What did you do today? - 2021 version

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Cut the grass at the cottage - hopefully for the last time. Brought in the kayaks. Dug up some flowers that I wanted to overwinter.
Did some fall cleanup work outside. Saw an 8 point white-tailed buck in my yard early this morning. Since I live right down on the harbor in the middle of town, you wouldn't expect deer in my yard, but we have them often. I've seen the doe and her fawn around many times, but this is the first time I've seen the buck. There they were, eating my hostas and rhododendrons.
That buck most likely looking for love. That time of year and with some girls around, he will be there also. He was looking for flowers for his girl friends or trying to freshen up a bit for the girls. Lol
Talked to the neighbor whose kid backed into our mailbox and bent the 4" square sturdy metal post that is set in concrete. The box is OK, but the pole needs to be dug up and replaced. This is the second time our mailbox has been hit accidentally. The first time the box was destroyed but the post was OK. Kid does not think he can do the job, I guess the digging. They will hire a handyman and fix it. Nice when someone does the right thing. They came up and rang the doorbell last night.

The first time a guy towing a boat lost his trailer and the boat hit the box. Pic from the first time since it is more "Dramatic". That guy bought a new mailbox.


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That buck most likely looking for love. That time of year and with some girls around, he will be there also. He was looking for flowers for his girl friends or trying to freshen up a bit for the girls. Lol
Last week I watched a large mule deer doe stroll across the the road with a monster buck 4' behind her. He was only looking at one thing.

Today I managed to reactivate myssa.gov account after losing the backup email for it 5 years ago. I had waited for them to snail mail me a magic code to allow me to reset it myself but when I tried it, it's already expired! After 45 minutes on hold it took about 3 minutes to identify myself and him to "delete my stuff". He wasn't sure what it deleted or when ,"our systems are old DOS based", but it worked real time. I signed up for Medicare A and B so hopefully it gets done before my 65th. I spent a few minutes looking at my SSA benefits and the estimates look spot on. I'm still planning on waiting till age 70 hopefully nothing will happen to change my mind.
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Today, I made some of the worst decisions of my life. I'm not going to say anything else about it except that I had to work late because I didn't finish the work on time.
We currently have inchoate pumpkin pies sitting on the kitchen counter - three sugar pumpkins we grew in our garden this year for the sole purpose of Thanksgiving pies. The young wife will covert them to actual pie on Wednesday afternoon. I have to go to the local farm for the fresh turkey tomorrow, so I cleaned out room in the fridge today.

Today, I also wrapped up my outside fig tree for the winter and went to a wake for one of my neighbors.
Today Frank went to the funeral of our recently deceased family member. It was done right with full military honors. I didn't go, since I am still recovering and a bit weak, but he told me all about it.

After that we went out to lunch at our favorite Italian mom'n'pop restaurant. Guess who got to drive? Yes, me! That was fun. We split a small chicken caesar salad, with water to drink.

Tomorrow, much to my surprise and delight, Laz-y-Boy is going to come to my house and fix my recliner! They got the part they ordered, despite the supply chain crisis and trucker shortages that are slowing down delivery of so many items. :D :dance:
Went to the boat and secured the transom bilge pump, secured the cabin door bracket that was loose with 2 pop rivets, installed the wiring terminal blocks, and tested some more electrical stuff that doesn't work. Would have done the wiring, but forgot to bring the solder and the butane powered soldering iron.
Went to the boat and secured the transom bilge pump, secured the cabin door bracket that was loose with 2 pop rivets, installed the wiring terminal blocks, and tested some more electrical stuff that doesn't work. Would have done the wiring, but forgot to bring the solder and the butane powered soldering iron.

Busy day. A nice feeling of accomplishment, I'm sure.
Saw another deer and coyote early morning. Seem to be seeing them more out during the daylight.
Went out to the farm this morning to pick up our fresh turkey. It is a beautiful, crisp and sunny fall day, and everybody there was in a good mood. We got a 12 pounder. The nice lady next to me got two 24 pounders, so I guess she's having a lot of company. (They are $4.50 a pound, so that's $216 worth of turkey right there.) Had to stop at the grocery on the way home for the green beans.

Right now, the young wife is roasting the pumpkins to make the puree for pie. While they're in the oven, she'll make up the dough for the pie crusts (pumpkin and apple). She'll actually put everything together and bake the pies tomorrow. She already made up the cranberry sauce, which gets stowed in the fridge until Thursday morning. After lunch, we'll both cube the sourdough bread for the stuffing and put it in a brown paper bag to dry for a day.

