what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I spent the afternoon at my mother's house. She moved out a week ago (ALF) but left most of her things behind, now it's time to clean, organize and identify everything, decide what to do with it all, then get the house ready to sell. My summer project.
6 mile run with DW this AM ... listening to a series of Options Trading webinars from TDA ... will hit tennis balls w DS for an hour or so later, then have quartet rehearsal this evening.

Yesterday was the final piece of the new home office, so spent most of the afternoon waiting for VZ tech to upgrade the connection in that room to hard-line ethernet. Bit of a wait (as usual) - but super happy with the results, moving from 65-70 up to 85-90Mpbs speeds up and down. Necessary for trading weeklies.

I've said several places on the forum, but at the risk of repeating, I am LOVING every minute of not working. Had a call from a work colleague to follow-up on a few things the other day, and just hearing the tension and exasperation in his voice validated so strongly the decision to leave!
Went kayaking. Then flew my drone over some tornado ravaged properties capturing aerial photography. Processing videos now, then off on a bike ride.
Started about a year ago (can't rush these things) to replace a washed away bridge over the creek at my camp. A few days ago got the far side ramp done. Now I can drive a lawnmower or a FourWheeler across. Eventually a third set of planks will allow a pickup truck to traverse as well. The bridge without ramps is about 35 feet.


  • CampBridge 001.JPG
    CampBridge 001.JPG
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Got my first official call from my previous employer asking if I wanted to head up a project for a couple of weeks. Realizing that by agreeing to this would be setting up a troubling precedent, and that a 2 week project could morph into 2 month project...I responded with a firm "no thanks".

This is my first Summer of ER for goodness sake - leave me alone! :mad:
Started about a year ago (can't rush these things) to replace a washed away bridge over the creek at my camp. A few days ago got the far side ramp done. Now I can drive a lawnmower or a FourWheeler across. Eventually a third set of planks will allow a pickup truck to traverse as well. The bridge without ramps is about 35 feet.

It looks like mostly log construction? Just like the pioneers. Looks good to go!
Thanks. All the material is from the camp, semi dead trees, unused power poles, modified to fit by chainsaw and sweat.
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Well, hopefully the dead tree trunks have not rotted out and can stand the 5000-lb weight of the PU. :angel:
Had a nice visit with GravitySucks (from this forum). We rode up a hill in the redwoods, and gravity sucked us down (click for full size photos).

Then we drove to the Klamath River Overlook and had a picnic lunch.


GS is a great guy, and we enjoyed ourselves.
Well, hopefully the dead tree trunks have not rotted out and can stand the 5000-lb weight of the PU. :angel:

Semi dead trees.

Meaning no rot in the trunk, some branches were still with leaves. And a careful look at them, besides thumping eliminated any rotten bits. The design spreads the loads from each wheel.

I trust my work:cool:
Had a nice visit with GravitySucks (from this forum). We rode up a hill in the redwoods, and gravity sucked us down (click for full size photos).

Then we drove to the Klamath River Overlook and had a picnic lunch.

GS is a great guy, and we enjoyed ourselves.

Thanks for your and Lena's gracious hospitality Al. I appreciate your showing me another side of the folks in your area.
You live in a very pretty part of the country.

But why did you use the pix that make me look overweight and balding and not the ones that look Cary Grant-ish like in my mind??
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You all lost your chance to see my every move in my new house, after dark. I finally thumbtacked a temporary curtain over the leaded glass front door, and some stained glass look-alike window film over my kitchen window. I wouldn't call it totally private quite yet, but at least I don't feel like I'm on stage. Also, I feel a lot safer now.

What do people do for privacy with those gorgeous leaded glass front doors? I never noticed, and now I have one and I am perplexed.

Yesterday I had my 4 keypad entry deadbolts, and 4 doorknobs, all re-keyed. My handyman can't install them until next week, when he installs my garage door opener. Can you imagine having a big, beautiful garage without a garage door opener? Me either. But, it is a slight deficiency that is easily fixed.
Today is another indoor day...the heat index is supposed to approach 100F. It is already 86F at 10:30 AM. Severe Tstorms with possible hail will arrive later on. Better cover up my tomatoes and bring whatever I can under cover of the roof overhang. Most of the plant containers are on wheels so not too much trouble doing that.

