Solar Ovens Anyone?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 15, 2007
Does anyone have any experience with a solar oven?

In our central California area we have lots of sunshine from about March/April thru October. I have been thinking about getting a solar oven to set out on the patio in the morning with the evening meal in it, or perhaps to cook up a pot of beans out in the sunshine.

Users on environmental websites seem to like them, but you expect those kinds of sites to have enthusiasts. I was wondering if there are any ERs or pre-ERs out there who have had any experience with them, how well they worked for you, if your liked them, would you buy one again if you had it to do over?

Yes, I do - they were giving them out at the CA state fair and I've cooked a pot of beans :) Also, the Tightwad Gazette books talked about how to make them and the times for certain things to cook.

I think it is really neat, but you have to have the time to plan the meal - beans needs to be soaked and then at least reach a boiling point to soften appropriately - something like cornbread might work (or cobbler?).

I used to live in AZ and I know the sun would really cook out there - sometimes you might burn somthing - the key is to insulate so the heat as it builds doesn't dissipate.
Thanks Deserat,
I think you are right about the planning and having the time to do it...but that's what FIRE is all about. I think I will give it a try.:)
i've made sun tea and my own sun dried tomatoes, does that count?

many years ago i had a friend whose mother used to bake these delicious cookies. the main ingredient was fruit which she sliced thin and set out in the rear window of the family car. the sliced fruit sun-baked on their drive down to florida and then she'd assemble the cookies when she got to her son's house. they were sunprisingly good.
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