Later, she'll fill Mason jars and ziplock bags with the various ingredients for each dish (such as a jar full of milk, butter and salt sufficient for the mashed potatoes, and a ziplock with diced onions and celery and spices for the stuffing) and store them in the fridge. That way, on Thursday morning while company is here and things are hectic, she can just dump the bag or jar into the appropriate dish when needed. No chopping or measuring necessary (except for cutting potatoes and green beans).
Just got in from my 30 degree garage where I was remounting the plow mount to the truck. Took it off, got new hardware and repainted the whole unit. Ought to be good for another 12 years.:) Now stoking the wood stove. Feels good.
Went through old papers, with most going into the shred and recycle piles.

Is there a replacement word for "paperwork", when I send a fax? fax-work?

I signed and scanned one page of a form, and stitched together the PDF with help from adobe's website. Then sent that by fax to Fidelity Charitable, to transfer stock from another brokerage to my donor advised fund. Hope to beat the December rush.
I got on the phone at 7:45 am to the IRS to check on any progress on my claim. I had faxed my paperwork in for the second time in early October. Initially recording said 15 to 30 min. wait, 1hr. 20 min. later a lady finally came on the phone. After all the verifications I ask her about my case. "We haven't received your response" she said. I went through the same as last time and she acknowledged my calling in twice before since the original time of receiving my letter. Then she surprised me by saying "let me give you my fax number here, and you can send it directly to me and I'll get it fixed." Not expecting much to be different I did as she ask and she ended up calling me back around 4:45 pm and told me she had taken care of my account and I didn't owe the IRS anything!!! I thanked her for doing this a couple of times,and she replied that it should have been handled a lot sooner. Anyway I now know there is at least one caring human named Kathy working for us at the IRS, and thanks to her I no longer owe $35,000 + late fees and accumulating interest to my Uncle Sam!! I am Thankful for this at Thanksgiving this year.
I got on the phone at 7:45 am to the IRS to check on any progress on my claim. I had faxed my paperwork in for the second time in early October. Initially recording said 15 to 30 min. wait, 1hr. 20 min. later a lady finally came on the phone. After all the verifications I ask her about my case. "We haven't received your response" she said. I went through the same as last time and she acknowledged my calling in twice before since the original time of receiving my letter. Then she surprised me by saying "let me give you my fax number here, and you can send it directly to me and I'll get it fixed." Not expecting much to be different I did as she ask and she ended up calling me back around 4:45 pm and told me she had taken care of my account and I didn't owe the IRS anything!!! I thanked her for doing this a couple of times,and she replied that it should have been handled a lot sooner. Anyway I now know there is at least one caring human named Kathy working for us at the IRS, and thanks to her I no longer owe $35,000 + late fees and accumulating interest to my Uncle Sam!! I am Thankful for this at Thanksgiving this year.

whoa--great thing to be thankful for!

This morning did our running around and tried a new taqueria for lunch. Got home just before crazy crowds started!
........... I no longer owe $35,000 + late fees and accumulating interest to my Uncle Sam!! I am Thankful for this at Thanksgiving this year.


I mixed up a batch of cookie dough from Grandmas St Nicholas cookies recipe. Now the rolls of dough sit in the fridge overnight in wax paper, tomorrow we bake ~ 100 cookies. Then roast a turkey. :D
Must have spent about half the day making a granny smith apple pie from scratch. Only my 2nd pie ever! Looks good tomorrow will be the taste test.
Other than going for a walk not much of anything. DW couldn't go because she just had a cortisone shot in her foot and was told to stay off it as much as possible. I did do a spreadsheet totaling up what the cost would be for two electric R/C airplanes and all the associated support paraphernalia would be to get the grandnephews launched in the hobby and it came to a bit over a grand. Granted this is not the "poor man's way" but ease of use and safety with the LiPo batteries was a strong consideration. The extra money buys some automation that makes it much harder to start a fire with the batteries. Their father is technically savvy so I'm sure he'll keep a close watch on that issue.

That is all conditional depending on how enthused they seem about it with the simulator program they're getting for Christmas. It may happen for their birthdays next March if they seem to enjoy it.
Must have spent about half the day making a granny smith apple pie from scratch. Only my 2nd pie ever! Looks good tomorrow will be the taste test.

I bet it will be good. It's not too hard to do, but it is time consuming. :)

Especially if you make your own crust.
I like the Betty Crocker pie crust box mix.
But you have to mix a lot for something like that.
I didn't do much was one of the oldest days so far so just hunkered down for a day. Tomorrow off for the day to spend with family.
I bet it will be good. It's not too hard to do, but it is time consuming. :)

Especially if you make your own crust.
I like the Betty Crocker pie crust box mix.
But you have to mix a lot for something like that.
Yes made my own crust. Definitely time consuming.:LOL:
Yes made my own crust. Definitely time consuming.:LOL:

The box mix has you add what seems like a pitifully small, that can't possibly be enough, water. Eventually it mixes into a nice dough, with enough elbow grease. Have not tried making crust from flour and whatever else. DS brings the apple pie tomorrow.

Enjoy yours. :)
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