What did you do today? - 2022 version

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Yes, the checks are made out to both my wife and me. The 1099's are to us also and yes, they show the amounts.

Where we caught the mistake that the money wasn't ours is from the detailed description of the well and its name of the well.

Oh. OK, this is what confused me:

We got two large checks from the oil company that aren't ours.
Got another haircut from DW. She's getting quite good at it. I think I'll keep her.
Today, the young wife and I walked to the nicest nearby restaurant and celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary with a fine dinner. The food and wine was great, as always, and it was nice to do something normal. It was a little cold walking home.
Happy Anniversary, Gumby!

Had a busy day today. Walked the beach with the pooch - then had breakfast with my sister and another friend. After breakfast (and after dropping off the dog at home), my sister and I went to my step-mom's apartment. She is in hospice and won't be returning... so it's all hands on deck to get the unit cleared out. It's pricey since it's in an assisted living community - though she was in the independent living section. She's currently in a board and care owned by a couple of RNs, and it's almost as expensive as her ocean view 1BR in a high end community. Two rents don't make sense... Anyway - my sister and I hauled out some furniture my dad had brought to the marriage and she'd kept after he died.

Came home and started cleaning/working on some nice danish modern pieces that I grew up with as a child.

Also saw that the cruise line that canceled my transatlantic cruise finally credited my deposit back to my card. Which was good news because I also got an email from the trip insurance saying my claim wasn't covered because the cruiseline cancelling was not a covered reason. I have learned my lesson. I insured 2 parts of this trip and neither covered the case of the operator cancelling on me. I will never buy trip insurance again.

Then I spent the rest of the day obsessively opening the app that monitors our new solar array. It's so cool!
It was over 30F and sunny, so I had my first outdoor beer of the season. One of the local biergartens was supposed to be open, but it wasn't, so I walked to a local craftbrew pub for a tipple of a Belgian-style ale in the waning afternoon sunlight.

Right now, we are under a wind advisory and a snow squall warning, and the world looks like a snowglobe.


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Kids and GK will be heading over later today for a family dinner. DH plans to pop the steaks on the smoker, makes them taste so good.
As soon as I am done with my coffee and reviewing the forum, I'll be off to clean the house!
Too cold and windy (very windy!) to even think about wandering about outside unnecessarily. I spent some time reading up on things over at the snowblower forum where I drop in once in a while.

There is a contingent of people who buy cheap used or grab up giveaway snow blowers destined for the landfill and if the cost/effort isn't too much they fix them and sell them to people who can't afford a new one for ~$300 or less. It's amazing how many I read about that were set out with a "FREE!" sign that need nothing more than a carburetor cleaning. Most of those also need a general going-over and cleaning/lubrication from neglect but even at regular shop repair rates the cost would be far less than a new one. Go figure.
Too cold and windy (very windy!) to even think about wandering about outside unnecessarily. I spent some time reading up on things over at the snowblower forum where I drop in once in a while.

There is a contingent of people who buy cheap used or grab up giveaway snow blowers destined for the landfill and if the cost/effort isn't too much they fix them and sell them to people who can't afford a new one for ~$300 or less. It's amazing how many I read about that were set out with a "FREE!" sign that need nothing more than a carburetor cleaning. Most of those also need a general going-over and cleaning/lubrication from neglect but even at regular shop repair rates the cost would be far less than a new one. Go figure.

My neighbor has a snow blower, so I don't have to. In return, I do all the hand shoveling work around his cars and on his deck and porch. I also removed the road plow created hill at the end of the driveway, which is a challenge for snow blowers

Edit to add: We just went through what I would call a snownado - ferociously strong wind coupled with blinding white snowfall in the space of about 20 minutes. Thankfully, there are no leaves on the trees, or some of them would be down for sure. Now, it's sunny and calm. Weird.
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I made my own Borscht for the first time today. It turned out great!
It was a gorgeous day here in S California - Robbie, hoping you got your new toy out there onto the Ventura waters! Down here in OC we walked 8 miles along a coastal path enjoying jet skiiers, sailboats, surfers and paddle boarders having fun (as were we!). Enjoyed a shared lunch outdoors after, home to rest and cleanup, now heading back out to enjoy the sunset, dinner, and live music at our new-to-us sailing club. I’m halfway through my first series of sailing lessons, and the membership comes along with.

It was one of those perfect winter days here (clear blue skies and ocean, light breeze, low-70’s) where I celebrated yet again our decision to move here five years ago. Best retirement decision we have made yet.
We had a blizzard overnight. I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, something didn't seem right and my Spidey senses were tingling. I quickly realized that the furnace fan wasn't running...I leave it on 24/7 to circulate air.

