Yep, that would what they call "awkward".:blush:

Temu stuff, like a lot of stuff from China, seems to be "all over the map" when it comes to quality. I've seen a few review videos on youtube in which the quality varies a lot in the same order, from outright fall-apart-junk like Rianne's bathing suit, to high quality machine tools that are durable and accurate.

So it seems "you pays your money and takes your chances" and it might be worthwhile if you're willing to put up with the extended shipping times and return hassles if the product falls apart. For me, I'll stick with Amazon.

Well, we ordered Roomba parts from Amazon some years back and they came from China and were junk so...
I don't really trust any of them . . . but I do sort of limit who gets my info when I can. IDK.
I buy stuff from Amazon on my computer via the website.

I don't want to use an App to buy stuff at stores, as Apps can have access to lots more information than a web browser can, and worse some Apps track stuff even if you think it's closed.

I was planning on buying some stuff from Temu via a browser and ignoring their come on spin the wheel promotion of free $$$ if you download the App.
I'm not using their app either. Temu can be hits or misses, but some of the same things are about 3 times cheaper than what you pay on Amazon.
I don't really see anything new here. IMHO that video borders on fear mongering.

Of course I'd never install the app. And of course I'd consider what information I shared with any vendor via their web site. And since it's a Chinese company, I'd assume anything I shared is being provided to the Chinese government. Exactly like Ali Express, which I have bought from.

So, they know my name, address and e-mail address. They know my credit card number and IP address. They can correlate all that with my purchases on their site. If I were to allow third-party tracker cookies, they could correlate it with other sites and purchases (I don't.)

This is true of every site you visit. Every store you enter (if you have your phone on) and just about every transaction you make, anywhere.

Is it scary? Yes! But the only thing which makes it more scary than any other merchant is that it's coming from China, which is known to have a huge infrastructure set up to collect and mine this data, and questionable motives for how to use it.

So, should I put on a tin-foil hat and go live like a hermit? I'm not there yet. I try to be careful what I share and with whom. I support legislation to regulate the use of personal data. And I get on with my life. I may even buy from TEMU at some point.
Is it scary? Yes! But the only thing which makes it more scary than any other merchant is that it's coming from China, which is known to have a huge infrastructure set up to collect and mine this data, and questionable motives for how to use it.

Heh, heh, just slightly more scary than your own gummint knowing all that they know about you - and wondering about THEIR motives?:cool:
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