Today is my last day at work

Nords said:
4:30 AM for me, plus or minus an hour. Let me know if you figure out how to reset your circadian rhythm...

A baby is doing a good job of trying to change mine. He keeps wanting 5:30am, I keep wanting 10am.

Since you're already up, why dont *you* have another one? hmm? ;)
KB said:
I was planning on plopping it in Wellesley which would put me over the admiral minimum.  I was just unclear whether that was a wise move the way the market looks right now.

I'm reading 4 Pillars now, just not sure whether the advice in it would change based on today's market.  Or maybe I should not even worry about today, just look forward to tomorrow.

Nords, my 5 am has actually been closer to 4:45, but that seems so obscene..... If I can get myself to stay up past 10:30 my hours might slide...
"Plopping" will probably save you more in the long run than sitting on the sidelines and waiting to time a dip. But you have to decide if the comfort of those statistics will get you through the trauma of accidentally converting to Admiral shares just before we revert to a 2000-2002 market.

Spouse can't stay awake later than 9:30 but if I tried to stay up past 9:30 then I'd have to spend more time with the kid's teenager night-owl habits. I enjoy the 4:30 AM quiet time...

Notth said:
Since you're already up, why dont *you* have another one? hmm? ;)
Oh, I may be up (so to speak) but my intentions are strictly recreative & not procreative. I think everyone knows IMMEDIATELY when their family is the correct size. Unless you have twins, and then you know when it's too big.

Besides, in 12 years or so Gabe's new sleep habits will neatly synch up with yours. Probably to the perpetual despair of your wife trying to sleep at 2 AM while you guys are in the video game room.
KB said:
The IRA is money that I won't touch until 59 or afterwards and I'm 52.5 now.  So I want it to grow but not be too risky.  I was planning on plopping it in Wellesley which would put me over the admiral minimum.  I was just unclear whether that was a wise move the way the market looks right now.

I'm reading 4 Pillars now, just not sure whether the advice in it would change based on today's market.  Or maybe I should not even worry about today, just look forward to tomorrow.

Nords, my 5 am has actually been closer to 4:45, but that seems so obscene..... If I can get myself to stay up past 10:30 my hours might slide...

Typically up around 5 am (always if DW is working - she leaves at 5:30).
About half the time I go back to bed until 8:30 or 9, but I take a nap most any old time I feel like it.  Maybe in bed by 9, so with no nap that's
about 8 hours of sack time.  Sounds about right, but my average is much higher I'm sure.

JG video game room is the living room...10' projection and dolby digital with a subwoofer the size of a coffee table. Was up late a few weeks ago watching a movie and the wife came out, unplugged the subwoofer and wordlessly went back to bed. And I didnt even have it up that high...
KB said:
Nords, my 5 am has actually been closer to 4:45, but that seems so obscene..... If I can get myself to stay up past 10:30 my hours might slide...

The first week of retirement I woke up every morning at 3:30 AM, realized I didn't have to go to work (ever!) and got so excited I couldn't go back to sleep. After a month I've managed to work it up to 6:30. :)

Wait till you learn the craft of the 30-40 minute afternoon nap - a tough job in ER but somebody's got to do it.

Golden - wakes me up a 6:30 A.M. for his morning whiz and snift - hit the coffeepot switch on the way out. Usually to bed by 10 but watch Charlie Rose during the week before snoozing.
ReWahoo....that's what it is.  I'm thinking about all the great stuff I can do without going to work and then I can't get back to sleep.  I guess when I get used to ER I'll fall back asleep.  It's so new now, it's a novelty.

unclemick,  I've already learned about the nap. 1 PM seems about the right time.  30 - 40 minutes is about right.  My cat helps by napping with me. 
In bed between 10 and 11. Up about 6:15 a.m. Some days throw in an afternoon nap. Got up for 30 years or so at 5: 25 a.m. It took about a year to get out of that habit. I'd like to sleep later, but cannot.
I can probaably count the number of times I've gone to bed before midnight. Retirement is no different. I go to bed usually between 12:30 and 2, unless I am up late.  :)

In summer I try to get to sleep before the birds get going.

I generally sleep till 10 or so. I will get up early if I want to or have to go somewhere.


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