The Older Men Get, The More They Have To Remember...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Buddy of mine made this observation. When you leave the house you have to remember:

30’s - Keys, wallet

40’s - Keys, wallet, glasses, cell phone/pager

50’s - Keys, wallet, glasses, smartphone

60’s - Keys, wallet, glasses, smartphone, zipper (up)

70’s - ?
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70's - have to remember why you are leaving the house in the first place

(and today I'd say most 30's and 40's would list phone 1st, and rarely wallet anymore)
50's (me) - house keys, correct car fob (2 to choose from), wallet, badge (retired LEO, you never know when you'll need it), phone, magnifying glass (been using the same one for 23 years, never had glasses. It's currently held together by duct tape).

If I don't have 6 things in my pockets when I depart I know something is amiss.

If the dogs come with me add 2 dogs, 2 harnesses and 2 leashes.
70s--back brace, knee brace, cane, hearing aid, reading glasses, be sure their teeth are in
I keep it simple. Phone, wallet, keys, handkerchief.

"Blow That Dough!" attitude pays for keep the cars stocked with anything else I might need. For example, sunglasses, facial tissue, usb ports, usb charging cords, brush, comb, etc.

Never forget to zipper before, don't know why I would suddenly start to forget now :).
How to remember to get back home. Lol
"Blow That Dough!" attitude pays for keep the cars stocked with anything else I might need. For example, sunglasses, facial tissue, usb ports, usb charging cords, brush, comb, etc.

I have both our cars stocked with salt & pepper and napkins. For in car dining during the covid times - :)
I keep it simple. Phone, wallet, keys, handkerchief.

"Blow That Dough!" attitude pays for keep the cars stocked with anything else I might need. For example, sunglasses, facial tissue, usb ports, usb charging cords, brush, comb, etc.

Never forget to zipper before, don't know why I would suddenly start to forget now :).
Update: We have masks and hand sanitizer in both cars…
Update: We have masks and hand sanitizer in both cars…

Yup, have all that, along with TP, PT, and the other "in case I get stuck somewhere and have to sleep in my car overnight" items.

Maybe a good separate thread... "What do you stock in your car(s) these days?" :)
.. But not so for women!


20's: purse
30's: purse
40's: purse
50's: purse
60's: purse
70's: purse
80's: ? (not there yet)

Still, I have never been able to persuade a man to carry a purse or "man bag", despite the obvious utility and advantages of doing so.
.. But not so for women!


20's: purse
30's: purse
40's: purse
50's: purse
60's: purse
70's: purse
80's: ? (not there yet)

Still, I have never been able to persuade a man to carry a purse or "man bag", despite the obvious utility and advantages of doing so.

Ah, but... what is (or was, for the past) in that purse? A mystery to men for the ages... :)
I hardly ever carry a purse any more, and I'm 64. I have my phone, credit cards, and keys in a little passport holder around my neck. I'll drag out the crossbody purse for travel, because it counts as a "personal item" on an airplane.

I can hear dear Khan's ghost intoning: "Yet more evidence that I am not, despite all biological evidence, really a woman." :LOL:

.. But not so for women!


20's: purse
30's: purse
40's: purse
50's: purse
60's: purse
70's: purse
80's: ? (not there yet)

Still, I have never been able to persuade a man to carry a purse or "man bag", despite the obvious utility and advantages of doing so.
Ah, but... what is (or was, for the past) in that purse? A mystery to men for the ages... :)
Everything but the kitchen sink! Or so says Frank, based on the weight of my purse. :2funny: :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
It really IS heavy but it has everything I need (plus everything I needed at any time in the past 20 years or so, but don't actually need any more). It's like astronomy's black hole - - things go in, but never are removed.

EDIT: Thank you for the motivation! I just went through all of it because I need to remove the gym related stuff (I quit my gym membership). Anyway, here is what I found:

Wallet, containing cash, credit cards, identification, appointment cards, medicare and BCBS card, Walgreens card, car insurance card, and phone numbers of important people in my life, including tradesmen that have done good work on my house.
Keys and key fob device for my Venza
Two masks
metal tape measure
Three thumb drives
mp3 player
keyed padlock + key (REMOVED)
bar code to get into the gym (where I am no longer a member) (REMOVED)​
ear buds in an ear bud case
hair brush
reading glasses + case
check book
daily medicine container with medicine in it
OTC meds
postage stamps
2 implant ID cards for my cataract surgery lens implants
1 implant ID card for my TKR surgery knee replacement
cell phone
3DSXL portable video game console

It's a lot heavier than it sounds from that list! :LOL:
Still, I have never been able to persuade a man to carry a purse or "man bag", despite the obvious utility and advantages of doing so.

If they call you a sissy, just hit 'em with your purse :facepalm:

I will admit that I carried a small briefcase (soft leather, not hinged) for working days. It was as close as I will ever come to a purse :cool:
If they call you a sissy, just hit 'em with your purse :facepalm:
ROFL!!! :2funny: Yeah, that's what I say! Be assertive. :D

I will admit that I carried a small briefcase (soft leather, not hinged) for working days. It was as close as I will ever come to a purse :cool:
Frank has a standard full sized metal briefcase which he carried to work, but he doesn't carry it with him all the time now that he is retired. At least it has a lot of good stuff in it if he is looking for something.


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But she probably calls it a pocketbook.

nope, that must be an american term - never once heard pocketbook before I came here. The Queen very definitely carries a handbag.

but yes, not a purse. That's what we here know as a wallet (which, why would she need that anyway, for ID and money? lol)
For me (in my 50s) it's the cell phone and glasses I have had to remember to take with me (as new items). Mask, too, but I hope we are closer to not needing it than having to remember it.
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