Star Trek

I am probably the only one --but I liked SNW episode 5. I thought it was very funny. Every once in a while you need a Star Trek comedy. Tribbles any one? And I really like this version of Spock.
I am probably the only one --but I liked SNW episode 5. I thought it was very funny. Every once in a while you need a Star Trek comedy. Tribbles any one? And I really like this version of Spock.

No, you're not the only one. We finished it tonight. I thought it was hilarious :LOL:
Weren't mini skirts criticized in the 60's as being too revealing and rebellious? Isn't it possible there were fans of TOS that thought it was dumb back then?

Also, as far as fashions go, what was the deal with Amanda wearing a busty evening gown when she first beamed onto the Enterprise?
Maybe she had been watching that by then very old TV show Bridgerton?

Do we dare bring up Jean-Luc's inamorata - Vash?
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No, you're not the only one. We finished it tonight. I thought it was hilarious :LOL:

I enjoy this version of Spock too, very amusing character. And I do appreciate a Captain who loves to cook and is not afraid to express his heartfelt appreciation of his officers.
I searched but did not find that anyone has mentioned the 11-part documentary "The Center Seat - 55 years of Star Trek"?

This covers all the TV series up to 2021, and all the movies as well. I liked that it assumes you HAVE watched other ST documentaries, so it doesn't rehash the 'same old same old' stories that Trekkers already know.

I've seen all the various ST documentaries, but there were some anecdotes in this series that had me ROFL after hearing them for the first time! There's an element of sadness too: although not many of the actors were interviewed, a few of them that did participate, have since passed away. Reportedly the interview with Leonard Nimoy in this DVD set was the last one he ever did.

Narrated by Gates McFadden, with wonderful stories by many of the main contributors - writers, producers, directors - who worked on the various series and movies.

Highly recommended for all ST fans; it's available at Amazon and other retailers.
The Center Seat is streaming for subscribers on Prime Video as well as on Pluto TV.

Thanks. Watched first episode tonight. Pretty good and definitely learned a few things.
I did pick up on the Roddenberry quote that he didn’t want Star Trek to be silly. He didn’t want to be Lost In Space. Something the current franchise has abandoned it seems to me.
Watched SNW episode 5 last night. Nah, not a fan of Spock's full-length Emotional Side stories. There are plenty of characters with Emotional Sides. There's only one Spock (well, in this volume). Let's explore rather what it means to live a logical life - something that most of us do not really do, something that *would* be different and harder for the writers to pull off.

Had the writers been more adventurous, that theme could have been really further enhanced with a more layered Amanda Grayson. Here the novels are a real help. Amanda was someone intrigued by Vulcan philosophy, much as some people are intrigued by Stoicism or Bhuddism. She studied it, and eventually was able to get a job at the Vulcan embassy, where she met Sarek. They fell in love and were married, with Amanda resolved to live according to Vulcan principles. She faced some scepticism at first, but her perseverance and her determination to master Vulcan principles won her the respect and acceptance of her neighbors, and she both held a job and accompanied her husband in his activities as a Vulcan ambassador.

Exploring HER journey - a full human who admired the logical life and lived it, while never hiding her own humanity - would have been more interesting than trying yet again to show Vulcan Emotional Breakdowns.

And, agreed about the busty evening gown, although it's in the general TOS female costume tradition. Have Orion dancing girls made an appearance in SNW yet? I forget. (Hey, if you're going to have dancing girls, Orions are the best).
Finished S2E6.

This was a pleasant episode. Especially enjoyed the ending and quite ready to move forward with that group.
I also noticed, at least in this episode, the lighting was much much brighter. That is welcomed.
Finished S2E6.

This was a pleasant episode. Especially enjoyed the ending and quite ready to move forward with that group.
I also noticed, at least in this episode, the lighting was much much brighter. That is welcomed.

I was kind of waiting to see your perspective.

This one felt very TOS-like. It was pleasant. Not great, not bad. Pleasant is a good word.

A few things did pop out at me:

- Two crew members had a conflict and angry argument. This felt natural once we know why, but I realized this would never have happened in TOS. Gene didn't want crew conflict. Allowing this adds depth of story as long as it is not over-used.

- It is now very, very clear to me that the writers have made it a point to set up Pike as being 180 opposite of Kirk. Pike looks for consensus and delegates decisions. Pike calls people by first names. Pike cooks and directs the commissary to cook occasional treats too. And so on.
I was kind of waiting to see your perspective.

This one felt very TOS-like. It was pleasant. Not great, not bad. Pleasant is a good word.

It is now very, very clear to me that the writers have made it a point to set up Pike as being 180 opposite of Kirk. Pike looks for consensus and delegates decisions. Pike calls people by first names. Pike cooks and directs the commissary to cook occasional treats too. And so on.

