Moderator Emeritus
Or one of those Office Christmas Present routines.
Oh, what a BEAUTIFUL AVATAR!!! (showing it all around) Thank you SO MUCH!!!
Or one of those Office Christmas Present routines.
Anyone with a RED X is marked for death. But that's just my theory.
You better hope not. Your avatar is one that shows up on my computer as a red X...
OMG, my avatar has a red X too![]()
I deleted my avatar eliminating the red x ...I WANT TO LIVE I TELL YOU!
Glory be.....another one saved!bbbamI, thanks so much! I deleted my avatar too and now feel safe.
bbbamI, thanks so much! I deleted my avatar too and now feel safe.
I've looked through FAQs, User CP, etc. to see if I've changed something around. So far, don't understand why I suddenly can't see avatars and embedded pictures. I wonder if I've pushed a wrong button when trying to get my e-mail notification to work again (which I haven't so far).
Although this post is from 2009, it's happening to me starting this morning. I found the post through a search trying to figure out what was wrong. I can't see any avatars and the images of the buttons are missing. I must have changed something but haven't been able to figure it out, help?
You can start by doing this:
(1) click on "User CP" on the horizontal bar above.
(2) click on "Edit Options" on the left hand side
(3) Scroll about half way down to the "Thread Display Options" section.
(4) There, the "show avatars" and "show images" boxes should be checked. If they are not, then click on the boxes so that they have a check mark in them.
(5) Scroll way down to the bottom and click on the "Save Changes" button.
I had already double checked this and all were checked. I even tried to uncheck them and then check them all again, problem is still the same for me. On my Ipad, the formatting is fine, but the issue shows on 2 different pc's that I used. I've cleared the cache, history files, etc. and problem is still ongoing. Not having issues with any other forums that I visit. I have also noticed that when I first try to visit the site, it takes much longer than normal to load. Maybe my ISP is having an issue with their DNS or routing for this site?
You may not have done anything wrong. Instead this might be a slow connection somewhere between our server and your screen. Images are the last thing to load (we do this to keep the site as fast as possible) and sometimes they hang if there's lots of traffic.
BTW, here's a link to a screen capture of what my browser is showing with the missing avatars/buttons, etc. http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh277/davemartin88/erimage.jpg I couldn't insert the image because the buttons in the advanced editing screen didn't work. Another oddity, this post and my last one had paragraphs and the like but when posting, all the text runs together. Thanks.
All the avatars, buttons, attachments, etc are served through a content delivery network (CDN) which uses cdn.early-retirement.org in the URL to call those files. The fact the other devices connected (ipad) can still see them tells me it's something isolated to the machine that is having the issues. You might be using an ad blocker which is blocking that domain and thus you are not seeing those files?
If it's not an ad blocker please run a "ping test" and a "tracert" on cdn.early-retirement.org and paste the output here so we can see the results and maybe find some clues to help get your issues resolved.