what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I need to get one of those gizmos. I started running again and need something to keep me interested. But your 10:30 pace is a sprint compared to my speed.

I tried it with the heart rate monitor this morning. I love it. It mapped my route for me yesterday when I synced it with Nike+ but today it did not produce a map for me. I think that's because I started the run before I had a lock on the satelite. It also senses the foot pod, so it is getting the run data even when you are on a treadmill or when you've lost the satelite signal. However, it did produce nice graphs about speed, and heart rate. I think it also produces an altitude feed on the graphs as the iphone app does, but I'll have to check that next time.

What a great deal.

Is she bi-lingual now? Tri-lingual?

We are both enjoying it, although it does have its drawbacks. Sometimes daughters back-talk a bit to their daddies a bit. That does not go over well with me in the office, and I don't suppose it would in a submarine command either...if a daughter was ever assigned to work with her father in a sub...We've had a talk about it, and she understood the explanation well.

She is more or less bilingual, English first, Japanese second. However, she does not understand business in either language yet. And she does not understand how to use "polite" or "honorific" Japanese yet...so we are working on that. Her fiance also speaks Spanish, so she is working on that, but does not claim to speak it yet.

To me, a far better deal would be being retired and not having to work. But hey, that's just me. I guess retirement's not for everyone.

Yeah, but "just one more year" (and a half) until (semi/maybe/kinda) retirement. And since she is getting married in August, its nice to have the last little bit of daddy-daughter time. She spent the first couple of days in and around my office, but is now in an office across the street from mine. We still have lunch together, and come to work and go home together. Its nice.

It's been a busy week-- father-daughter taekwondo, father-daughter surfing, father-daughter tax-return preparation, father-daughter weapons shooting, father-daughter yardwork, father-daughter grocery shopping... you get the idea. She survived freshman year with a "C" in chemistry (darn happy to get it, too), a 3.00 GPA, and exactly the classes/dorm room/roommates she wants for sophomore year. Now she's packing for a month of Navy training including a few days each aboard a submarine, destroyer or cruiser, and an aircraft carrier. The Marines are also promising opportunities with pugil sticks and a mud crawl, although it's not clear whether those are separate or simultaneous. I'm lookin' forward to that trip report.

It's fun to watch the impressive personal growth that's occurred in just a few months. Many of this week's conversations have started with "Hey Dad, how come when I was X years old you and Mom decided to..." She's developing a new appreciation for priorities, time management, and making choices.

We are both enjoying it, although it does have its drawbacks. Sometimes daughters back-talk a bit to their daddies a bit. That does not go over well with me in the office, and I don't suppose it would in a submarine command either...if a daughter was ever assigned to work with her father in a sub...We've had a talk about it, and she understood the explanation well.
Well. A certain amount of creative [-]payback[/-] "forceful backup" and self-criticism is [-]encouraged[/-] tolerated. I guess it reminds the authority figures not to shoot the messengers. I certainly contributed more than my fair share on both sides of the situation. But it's always fun to watch the young ones test their independence on the ones they love the most.

Although your co-workers may be snickering, I'm sure every other parent in that office is wishing they had the same chance to develop an adult relationship with their children!

I'm just glad I never had to compete with my spouse or my daughter for promotions.

To me, a far better deal would be being retired and not having to work. But hey, that's just me. I guess retirement's not for everyone.
Not to pile on, but I was referring to Rambler's opportunity to spend time with his daughter after being separated for months over a number of time zones. Not so much to his daughter's "opportunity", although I've enjoyed what he's shared over the years about her college experience. Around here, Japanese-language skills are difficult to acquire and quite a boost to one's earning potential. Gaining that experience in Japan is very valuable.