I pulled some marinated beef teriyaki out of the deep freezer and cut up some Carmen sweet peppers for the crockpot. No oven usage today.

All in all just a nice peaceful day at home until the weather hell breaks loose later on.
You all lost your chance to see my every move in my new house, after dark...

Darn! I was still trying to decipher your home location from your post. :angel:
Yesterday was a full on stormy day -thunder & lightning started at 6am, then the rain began falling light at first and got to a full on downpour later in the day.

Went to an audio gathering at a local store to listen to some engineers/reps/designers talk about and showcase some of their products.

Heard some fantastic components, but way out of my modest budget. Still, getting exposed to what the upper end can sound like...'ear' opening.

Had some pizza and beer for dinner at home, then flopped on the couch for some mindless tv watching before bed.
We knew about Nawlins for years. Street address is what we talk about. I guess with your new garage, it's harder to spot your Venza. ;)
Had been planning for a dozen or more guests for a picnic-style gathering, and a 3-4 hour float tube trip down the river for the adventuresome types. This has become a fun annual event for our group, with some travelling for hours to get here. Had been keeping a wary eye on the weather forecast as afternoon T-storms were possible with very high temps. Started out the morning with an unexpected early morning storm knocking out our power. Utilities are usually restored pretty quickly around here, but started getting concerned when > 2 hours of downtime.

Computers, internet and VOIP phone down w/o power, and I didn't have everyone's phone numbers on my cell, just about ready to start making some calls to cancel plans when power came back on, so we decided to forge ahead and make the best of it. Had a bit smaller crowd than in some previous years, but those of us that did the tubing trip (ages mid 40's to 70's; and me celebrating my 19th 39th birthday :cool:) had a blast, water level was up a bit so the rapids were more fun, and overall trip took less time. Being on the water was a great relief from the heat, and we stayed hydrated with a supply of ice cold adult beverages from a cooler on the "beverage barge" that tagged along.
Yesterday was a full on stormy day -thunder & lightning started at 6am, then the rain began falling light at first and got to a full on downpour later in the day.

Yes! Wasn't it wonderful!??

Sunny and a bit muggy today, though.
what did you do today?

I finally purchased my tickets for 2 weeks in Scotland.

I haven't flown there since 1997. The days of $350 R/T are long gone,aren't they? From the West Coast of the US, anyway.

Oh, well, in for a penny, in for a few more pounds: I splurged on a seat upgrade over and back. :)
We went to an outdoor concert yesterday. It was sold out so SiL and I went ahead hours early to get a decent spot and set up. The first two times it rained we managed to stay dry ourselves and keep all the things dry as well (chairs, table, food). The third time it stormed and it was just too much, everything was drenched except the food - especially us. Then the sun came out to warm us up and help dry us out, the rest of the family drove over and we had a mostly enjoyable but somewhat damp evening.
I met the canvas guy to go over exactly what I wanted for a new main cover for my boat. I've known him for decades. What a relief to have a known person doing this j*b versus getting ripped off by a stranger. Plus...he is also a retired engineer so the w*rk will be done meticulously. Anything custom or boat related is triple the price. I already have the fabric and thread, he will order the rest of the stuff and start the j*b once it arrives next week. From there it will be straight labor hours, and a cash discount deal. >:D

Once again it is too damn hot out for me. My hot flashes are cramping my outdoor in summer style. :( So....I am heading to the foothills of the Adirondacks tomorrow for some relief from the heat. My friend and I compared temperatures today. Her place is always 5 degrees cooler than down here. Amazing what a little elevation change can do.

Fried ham steak and pineapple, and fresh homegrown bush beans sauteed in olive oil is planned for dinner. Yummy !
Framed the ramp to attach to the stairs at my Mom's down the road this morning. made myself a lunch and watched the end of the British Open. While I was hoping for Jordan Speith to win once he was out of the running i was glad to see Zach Johnson take the Championship. Took a jet ski ride around the pond with some friends and am relaxing a bit before a late afternoon cocktail pontoon cruise with a friend who returns to Hawaii later this week.
Finally located all 12 devices that make up my stereo system and all the associated cables and got everything hooked up and working. The only unpacking left to do is books and that may wait until the snow flies.
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