what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I'm in Denver for a few days. A good friend is having a tumor removed from his brain. His wife is grateful to have someone there to sit with her. I have heard of others with this kind of operation who came out fine, but it is still very worrisome. Prayers would be appreciated.

He left the hospital yesterday about noon. That is just amazing! I was talking to him in post-op Thursday at noon and Friday at noon he was sent home. That is after surgery to remove a tumor fairly deep in his brain! He is doing good so far. Lots of thanks to God and lots of thanks to the surgical and nursing teams at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, CO.

Excellent news, Hermit! He is fortunate to have such a good friend in you - I pray that his recovery will continue smoothly and there will be no after effects.
Showered, made a savoury omelette for breakfast, read the news online, practiced driving and putting at my local golf course, visited the farmers' market and bought fresh basil, oregano, apricots and cherries, dried lavender, apricot jam and peach salsa. Planning to spend time at the pool this afternoon. It's too hot for anything else!
For magnesium, around 300-400 mg per day is a good amount. You want the chelated form, so look for magnesium citrate or magnesium aspartate, or magnesium citrimate.

I upped my high magnesium foods years ago to stop heart palpitations, which worked great, but also symptoms like tight muscles improved as well.
Tripped, face-planted and slammed my head hard on my concrete driveway. Ow! I'm fine but you know how head scrapes are, so there was a huge amount of blood all over me and the driveway and it took a while to get it stopped. The point of impact was the bone under my left outer eyebrow. Ice, neosporin, and bandaids all helped once the bleeding stopped and it was cleaned up. My glasses were very badly bent but F bent them back to normal for me. My pretty light pink blouse is covered with blood so that looked pretty spectacular until I changed.

At the time, I was carrying my laundry out to the car with plans to do it at F's house, because my washer won't be delivered until tomorrow. i always knew that laundry was a dangerous task to be avoided at all costs! :2funny:

Anyway, after it is done we'll be back to our daily routine. That's enough excitement for one day.
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We are both over at his house by now, and he is doing my laundry for me while I post here on my iphone. :D

Holy Cow! You are lucky.......is this how you get Frank to do the laundry.
sorted and scanned another box of pictures while I slow roasted some ribs, made my own bbq sauce, and tried out a few new recipes all while doing 5 loads of laundry...thank god without any of the drama W2R had (glad your ok).

had to be nice to my honey as he is interviewing again this week (6th interview.. seems like overkill at this point), but it means I wont see him for 2 days and if he gets it it means moves moving again after just 4 months (ie. all the more incentive to get through the boxes and get rid of anything else I can). So nothing like pre-prepping to move just in case.
Wow, W2R be careful with those dangerous tasks! Glad to hear there was no serious injury other than to pride.

Yesterday we went down to DW's uncle's place on the Patuxent River near Solomons (you can see the bridge from his back yard) for the annual July 4th family gathering and crabs caught from his dock. Everyone brings a dish or something and as usual there more food than anyone could hope to eat, although I did my best. The fireworks were rained out by a thunderstorm so we missed that part but otherwise the weather was perfect - relatively low humidity and temps around 80 F.


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Tripped, face-planted and slammed my head hard on my concrete driveway. Ow! I'm fine but you know how head scrapes are, so there was a huge amount of blood all over me and the driveway and it took a while to get it stopped. The point of impact was the bone under my left outer eyebrow. Ice, neosporin, and bandaids all helped once the bleeding stopped and it was cleaned up. My glasses were very badly bent but F bent them back to normal for me. My pretty light pink blouse is covered with blood so that looked pretty spectacular until I changed.

At the time, I was carrying my laundry out to the car with plans to do it at F's house, because my washer won't be delivered until tomorrow. i always knew that laundry was a dangerous task to be avoided at all costs! :2funny:

Anyway, after it is done we'll be back to our daily routine. That's enough excitement for one day.

Wow W2R, your post made me woozy just reading it. Hope everything heals up OK.
Holy Cow! You are lucky.......is this how you get Frank to do the laundry.

Thanks! I think I discovered a great technique for getting help with the laundry. :ROFLMAO: It apparently worked although I wouldn't recommend it as standard procedure. :D

sorted and scanned another box of pictures while I slow roasted some ribs, made my own bbq sauce, and tried out a few new recipes all while doing 5 loads of laundry...thank god without any of the drama W2R had (glad your ok).

