weak candidates in their primaries. Bush I lost to a charismatic, moderate sounding candidate after showing he couldn't continue the legacy of Reagan. Clinton was weak before his re-election (yes, poor poll numbers despite what the kool aid democrats seem to believe) but the republicans nominated Dole -- the "800 year old man." Gore should have won like Bush I did after Reagan but the dems made the mistake of trying to get a very liberal piece of cardboard elected. Bush II doesn't have any charisma and was weak in the polls. He got re-elected because the dems nominated a far-left, painfully obvious "pretty boy." The "reporting for duty" acceptance speech just begged for a reopening of his whole Viet Nam anti-war background and military record. Senators are also hard to get elected president because they have too much of a record. Even then, he almost won because almost any dem should have beaten Bush II.

Who will be the candidates in 2008? I see both parties rushing to find a high probability "loser" but it's still early. Edwards is slick but lacks "depth" ala Bush II. Kerry would do even worse as a retread but could win like Nixon did the first time against a weakened republican party (Viet Nam was a dem war in case anyone forgot -- Kennedy and Johnson). H. Clinton may get the nod but she's the one person that will definitely polarize the repubs. The repubs don't have anyone that would meet all of the "litmus tests" they seem compelled to apply. Condi would probably be the best choice to win but no one really knows where she stands on any issue. Perhaps that's a big advantage.
Maybe what we need is a "serious" third party candidate. Wonder if TX independent candidate for governor Kinky Friedman would be interested in running?

From a recent interview:

Q: “How do you plan to combat the perception that yours is not a serious candidacy?"

Friedman: Are you kidding? Just because the other three candidates have had humor bypasses does not mean I have to be a self-important pompous ass. The circus needs clowns as much as donkeys and elephants. Besides, some things are too important to be taken seriously.

Q: “Are you going to stink up the governor’s house with cigar smoke?”

Friedman: It would be hard to stink it up any more than it already is.

Q: “How do you answer critics who say that a governor without a party cannot be effective with the legislature?”

Friedman:…We don't need a politician anymore, we need a Good Shepherd…. how can you look at the Texas Legislature and still believe in Intelligent Design?
REWahoo! said:
Maybe what we need is a "serious" third party candidate.  Wonder if  TX independent candidate for governor Kinky Friedman would be interested in running?

That may be the answer. He might get a better response from our European "allies" when he rubs their back.

Unfortunately, history has always shown a third party to be a "spoiler" except in the case of Lincoln. Here the whigs had just about totally collapsed and the republican party was fully born as a result. I don't see either of our current parties about to fall apart.
Is there any way to get people to keep their political opinions to themselves?
2B said:
Both parties have been over-achieving in selecting weak candidates in their primaries. Bush I lost to a charismatic, moderate sounding candidate after showing he couldn't continue the legacy of Reagan. Clinton was weak before his re-election (yes, poor poll numbers despite what the kool aid democrats seem to believe) but the republicans nominated Dole -- the "800 year old man." Gore should have won like Bush I did after Reagan but the dems made the mistake of trying to get a very liberal piece of cardboard elected. Bush II doesn't have any charisma and was weak in the polls. He got re-elected because the dems nominated a far-left, painfully obvious "pretty boy." The "reporting for duty" acceptance speech just begged for a reopening of his whole Viet Nam anti-war background and military record. Senators are also hard to get elected president because they have too much of a record. Even then, he almost won because almost any dem should have beaten Bush II.

Who will be the candidates in 2008? I see both parties rushing to find a high probability "loser" but it's still early. Edwards is slick but lacks "depth" ala Bush II. Kerry would do even worse as a retread but could win like Nixon did the first time against a weakened republican party (Viet Nam was a dem war in case anyone forgot -- Kennedy and Johnson). H. Clinton may get the nod but she's the one person that will definitely polarize the repubs. The repubs don't have anyone that would meet all of the "litmus tests" they seem compelled to apply. Condi would probably be the best choice to win but no one really knows where she stands on any issue. Perhaps that's a big advantage.

Cut-Throat said:

I don't like the taste of kool aid anymore. Your post seemed to be full of it. Mine was accurately described as "drivel" but I thought I'd try to put my perspective on it.

Edwards has the right looks and charisma but his record (political and personal) will work against him.
Cut-Throat said:

Are you some kind of party flack or something?

You seem to think all complaints come only from the GOP spin machine. What do you say to disappointed Democrats? "Hey, where else you gonna go?"?

Is it too much to ask the Democratic Party (or any party, for that matter) to field a candidate who is not a d#psh?t for once? Just to see what it would be like. You know, an experiment, if you like.
jeff2006 said:
Is there any way to get people to keep their political opinions to themselves?
That must be a rhetorical question...

Cut-Throat said:
As opposed to the general quality of political posts & posters around here? Aren't you afraid of being accused of the pot calling the kettle black?

bpp said:
Is it too much to ask the Democratic Party (or any party, for that matter) to field a candidate who is not a d#psh?t for once?  Just to see what it would be like.  You know, an experiment, if you like.
I think that one of the genetic criteria for being a non-dipswitch is to be lacking in political aspirations. In other words, it's too much to ask.

Gosh, this is only August of a mid-term election year. I can't wait to see what levels we've risen sunk to by Octoboer 2008...
bpp said:
Are you some kind of party flack or something?

You seem to think all complaints come only from the GOP spin machine. What do you say to disappointed Democrats? "Hey, where else you gonna go?"?

Is it too much to ask the Democratic Party (or any party, for that matter) to field a candidate who is not a d#psh?t for once? Just to see what it would be like. You know, an experiment, if you like.

All I did was post a picture in 'Life under Fire' and say that I met a VIP today. It was the Right-wing nuts that felt compelled to offer their unasked uninformed opinions.

I would say to all you right-wing nuts - 'Just move along, nothing for you see here' - Don't want to hear any of the Rush Limbaugh drivel.
Cut-Throat said:
All I did was post a picture in 'Life under Fire' and say that I met a VIP today. It was the Right-wing nuts that felt compelled to offer their unasked uninformed opinions.

I would say to all you right-wing nuts - 'Just move along, nothing for you see here' - Don't want to hear any of the Rush Limbaugh drivel.

Pretty funny, I know you're retired and all, but i figured you would at least bother to know what's in your own posts.

The FIRST THING you said was "he my pick for who's likely to be our next president."

Hmmm, who couldn't have gotten the idea that this was a political thread:confused: :LOL:
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