Our daughter just came home after her freshman year and is absolutely bubbling over with enthusiasm at her opportunities. (Heck, I would be too.) We talk a lot about work, family, priorities, and financial independence. She's spent more than half of her existence with ER'd parents and she appreciates the lifestyle. However we tell her it's far more rewarding to find work that you love, and financial independence gives you choices. She sees us living that lifestyle, too.
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Building the second garden continues. Being the type of guy I am, I decided I wanted the garden on the south side of the house... right where the previous owners had a rock garden on a slope that's graded in [-]twelve[/-] three directions. Also turns out they didn't use fill dirt, they used demolition debris. I've pulled out about 600 pounds of broken concrete so far.



I should be wrapped up with everything this weekend... then I'll need to find a new [-]hell[/-] way to entertain myself after work. I suspect it'll involve weeding.

Oops, completely forgot... tree crew is coming today to cut down 7 trees between our house and our neighbor's. I have three dead ash, he has one, plus I have a black willow and pussy willow that need to come down and he has a walnut he wants removed as it's close to the house. The crew is felling and cutting them into 3' sections then I'll be cutting the wood to fireplace length and disposing of the brush. I guess that'll be a couple day's fun of hauling brush plus a half day of playing with a chipper.
Since it was raining or threatening to rain most of the day I just about finished the restoration of an old photograph. Aside from the obvious color shifting and cracks there was apparently water damage from sprinkles of something on it, and seemingly thousands of individual spots that had to be corrected by hand. Without a drawing tablet I'd have carpal tunnel syndrome doing that with a mouse. It's a photo of me with only the year 1952, no month.


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Since it was raining or threatening to rain most of the day I just about finished the restoration of an old photograph. Aside from the obvious color shifting and cracks there was apparently water damage from sprinkles of something on it, and seemingly thousands of individual spots that had to be corrected by hand. Without a drawing tablet I'd have carpal tunnel syndrome doing that with a mouse. It's a photo of me with only the year 1952, no month.
Pictured above: A young Walt, dreaming of early retirement.

The picture looks great!
I'll be cutting the wood to fireplace length and disposing of the brush.

I'm bummed because there were two offers of "cut up these trees and you can have the firewood" in craigslist -- possibly enough to heat our house for all of next year -- but I haven't recovered enough from my accident that I could handle it.
I tried to mow the back yard today...but a thunderstorm cut my efforts short. I am really enjoying my new self-propelled mower. I am wearing a pair of padded palm fingerless bicycle gloves, so my hands do not hurt at all after using the self-propel mower or the riding mower.
I do the tight spaces with that first and then the long straight lines with the riding mower. I'm getting some walking exercise and getting a chore done at the same time. :dance:
Figuring on a cost of $40 per contracted out mowing fee, all I have to do is use the new mower 8x and I break even. That was a no-brainer. ;)
I'm bummed because there were two offers of "cut up these trees and you can have the firewood" in craigslist -- possibly enough to heat our house for all of next year -- but I haven't recovered enough from my accident that I could handle it.

Good deal for the tree owners.

I pay to get my dead trees cut and then you pay again for them to haul the wood (to be sold later). I have paid in the range of $700 - $1300/tree.
I paid $680 for 7 trees to be felled and cut into 3' sections. The crew looked me up and down and decided to cut the trunks into 12" logs instead.

I'm dealing with the brush and keeping the wood. Fortunately, our neighbor's dad owns a 9" wood chipper and he'll be over next week. Wood chips will be going on the walkways between our raised bed gardens.
Went to dentist & had new crown put in (last step of ~$2K & 2 months).
Hit grocery store.
Went to ACE & bought herbs & flowers.
Dropped my neighbor off at her clinical trial appointment (she has MS) at 9:00 this morning for 6 hours of testing. It was only 15 miles (25 mins) from the apt but it would have been two buses and 2 hours each way.

Escorted my 90-year old neighbor to her dr's appointment and she treated me to lunch at the local French restaurant.

Took my mom shopping at Kohl's so she could spend her Kohl's Cash and stimulate the economy. At least she didn't buy anything requiring assembly. :LOL: Saw a basket of dirty laundry in her apartment so took it and popped it in the washer in the apt laundry room.

