Today is my last day at work


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 21, 2004
No. California
I've signed my separation papers, deposited my last check and will ship my laptop back tomorrow morning. My business phone line will be shut off tomorrow morning at 7 AM. Then it will be final.

I'm excited and a little nervous. But ready.

Funny, my motivation to work this week has really slid to an all time low. I spent yesterday sending goodbye emails to all the people who helped me or whom I have worked with for many years. Kinda sad, but I got over that quickly.

Tomorrow is the first day of ER. Yippee.
Congratulations! We see you're giving them good value for their money today ;) The last days are a little sad - but you'll get over it (tomorrow).
riskaverse said:
The last days are a little sad - but you'll get over it (tomorrow).

riskaverse is dead on. I'm a month into retirement and still wake up each morning with a smile on my face realizing I don't have to go to work. :D Congratulations.

With two years to go -- July 1, 2007 -- I'm envious.

Best of luck to you.
Actually, I'm done with my work day already. They let me go early :)

I am a recent Master Gardener graduate and plan on spending time volunteering as a Master Gardener.
Not too much time, though. ;)

I plan on learning how to enjoy free time again. Reading, gardening, visiting my parents (don't want my 85 year old dad driving any more than he has to), starting back on my genealogy research. I have a long list. Kayaking is on that list too...

Mostly living. After raising 2 kids alone for 17 years whild working and ging to school, I'm tired of doing too much. I'm going to relax.......
Free at last, free at last....
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s! :)

Great to hear about your release from prison.
Since you signed the papers, there's no change that they can reverse the release decision.

Are you having a limo pick you up from the pen? It would be nice to go out in style.

Congrats to you.

Congrats and welcome to the other side!

Here's to many mornings waking up with a big smile on your face!
I'm looking forward to walking up with a smile tomorrow.

MJ, I've been working from home since my work team is in another state. The limo would only do a U turn and take me home. Once Airborn picks up my laptop to overnight back to the office, I'll really feel free.

I did buy a nice big rib roast to slice into rib steaks for dinner. Oh darn, should have bought champagne too.
Oh well, I'll manage on cabernet. I think I'm starting to enjoy this already. Thought it'd take a little longer.
Congratulations KB!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep us posted on how it's going. You are an inspiration.

I can't wait until I can write those same words, "Today is my last day."
Congrats, and good luck with the genealogy. After doing research for over 25 years, I joined a DNA testing group and boy did we sort out a lot of lineages!

Hope your retirement is everything you hoped for.
Sheryl said:
Congratulations KB!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep us posted on how it's going.   You are an inspiration. 

I can't wait until I can write those same words,  "Today is my last day."

At work, that is...

Congratulations and welcome to the club KB.

Time to get some dirt under those fingernails. Have a blast.

The way it should read is: "F*** You, strong message to follow." :)
I tracked my laptop until it was received at the office and received my last expense check in the mail yesterday.
It's all over. The first 2 days I woke up at 5 am, today at 6 am. There's hope for me yet.

Next to roll my 401K into a Rollover IRA. My current rollover IRA is Wellesley and Wellington. I was going to roll this one into the Wellesley, but wonder if anyone has better suggestions?
Depends on what ya want the money to do, and when? Both wellesley and wellington are good funds that turn out a nice dividend, part of which is taxable as ordinary income, and part of which is a qualified dividend. You want more income? More dividend? Lower taxes? Money that you can spend every year? Money that will grow with low taxation over time?

Wait until you hit 10am. That appears to be my settling point. I went to noon a lot my first few months then slid back to 10. No matter whether I try to go to bed earlier or later, a week later I'm back to waking up at 10...
KB said:
It's all over.  The first 2 days I woke up at 5 am, today at 6 am.  There's hope for me yet.
4:30 AM for me, plus or minus an hour. Let me know if you figure out how to reset your circadian rhythm...
The IRA is money that I won't touch until 59 or afterwards and I'm 52.5 now.  So I want it to grow but not be too risky.  I was planning on plopping it in Wellesley which would put me over the admiral minimum.  I was just unclear whether that was a wise move the way the market looks right now.

I'm reading 4 Pillars now, just not sure whether the advice in it would change based on today's market.  Or maybe I should not even worry about today, just look forward to tomorrow.

Nords, my 5 am has actually been closer to 4:45, but that seems so obscene..... If I can get myself to stay up past 10:30 my hours might slide...

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