"Should you keep working?"


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
Business Week's 20 June issue has a special report on the graying workforce.

One of the articles is the dreaded "Should You Keep Working?" quiz. Fourteen questions later it decided that "Your score indicates retiring might be the right decision." Maybe I should practice retirement a few more years to see if I get better at it.

And check out this quote from "Live Long and Prosper. Seriously": "There's growing evidence that people who work during the years typically spent in retirement live longer, healthier, and more independent lives than those who do not."
Ergkckglerk. Bad proofs! Bad proofs!

Maybe a lot of the people who quit working did so because they were sick or dying?

Not to mention by the time you get a reasonable time period and group of folks large enough to make a valid statistical sample, so much has changed since they were born that the results are almost completely inapplicable to modern generations.

Several better studies have shown no correlation between when you stop working and when you die. Health is possibly a different matter. I'm not sure sitting at a desk, stressed to the 9's all day every day was going to make me healthier or live longer than bouncing a baby in your lap at home.
Thanks for alerting the board's readership to some interesting material.

My score:  "keep working."  I'm not sure but will do so for aa couple more years.
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