Picked up my neighbor from her clinical trial appointment and brought her home so she wouldn't miss her ride to a baseball game this evening. DH finished up the laundry and delivered it back to mom but he was rewarded with hot brownies this evening.
DH and our older son went to a Neil Inness concert in Cleveland. If you don't recognize the name he is a British musician from The Bonzo Doo-Dah Dog Band, The Rutles and other things - Neil Innes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DH got his old Bonzo's double album LP signed.

I stayed at home and watched many episodes of House Hunters International on HGTV with our other son. We played the House Hunters drinking game where you take a drink every time they mention "stainless steel appliances" or "granite counter tops".
After 3 days of not washing my hair (had cataract surgery and can't wet eye for a week), I finally went to the hair salon to have it washed clean. Feels wonderful. Then went for some shopping, came home to prepare dinner, watched a movie on TV and surfed the net. Usually I will be golfing on a Saturday but doctor said no golf or vigorous exercise for a month.
I stayed at home and watched many episodes of House Hunters International on HGTV with our other son. We played the House Hunters drinking game where you take a drink every time they mention "stainless steel appliances" or "granite counter tops".

Phase II of simplifying our yard chores...

I have a 1990s vintage weed whacker that is very heavy and is difficult to start. The vibration from the engine and the weight of it just kills my hands and upper body.
I researched and purchased a cordless weed whacker.
Amazon.com: Black & Decker NST2118 12-Inch 18-Volt Ni-Cd Cordless Electric GrassHog String Trimmer/Edger: Home & Garden

Mr B and I will have no trouble using this lightweight, automatic starting (by trigger) machine. No extension cords to drag around. No more mixing and storing excess fuel. :D
It is dual purpose as a trimmer and edger. I need to edge the driveway in preparation of getting it resealed on contract. It is way overdue for that.
I will get Mr B busy selling the older weedwhacker to one of his coffee buddies at the Legion. So much easier than advertising it on craigslist. :D
I stayed at home and watched many episodes of House Hunters International on HGTV with our other son. We played the House Hunters drinking game where you take a drink every time they mention "stainless steel appliances" or "granite counter tops".

Now that's a dangerous game......hope you weren't too fuzzy-headed today :LOL:
Got Tdap vaccine at grocery pharmacy.
Put out clothesline for first time this year.
Turned this:


Into this:


And now the front looks like this:


That pile stacked in the front is 7' tall at the high point and about 45' long. Neighbor's dad is coming over with his 9" chipper tomorrow afternoon so I need to get the rest up in the morning... there's still about two tree's worth of brush in the back (around on the right side of the yard... can't see it.

Total cost for the chipper and him running it.... a couple beers and some tomatoes from the garden. We're making dinner for everyone as well though. Will be awesome having a work crew (neighbors will be helping)
After a week of rain every single day we finally got the grass cut. DW noticed a robin's nest under the deck with young'uns in it. As I write there is a camera on a tripod taking photos every 30 seconds.

I'll post a few if anything interesting comes of it.
Some early photos:


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Phase II of simplifying our yard chores...

I researched and purchased a cordless weed whacker.
Amazon.com: Black & Decker NST2118 12-Inch 18-Volt Ni-Cd Cordless Electric GrassHog String Trimmer/Edger: Home & Garden

Mr B and I will have no trouble using this lightweight, automatic starting (by trigger) machine. No extension cords to drag around. No more mixing and storing excess fuel. :D

DW got one of those a few years ago to use.

I' m philosophically opposed to manicuring lawns and such. She has never actually used the whacker, at times I found it useful for reducing some really unruly weeds. My gardening mostly consists of running the the mower and digging holes for plants in her designated spots. DW is more on the perfectionist side, and is a very good gardener. The system works well.

That whacker is very good, Changing reels is a less than a 2 minute affair, has good battery life, and a well designed charger.

Have at it.
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