Strange, suddenly allergic to deodorant

Upon the advice of what a friends' grandfather used back in the day, I rub a dab of isopropyl acohol on a cloth under the ol' pits for odor, and a dab of powder if needed. Seems to work pretty well. I guess the alcohol kills the lil micro organisms that produce the odors.
Same thing happened to me about 7 years ago. My favorite brand of deodorant I had used for 10 years suddenly caused a major rash. I tried several deodorants and antiperspirants, and the rash went away after using unscented Almay. I kept trying various brands and eventually found some scented ones that I am not allergic to. They have worked well for 7 years, but I've noticed some occasional redness the last week or two so maybe I'm becoming allergic to my new brand. Yikes!
Exact same problem. Now I use Toms of Maine (scented) and never a problem since.

I used to use Toms but then I had the same problem about 10 yrs ago. I did a little research and they indeed had changed their formula. I think they changed back to their original formula but by then I had switched to a different brand. In any case, yes, you want to try different brands. I would check to see what is available in your local natural grocery store.
I've read that switching brands every six months is a good idea--keeps the bacteria guessing. Arm and Hammer Essentials works for me.

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Oh.... another thing.... wait a bit after taking a shower to put it on.... I was in a rush a week or so ago and was out of the shower, dried off... put on deodorant and WHAM.... itchy and red... have not had the problem before or after when I do other things a get really dry before applying...
Had exactly the same. Usually after a month or so of trying a new brand. Found one that works for me now. I assume that it has something to do with a chemical ingredient. Same issue with shampoo and face soap.
I had this issue back in 1964. I immediately changed brands and have not had that problem since.

I think it was just a temporary sensitivity of some kind, in my case.

The following year I became very sensitive to makeup and had to stop wearing it for a while. Now THAT was a tragedy for a 16-year-old girl. :D I also switched to Neutrogena soap just in case it was soap that was causing these non-acne facial skin problems, and avoided a number of common food allergens such as strawberries, wheat, chocolate, and so on. Eventually everything resolved, my skin sensitivities cleared up, and I haven't had any recurrences.
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Tried Mitchum. Worked fine at first. Then, same issues.

Tried Almay. So far so good.:greetings10:
I used to be a big fan of Mitchum, but then developed a rash from that.
On a lark, I tried Avon Skin So Soft, and it's been great so far, about 6 years.
Only about $1.00 per small bottle. This is the only Avon product I regularly buy.
Is deodorant really necessary?

Yes, for those of us that have to be around you. Had a co-worker that didn't use deodorant and finally had to have an "intervention" and tell them that they smelled after a few hours at work.

I've had this problem for many years. So, I decided to use deodorant made for women. This has been working just fine and I usually smell like a freshly washed bedsheet smothered in Downy fabric softener. If you are a guy you might want to try this. If you are a women, you probably have already tried this.QUOTE]

Not something one would bring up in casual conversation. QUOTE]

Yep, us girls do talk about this stuff.

Best bet for allergies is a product for "sensitive skin" and "unscented".
For those of you that use a spritz of cologne could you please use a smaller spritz. Some people must have a defective nose. I get tired of smelling your cologne or wearing it when you hug me or shake my hand. We have a friend that wears "too much", you can still smell him when he leaves the room. I use to get a lot of migraines so use to blame my migraine when asking friends or co-workers to politely "wear less". Most people would wear less smelly stuff or not at all which I really appreciated. This man insisted that his cologne wasn't strong. Even though several of us had told him. I finally had to ask him not to hug me or even shake my hand. If you've ever had a migraine you'll understand.

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