The Kindle


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 21, 2008
I'm dragging this quote from another thread.

Time to tune out I'm afraid. I just downloaded a bunch of new books on my Kindle and will be spending the remainder of [-]hibernation period [/-] Winter reading them.

The Kindle. Well, I wish I knew someone IRL who had one. How does it feel in your hands? Is it disorienting to read on the screen? Is it similar to reading from a computer screen? I read very little from the computer screen; if an article is lengthy, I print it out for reading. For some reason, reading from the computer screen gives me an awful headache. But the idea of being able to carry several books with me while traveling or waiting for appointments is very appealing.

Do you find yourself scrolling more frequently than you would turn a page? What do you like best about the Kindle? Do you dislike anything about the Kindle?

Do you have the first version of Kindle or the new Kindle 2.0?

Sorry to pelt you with so many questions, but I'd rather hear the straight-up truth (which I usually get from this forum) than a sales pitch.

I used Cattusbabe's quote, but I'd really like to hear from anyone who has a Kindle.
I am also interested in real life experiences. Normally I trust the on-line reviews on Amazon but in this particular case... I have some doubts as to the objectivity.
If you go to the page where they are hyping the Kindle2 and scroll all the way to the bottom there is a very active discussion section between people who are thinking about buying one and those who think it is the second coming. I own a Kindle1 and have no interest in switching to #2. This could be a good time to buy a #1 used at a more reasonable price.
I have looked at the Kindle several times. $359 plus $9.99 for each "book". We have a decent library here and I could never justify the cost of a Kindle. I read about 3 books a month (most are copyright 2008). For a initial year cost in excess of $700 I fail to see the attraction of the Kindle. I know you did not ask for a non-user opinion but, here it is anyway.

I do read a lot on computer screens and using CONTL + can enhance (enlarge the text) at most sites which makes reading easier.
I'd probably consider it at the $199 price point, but not at $349. And somehow I doubt that it could replicate the feel of reading a good book in your favorite recliner. I'm a technogeek and a gadget guy at heart, but I think there may be things technology can't improve and a book might be one of them. Admittedly, the ability to instantly download a book instead of hoping the library has it, driving to the book store to buy it or ordering it online and waiting for it to arrive has its perks, but I choose to see this as an exercise of reminding me to slow down and that not everything needs to be instant gratification.
ladyp. If you do a search here you will find a discussion of the Kindle and can pm those who have one to discuss the finer points you are curious about.

I tend to agree with you now. But, I might have loved having one during the road warrior days and not wanting to tote 3 or 4 books with me. I tend to read several different books at a time depending on mood or moon cycle. Some books for relaxing and some to self educate and some to fill the soul!
When the Kindle is like my cell phone, I will think about it. Give me the reader and I'll buy the books. This has worked for so many products, you gotta wonder why they want $350!
I have a kindle, the first version and I paid $309 for it when the price went down and Amazon offered the $50 Oprah discount. I love it.

It displays 1 page at a time so you turn pages twice as fast as a normal books where you see two pages at once. It feels good in my hands and you turn the page by hitting a button that is more like a space bar. There is a page forward and a page back bar; the page forward is on each side of the kindle so you can use which other hand you prefer.

I changed the font to one that is good on my eyes and the background grey color is easy on my eyes.

I used to get most my books from the library so I now pay for them. But when I was back east recently and read more than I thought I would, I only had to take my kindle with a bunch of books on it. Normally I would have carried all those books with me.

There is another thread where I read enough to decide to get my kindle.
ladyp. If you do a search here you will find a discussion of the Kindle and can pm those who have one to discuss the finer points you are curious about.

Thanks! I didn't know the Kindle had been a thread before.

I'm dragging this quote from another thread.

The Kindle. Well, I wish I knew someone IRL who had one. How does it feel in your hands?

The device is very lightweight, about like a paperback book. There is a brief learning curve with using the page turn buttons but I did not find it a big deal.

Is it disorienting to read on the screen?

No. Looks just like the printed page. Given that it is a screen take care re. light source there can be glare.

Is it similar to reading from a computer screen?

No. Its better. The device is not back lit so there is no eye strain and fatigue.

I read very little from the computer screen; if an article is lengthy, I print it out for reading. For some reason, reading from the computer screen gives me an awful headache.

See above.

But the idea of being able to carry several books with me while traveling or waiting for appointments is very appealing.

I have nearly fifty books and counting on my Kindle. Since I have a Kindle 1 I have access to a SD card so I can download and store an unlimited supply of reading material. The Kindle 2 does not have this capability.

Do you find yourself scrolling more frequently than you would turn a page?


What do you like best about the Kindle?

The font size is adjustable which is why my husband and I bought it.

Do you dislike anything about the Kindle?

No. I am reading a lot more in fact I am reading as much as I did when I was in my twenties and could knock of two to three books per week. You know how it is, the old eyes get tired and can't last as long. The Kindle solved that problem for me.

Do you have the first version of Kindle or the new Kindle 2.0?

I have version 1. I have no intention of getting version two. I do not feel that there were enough changes in the new one to warrant spending $359 for another. Really do not like the fact that there is not a SD card.

Sorry to pelt you with so many questions, but I'd rather hear the straight-up truth (which I usually get from this forum) than a sales pitch.

As you can tell I love this thing. You can check out the Kindle s discussion boards on Amazon or go the the web site
to get more opinion.
Be forewarned
. Both places are inhabited
by kindle zealots

I used Cattusbabe's quote, but I'd really like to hear from anyone who has a Kindle.
I have the first version and love mine, one thing I really like is the ability to download a sample of a book I'm interested about before I buy it. Not all samples are created equal but like the test drive. I also like the font change capability, when I have my glasses on, I use one font size and when I read in bed, I like to take my glasses off (one last thing to break when my head falls over) so I increase the font size. There really isn't any scrolling except in menus- a page fills the screen (the amount of text adjusts based on font size) so it's really just a matter of hitting the page forward or back keys. The new model looks interesting, some good improvements but not enough to replace mine although my DW is thinking about one so may try to figure out how I get the new one- I read a lot more than she does. I haven't pulled the trigger but I'm considering changing my newspaper subscription to the Kindle instead of home delivery- it actually costs more but like the idea of having it at the bedside when I wake up.

All in all, can't says it's cost effective but I really like having multiple books available to me wherever I go as I tend to have many started and can read a few pages when I have a few minutes here and there.

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