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Today, walking home from taking my kid to school, two huge boxers were roaming around together. Neither had a collar. They were across the street and crossed the street to walk toward me. I tried to stay calm and assertive (a la dog whisperer) but was freaking out deep down inside. They seemed active - like they were roaming/looking but not snarling or aggressive that I could tell, but not in the docile, happy dog state either. Luckily I was near my home. I stared past them, kept walking and they walked toward me, then behind me and seemed to follow - not too closely though. Luckily my keys worked and I was in the door! They smelled around my front yard and then left.
I have to say I am totally freaked out. I called animal control hotline and they already had a call about the dogs. I was most concerned that I usually have my little one with me when we walk!
We've seen strays before, and coyotes too - anything I should have done differently or from now on? About every few months in frequency.
I only live 3 blocks from the school so love walking the kids to school, and don't plan on not walking but want to make sure I have the best information on approach. Maybe some spray? Oh, just can't imagine what would have gone differently if my preschooler was with me? !!
How scary!! I would have been pretty freaked out by that, too. I don't have any good suggestions, though, other than driving the kids to school and driving your preschooler to a safe park somewhere to walk. With any luck, animal control will pick up the dogs soon.