What did you do today? 2019 version.

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I went to the dentist today to get my teeth cleaned, x-rayed, and examined. I haven't been having any pain or trouble with my teeth so I had ignored common sense and had put it off for a year.

Well guess what? No cavities! :D What a stroke of luck. For me, with my teeth, this never happens. It's like money showering down on me from above.


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Today I did my usual weekly prowl of Habitat ReStore and found two new in box DC-DC converters that are used to power 12 volt accessories in emergency / off road vehicles that have a higher voltage operating system, Upshot is I got them for $16 each and on eBay they sell for about $150, so I am going to just resell them. I also picked up an airless paint sprayer for a pergola project that I am planning.
I never knew of the Habitat ReStores. I looked up and saw one a few miles from me. Will have to pay a visit to see what's there. :)
I never knew of the Habitat ReStores. I looked up and saw one a few miles from me. Will have to pay a visit to see what's there. :)
Make extra room in your storage area for all the "bargains". ;)
Organized clothes. Lots to trash and donations.

Attended my local county's Citizen Safety Academy. It is a weekly tour/lecture on the county's EMS, Fire/Rescue, Police, Sheriff and Jail facilities. Fascinating stuff!
Sharpened four 20" chain saw chains (Stihl MS310) for the upcoming season. I will have to help my daughter with her wood supply also, and teach my future SIL how to operate it safely.

In retrospect, I will try to get an old Poulan 18"saw I have running for him to learn, and then gift it to them.
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Same today as yesterday and the day before. Scanning boxes and boxes and boxes of old photos. At first I was trying to give each one a name. At this point as many as can fit go on the scanner bed at legal size. They end up in a folder with the main person's name.

I have been retired 3 years. I could have been doing this all along.

I am surprised by some insights you can get in this process. My mother had this thing about avoiding mirrors from the time I can remember. There are pictures in the boxes of her from high school on. She was absolutely beautiful. She was 41 when she had me and had lost most of her looks by the time I was old enough to notice. Now I understand the mirrors.
Make extra room in your storage area for all the "bargains". ;)

Nowadays, I try to look only, and not bring anything home.

I have never sold anything on eBay, because I don't want the hassle. Perhaps I should learn to do that in order to allow myself to buy more.
Nowadays, I try to look only, and not bring anything home.

I have never sold anything on eBay, because I don't want the hassle. Perhaps I should learn to do that in order to allow myself to buy more.

That's what I like about eBay. I make a little spare change, but I have cleaned out all of my closets and cupboards since I retired 6 years ago. I have room for new stuff if I see something I really like. It also teaches you that most "stuff" does not hold its value at all.
I have never sold anything on eBay, because I don't want the hassle. Perhaps I should learn to do that in order to allow myself to buy more.

When my wife passed away, there were a number of items I bought for her over the years that I had no use for. I sold them all on eBay. It is pretty easy to do.
Snowing here (albeit lightly) today.....we went to the community centre, DW swam for an hour, and I walked up 2,320 risers, (approx 58 stories I guess).
Did all the maintenance on the Honda EX4500 generator we used last Sunday/Monday when the power was out to put it into storage. Changed the oil, drained the fuel tank, fuel lines, and carburetor bowl so no fuel will be left to create gummy deposits that would render it inoperable next time. Then after it airs out a few days in the shed it goes back into an unfinished area of the basement, a battery maintainer put on the starting battery, put the cover on it, and hopefully it'll sit there for another ten or more years again before we need it.
Had my LAST colonoscopy EVER! (OK, last barring any future problems...)
No polyps, no issues, and since I'm 72, no need for future screenings.

Happiness is seeing the gastroenterologist's office in your rear view mirror. :)
Had my LAST colonoscopy EVER! (OK, last barring any future problems...)
No polyps, no issues, and since I'm 72, no need for future screenings.

Happiness is seeing the gastroenterologist's office in your rear view mirror. :)


I had my LAST one a few months back (no issues)! :cool:
The mention of Westvleteren in the cash thread got me thinking that it has been way too long since I treated myself to something special in the beer category.

So I went back into the archives (aka the basement frig) and found a bottle of Westvleteren 12 that had been sitting there for way too long. Like almost ten years. The average beer starts deteriorating after six months, but this was utterly magnificent. It had lost all its carbonation of course, but the complexity was sublime.