I didn’t want to say too much, as I’ve ragged on Pike enough. But I agree with your assessment about the writers making these captains polar opposites. It must be on purpose, although I don’t understand it.
I actually think the young Kirk actor is doing a good job. Was interesting to see the interaction with his brother. And he quickly seems to have better rapport and respect with Enterprise officers than Pike does if you ask me. But I don’t see how their gonna keep making up reasons for Kirk to show up with the Enterprise in these episodes. But I hope they do.
I didn’t want to say too much, as I’ve ragged on Pike enough. But I agree with your assessment about the writers making these captains polar opposites. It must be on purpose, although I don’t understand it.
I actually think the young Kirk actor is doing a good job. Was interesting to see the interaction with his brother. And he quickly seems to have better rapport and respect with Enterprise officers than Pike does if you ask me. But I don’t see how their gonna keep making up reasons for Kirk to show up with the Enterprise in these episodes. But I hope they do.

Yeah, the Kirk actor is growing on me too. It is an impossible job. There was one set of dialog where he did the classic ... pause ... between ... words. Subtle, but very Kirk like.

I need to review the Discovery episodes with Pike. He just seems very different now.
Star Trek Strange New Worlds S02E06, "Lost in Translation."

A return to a more traditional Star Trek episodic plot in that there is a discovery of a new alien species, and a chance for actress Celia Rose Gooding to show her chops as Uhuru. James T. Kirk, newly promoted to first officer of the Farragut, reappears, ostensibly to visit his brother Sam, but that meeting took all of 2 minutes and then Kirk hangs around the "flagship Enterprise" for the rest of the episode, well, just because.

At the edge of explored space Starfleet is building a refinery station to gather deuterium which is used to fuel starships. The building project is behind so Una and Engineer Pelia are tasked with bringing it online. As this is going on, Uhuru starts hearing strange sounds and starts hallucinating morbid images of death and destruction.

The story is about Uhuru trying to figure out what the strange sounds mean and why she is seeing horrific hallucinations. This episode could be titled, "Uhuru, Dream Interpreter."

The main flaw in this story, and it is HUGE, is that Pike and Kirk both agree that Uhuru's interpretations of her visions are correct and the corrective action is so radical and irreversible that it strains credulity. Pike blithely brushes the action they take away by saying he'll take full responsibility.

There are other plot holes in the story--seems to be a recurring incident--related to Uhuru's and her visions. Without giving away anything, it has to do with why Uhuru should be trusted given her actions and consequences of her actions. So as not to spoil what happens I will only say "nacelle" and "Ramon" as clues.

There is an underwhelming first meeting between Kirk and Spock in this episode. I laughed as the director tried to make it seems important by showing The Handshake from two different angles.

I give this episode 7.0 out of 10 stars.
Yeah that plot was HUGE. Totally agree.
Yeah that plot was HUGE. Totally agree.
The plot was huge or the plot hole was huge?

Now consider the problem engineering was having bringing the refinery on line in the context of the radical action taken to solve the problem with the visions. Couldn't the refinery have been easily disabled and the problem solved in a far less destructive way?
The plot was huge or the plot hole was huge?

Now consider the problem engineering was having bringing the refinery on line in the context of the radical action taken to solve the problem with the visions. Couldn't the refinery have been easily disabled and the problem solved in a far less destructive way?

Sorry, the hole was huge, as you said.

I am attributing it to the buildup of Pike's character being a "consensus and delegation" kind of leadership style. 100% trust in his crew, even if they are brain damaged.

And I say that in the clinical term, not metaphorical. She was showing early signs of brain damage, yet he took her word for it without question.
Y'all realize that this is just entertainment, right?

All I can say to that is that Trekkers are nothing compared to Star Wars Dweebs when it comes to taking things seriously.

Just one tiny example is the "Han shot first" analysis. Print articles, large wiki articles ( and hundreds of Youtubes have been produced over 100 milliseconds of film action.
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Y'all realize that this is just entertainment, right?
Sure, but the expectation is that the narrative will be internally consistent. When there is a glaring problem, it is, well, glaring.

When there are two, three, or four plot holes they can't be ignored.

Here's another problem with the plot. The extreme action that was taken was performed with zero data showing that it would be safe for the alien life form to survive.
There actually was data showing that the alien life form could survive the explosions but that part ended up on the cutting room floor.
There actually was data showing that the alien life form could survive the explosions but that part ended up on the cutting room floor.

Now you’re getting into the spirit of things [emoji3]
Uh oh.

A surprise SNW episode dropped last night.

It is a crossover with "Lower Decks", directed by Johnathan Frakes.

There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth over this one.

EDIT: just finished the episode. Two words come to mind. Irreverent. And meta.

The meta stuff had me LOLing. Quips about Pike's hair. And of course, criticism of the recent Spock storyline.

I'm not a Lower Decks fan, so I'm sure I missed a lot of jokes. But I just went along for the ride and was entertained. I liked it.

EDIT2: along with this early drop was also the release of the trailer for the upcoming MUSICAL episode. I am not joking.
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