Thanks! Believe me, it was such drama. :ROFLMAO:

Wow, W2R be careful with those dangerous tasks! Glad to hear there was no serious injury other than to pride.

Ha ha! So true, I seem to be just fine. Laundry is dangerous stuff. :D

Wow W2R, your post made me woozy just reading it. Hope everything heals up OK.

It was worth getting woozy over, believe me! I didn't tell you about the pool of blood on the driveway about 6"-8" in diameter, how when I first tried to touch the wound blood came pouring down my hand and arm, how the whole front of my blouse was covered with blood, not to mention my purse and legs... head wounds are a mess! Thank goodness my laundry landed right beside me so I grabbed a dark brown towel and applied pressure so eventually the bleeding stopped. Then we cleaned and disinfected the wound and applied ice to minimize the swelling.

I am all better now and sitting in my easy chair. Other than the spectacular head wound, I also banged up my left knee (which isn't abraded but will probably get a colorful bruise on it), and skinned my right hand a little bit. I intend to remain planted here in my easy chair as much as possible between now and bedtime just to play it safe. Sometimes we are just so lucky!
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Came in this afternoon after a nice afternoon of beer and brauts with friends. The motor home was just a bit warm so I turned on the fan - nothing happened. Confirmed I had no power on that cord (A separate line I use for a second electric heater so I don't trip the Motor Home circuit breaker.) and took the voltmeter out to the power pole. Checked for power at the circuit breaker and took it out and replaced it a couple of times. We had some heavy downpours while I was gone and it looks like the weather resistant gfci outlet died. These things don't seem to be very robust. I also have one that is out up at the house temporary electric panel. They are required by code and Leviton seems to be the only company that makes them. Ordered two of them from Amazon.
Wow, W2R be careful with those dangerous tasks! Glad to hear there was no serious injury other than to pride.

Yesterday we went down to DW's uncle's place on the Patuxent River near Solomons (you can see the bridge from his back yard) for the annual July 4th family gathering and crabs caught from his dock. Everyone brings a dish or something and as usual there more food than anyone could hope to eat, although I did my best. The fireworks were rained out by a thunderstorm so we missed that part but otherwise the weather was perfect - relatively low humidity and temps around 80 F.

Argghh!!! I am envious!

My folks used to live in Hollywood, MD-just up the 235 from Lexington Park, and I worked summers at Pax River NAS back in the 80's. I remember getting bushels of blue crabs fresh from our neighbor who would trawl with his own lines.....my mouth is making a mess of my keyboard as I drool looking at the pics you posted!

Spread out the newspaper, open a box of Old Bay, maybe some melted butter, a cooler of beer and I was in heaven!
what did you do today?

I upped my high magnesium foods years ago to stop heart palpitations, which worked great, but also symptoms like tight muscles improved as well.

Interesting. What high magnesium foods do you use in your diet? I have had issues with muscle tightness as well as occasional heart palpitations lately.
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Just shave off a few slivers of this into your blender when you make that juice. You'll be good to go.
Returned home a couple of days ago from a wonderful trip to the northeast. Today I'm getting back in the swing of things as apparently no maids or cooks will show up.

We enjoyed beautiful scenery, cool temps and everyone we came in contact with was welcoming and gracious.

...and we encountered raspberries soaked in moonshine, cherries soaked in moonshine and a moon from a turkey....


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Bought my Dream House. :D


Inside the levee on 'high' ground! Right? ;) :dance::dance::greetings10:

heh heh heh - all my old New Orleans friends are in Covington, Bush, Carriere, Pearl River,Liberty Bayou, Picayune. :blush:. They got settled and never made it back to the city. :greetings10:
Yesterday we went down to DW's uncle's place on the Patuxent River near Solomons (you can see the bridge from his back yard) for the annual July 4th family gathering and crabs caught from his dock.

Count me jealous, also. I miss summer crab feasts a lot - nothing like spreading out the week's newspapers on the table, cracking open a cold one (or two), and tackling a pile of freshly cooked crabs covered in Old Bay with a mallet and knife. Mmmmmmm....
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