What did you do today? 2018 version

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We saw a Motown tribute band called the Best Intentions at Yoshi's at Jack London Square in Oakland last night. They put on a great show.

Today was pretty routine with walking the dog, housework and some errands but still pleasant. The weather has been great so we have morning coffee and later on happy hour on the patio.
Fidelity called to make an appointment with me and my private client representative. I told them last year I never wanted to hear from him again. Even though I "fired" him last year they didn't tell him.

Well the assistant heard it loud and clear! I suggested that if Fidelity can't find a replacement in 5 months, Schwab will. He said he'd talk to his manager, the branch manager. I explained the branch manager and I had talked months ago and I was still waiting on the call he owed me.
Prepping my boat for the sale to a young family in the neighborhood. I'm having buyer's remorse and the boat hasn't left my driveway yet.
Halfway done with moving the pinball machine out to the garage. Made a space for it, got the machine broken down, playfield and back glass off and propped up ready for the hand truck.

Get me some lunch now and finish up when I get back.
Is that sellers remorse? Or do you really feel that bad for the new buyer:confused:

Oops! It would be seller's remorse. I'm having a rough day.

Our HOA has a 24' limit for boat length, so the HOA measures very boat that will go on the lake. My 16 footer was measured back in 2005 when I bought it. And the HOA wants to measure it again for the new owner. Can't they assume that it is the same length that it was in 2005?
DW got a new Medicare card in the mail today. First one I've seen with just a code number in place of the SS number. Appears to be pretty much random letters and numbers, 11 characters in all. A nice improvement!
Oops! It would be seller's remorse. I'm having a rough day.

Our HOA has a 24' limit for boat length, so the HOA measures very boat that will go on the lake. My 16 footer was measured back in 2005 when I bought it. And the HOA wants to measure it again for the new owner. Can't they assume that it is the same length that it was in 2005?
I thought it was just the money hole in them that grew. [emoji2]
DW got a new Medicare card in the mail today. First one I've seen with just a code number in place of the SS number. Appears to be pretty much random letters and numbers, 11 characters in all. A nice improvement!
Finally. A much needed change. Does this mean she has to update the number with all her health care providers? Does Medicare say if they will continue to process claims based on her old number?
No details like that with the new card. They just said to start using it, so I have to assume that it will all be merged seamlessly in the background, with no confusion or problems of any kind.


Oops! It would be seller's remorse. I'm having a rough day.

Our HOA has a 24' limit for boat length, so the HOA measures very boat that will go on the lake. My 16 footer was measured back in 2005 when I bought it. And the HOA wants to measure it again for the new owner. Can't they assume that it is the same length that it was in 2005?

You might have put in an unauthorized addition.
Our HOA has a 24' limit for boat length, so the HOA measures very boat that will go on the lake. My 16 footer was measured back in 2005 when I bought it. And the HOA wants to measure it again for the new owner. Can't they assume that it is the same length that it was in 2005?

You would be amazed at what people do to get around boat regulations. I lived on a lake with a 10 hp restriction. Leisure cruising and fishing only. It turns out that the physical size of 10 hp, 25 hp, and sometimes 40 hp can be the same. People were buying the larger engines, and having the engine cover re-decaled with the 10 hp label.

Finally, one board member went and got the serial number of every engine. There were some embarrassed and ticked off people.

So no, you can't make the boat longer, but someone could buy your boat, register it with the HOA, then sell it and buy a bigger boat, I guess.
I had a new experience today. There was a note in our park's newsletter looking for someone to help repair medical appliances. Since I just got through with taxes for AARP, I called the man. Funny thing, he lives right behind me!
We spent about 4 hours today repairing wheelchairs, seated walkers, etc. With 2 people working, it seemed we got 5 times as much done:)
I will be doing this about once a week for the foreseeable future. The other person is really nice and is very easy to get along with, just like my copilot.
Replaced the touch modular on that little light I’m sentimental about.