Brewed by Trappist monks in a small, out of the way town in western Flanders, it's often described as the best beer in the world, and is ridiculously hard to get. But well worth the effort. I bring some back almost every time I go to Belgium.

I'm sure there are wine connoisseurs out there who have similar tales about great bottles.
What did I do today?

Pounding the knuckle of my car front suspension with a hammer.

No, not for an entire day because I needed rest and some time away from it to stay sane, but on/off it might have been 1 hour. And about 1 hour yesterday.

Long story. Better tell it in the "recent repair" thread.
Looking at how deep the snow is and enjoying the sunshine (from inside). Finishing a book from Christmas that was forgotten about. Then filing papers so the tax thing can get down. Really though: Killing time before surgery Tuesday and trying to figure out why things go from a perfect day to tragic in a split second. Time to pray again.
Took a week off this week but it has been fairly miserable.

On Tuesday our furnace failed at about 5 pm. This particular furnace has a blinking light error system. To figure out the top secret code you have to take the front covers off and consult the code book inside. The code said that it was a fuel based ignition failure. Huh.

So, on a hunch I went outside to check our propane tank. This is our first winter in this new house and I had the tank filled up in August. It is a huge 2300L tank so I figured we would coast through the winter. Ahh, no. We have gone through 1200 litres of propane already ! So it was effectively empty (they only fill to 80% capacity and you are not "supposed" to go below 20%)

So, of course the fuel company had closed at 5 and would reopen Wednesday morning at 0800. Now, it was going down to 15F that night so I was a little... anxious, since the furnace is our only heat source. We do have an electric fireplace as well that does generate a little heat but it is not meant to be used as a continuous, main heat source. So, packed DW in the car and we drove over to my office and picked up two portable space heaters that we have there. Came home. Plugged one in downstairs and one in our bedroom so that we would be able to sleep. I then stayed up to 2 am to keep an eye on the electric fireplace and turn it off. When I got up at 8 am to call the propane company the thermometers in the house said it was 53F upstairs and 50F downstairs. And of course a major snow dump started in the wee hours and continued all day Wednesday.

To their credit the propane company was there by 11 am. I have to pay extra since I told them I was "out" and that makes it an "emergency call" :facepalm: I said, fine, whatever you want since it is bl**dy freezing in the house. The driver also said they were pulling the trucks off the road after lunch for the day due to the weather so we were lucky we called first thing. So we got filled up and I went back inside, turned on the furnace and ... nada. Bugger.

Called our HVAC guy who is a friend and lives closeby. He talked me through resetting it a couple of times over the phone. Third try and it stayed on. Seems that propane is a dirtier fuel than the natural gas I am used to and sometimes contaminants can get into the system from the tank (rust, etc..)
So we had heat. Hurrah. It was very stressful dealing with the cold when you don't know when you are going to get heat back. Add a pretty significant snow dump on top of that and dropping temperatures all week.. not fun. Our HVAC friend came by yesterday and blew out the ignition system to make sure there wasn't anything left.

Now today is my corporate taxes due day. Have to pay tens of thousands for both companies to the goobermint. Always puts me in a foul mood.

Maybe next year I'll take a different week in February off...:LOL:
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Now, imagine when you are not allowed to burn anything for warmth in the winter, or when the world eventually runs out. :nonono:

As I have said, I am glad to be living in the US Southwest, where the miserable summer can be tamed by having a lot of solar panels feeding an AC.
Finishing up helping DD and SIL with their move to their first home! :dance:The movers were working 10 hours yesterday--I mentioned to DD that they seemed to have a lot of stuff.......
"mom, we're doing Goodwill runs and taking things to the dump after we unpack"
Hmmm, I would have done it before, but kept my mouth shut on anymore of that conversation.:LOL:
Took DW to her second biofeedback session. I think she's in too much pain to learn anything new. Hopefully the therapist can help lower the intensity.
Did some stair climbing, and a friend sent me this:

Did some stair climbing, and a friend sent me this:

Amazing! I had never heard that song before, but it is so touching and personal to some of us over 60 or 70.

You young dreamers might not get it.... :D But we do.
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