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Finally. A much needed change. Does this mean she has to update the number with all her health care providers? Does Medicare say if they will continue to process claims based on her old number?
No details like that with the new card. They just said to start using it, so I have to assume that it will all be merged seamlessly in the background, with no confusion or problems of any kind.



Hope that is what happens!

I already went through this once because I didn't start divorced spousal SS until age 66 and I was already on Medicare. So, my Medicare card number changed from my own SS number to that of my ex-husband.

IIRC, I made sure to tell all my health care providers the next time I saw each of them after I had my new card in hand. Seemed like a Big Deal to me, but the receptionists acted like "hey, no big deal, this happens all the time, this is what we do for a living, gimme the card and I'll xerox it". No problems, in my case.

I'll be going through it a second time in June, when I turn 70 and switch from divorced spousal SS to SS based on my own employment record. I hope the transition is problem free, and I also hope that I can remember my new Medicare card number.
You ever get that feeling the FedEx driver is having a bad day? I was at my mom’s house today while she was getting her kitty litter order, 160 pounds worth of back breaking kitty litter, I asked the guy if I had to sign on his way up with the last box, he dumped it without saying a word, jumped in his truck and bailed.
Obviously you didn't have to sign.

Got the pinball machine in the garage. Lotta work. Now drinking rum & coke - :)
Since I ER'd I've been going for walks around our neighborhood. Now that the weather is improving, I decided to get a bike. Went for my first ride this evening -- and almost didn't make it home! :)

Biking uses different muscles than walking ( who knew! :rolleyes:), and those muscles have not gotten a workout since I was in college. :D
Another retirement ToDo off the list.

Clean dining room chandelier - last time done? not sure

Taped all electrical and sprayed with vinegar and water. After it dried it was mostly shiny. Finished off the dull spots with vinegar and water on Q-tips. Then for the crowning moment. Turned it on and instantly remembered that all of the bulbs were long dead. Went to HomeDepot. Didn't have the bulbs. Went to local mom and pop hardware a mile from my house. Had the bulbs.

14 ToDos left. Of course it HAS been 2 years but some of the projects are big.


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Letter I got from Medicare said new cards start going out in April, (guess they got that right!). I believe it said old and new numbers would be valid through Dec 2019. Even though my eligibility starts May 1, I still received a card with my SS number on it. You will need to inform health care providers when you get new ID from Medicare as they will need to make the change for their billing.
Actually it was Monday mid afternoon. Parked my butt in a cafe called Biddle's Escape, a few city blocks from my apartment, in Pittsburgh, after ordering a Matcha tea, $4.- please. + my tip of twenty five cents. Admired the scenery and all the rest of the patrons tippy tapping on their various electronic communicators.

I was the only one without any electronic gizmo. Did not even carry my ancient flip phone. Just doing what I used to do long ago traveling in foreign countries, just sipping some tea or coffee and watch the world go by. Actually the sight of all the people bent over their keybords is truly a sorry spectacle.

A while back I rented a freshly renovated apartment with a two car garage (Craigslist find, at a great price!) so I would not have to drive home at night after Tango dancing or classes. More pleasant to drive away in the morning and watch the five mile slow crawl traffic jam into the city at 10 AM.

The rent, utilities and travel expense fits well into the "blow that dough" category as well. Thus on days when I have Milonga one evening and class the next day, I get to hang out in the city. BTW, I still don't like cities, but have to deal with it since it is where the good Tango school is. And I am hooked on Tango.
Picked up my new Volvo today. Took delivery a month and a half ago in Sweden, so this was it's second delivery, this time on US streets. Always great fun to go through the familiarization process with a new car.
Picked up my new Volvo today. Took delivery a month and a half ago in Sweden, so this was it's second delivery, this time on US streets. Always great fun to go through the familiarization process with a new car.

Nice! Where did they deliver to - a local Volvo dealer?
Yes, they will ship it from Gothenburg to any Volvo dealer, no charge.
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