I get up and check the wall thermostat and see that the house is 1 degree cooler than the set temperature. I go to the basement and see that there is power to the furnace but it won't kick on. I go back upstairs and see that the thermostat has turned from "heat" to "off". I turn it back to heat but it shuts itself off a little later.

Then I thought...hmm, maybe the air intake was blocked from the blowing snow? So I get dressed and make my way to the side of the house through snow that is waist deep in spots. Yup, the intake vent was blocked. I cleared that out and went back inside. Furnace hadn't kicked on yet so I pulled the front panel off. That deactivated it, I put the panel back on and it fired right up. Problem solved, although getting out of a warm bed at 3:00 AM and walking through waist high snow in a blizzard wasn't on my list of fun things to do. :LOL:
we did dog and sister things yesterday, driving to Seattle to deliver a dog for a visit to one sister and taking our codependent little one along to visit the other sister.
I spent the day doing my daily exercise routine, cleaning, plotting my next trip, and then reading a bit. We are in the last few weeks of our four months of wet, cold and darkness. Apparently, Winter has one last week of cold weather that will delay Spring for about a week or so. I can't wait for Summer. It is a glorious season.

I just heard a woodpecker drumming out his territorial call on the metal cap of my fireplace. Yup, Spring is near.
I also removed the road plow created hill at the end of the driveway, which is a challenge for snow blowers.

Over on the snowblower forum that is known as the "EOD monster". EOD = End Of Driveway. It is the true test of the intestinal fortitude of a given snow blower.
Over on the snowblower forum that is known as the "EOD monster". EOD = End Of Driveway. It is the true test of the intestinal fortitude of a given snow blower.
Back when I lived in Michigan, I had a Kubota tractor with a back blade that I used to plow out our little neighborhood of 32 homes. It made a berm at the end of every driveway. 31 of the 32 home owners understood and were grateful for the free service. But one woman bitterly complained that "I'd blocked her driveway". After that I left the road unplowed in front of her house. :LOL:
What did you do today? - 2022 version

Mardi Gras is a week from Tuesday, and we live half a block from a major parade route. There haven't been any Mardi Gras/Carnival parades during the pandemic, but they resumed this year. So, we didn't know what to expect as far as crowd size and so on.

We have been staying home (since I still tire easily), but we are close enough to hear the marching bands, and that's fun. From the parking situation, I'd say we have smaller than usual crowds but still there is plenty of partying going on in the streets. The parade schedule is pretty light and after this afternoon's parades I think there aren't any until next weekend.
Good day today. Started with the usual dog walk on the beach. Came home and continued to work on the danish modern dining room table... I think it's finally clean and oiled. Some dings on the chair and table legs - DH can sand them if we decide it's necessary.

After a few hours of work there I shifted gears to less physical work - completed my taxes and my son's taxes. Still need to do MILs taxes - but I think I'm missing a form. DH is out of town and not answering my texts. He was busy hanging out on the beach a few miles from the Florida ER get together group. LOL.

I'm thinking it's time to have a beer and watch some tv.
Good productive day.

Up at the lakehouse as DW's 93 year old mother is staying with "us" at the main house (sleeping in our first floor bedroom, but I digress). Up at 8:30, a couple coffees then out to light up a brush pile outside, and burn some construction scrap from the garage project. Good thing, it was 12 degrees with a decent wind, but a thin layer of snow on the ground so no risk of spreading. Done with that by around noon, inside for white chicken chili lunch, then 2.4mi hike on ice (with ice spikes) at the state park with the canine companion.

Hauled the recently repair log splitter out of the garage with the mower to a pile of red oak log sections from a dead tree that I had sectioned up last summer. Just got a bill for $1669 to have the propane tank filled here, so heating by wood stove seems like a good idea. Problem was while the snow around the logs was all but gone, the sections had frozen themselves to the ground. I went and got a beefy sledge hammer and knocked 2 of them loose before the handle on the hammer cracked and the head started coming off (!). Split 2 sections, loaded them into the wagon, towed it to the house and stacked the wood inside the summer screen room.

Then sharpened the chain on the electric chain saw, put the spikes back on my boots, and walked on the ice along the shore and cut down nine 15-20" tall trees that obscure the view of the lake. After going back to the smoldering burn pile a couple times to get feeling back in my fingers over the embers, hauled the trees up onto the lot for transfer to the transfer station later.

Back inside, hot shower, went out to a local bar/restaurant and had dinner and a couple beers at the bar. A guy comes in and sits next to me and I recognize him as a brewmaster at a local brewery that I had visited just yesterday. Had a nice conversation about his brewing and business.

Back to the house to re-stoke the wood stove and have another local brew. Will soon get on the couch with the pup and watch our usual "flip this house" shows, then slip to bed under an electric blanket and dream of warmer weather coming soon.
^ sounded like a great day! I have giving so much wood away this winter, but I can't burn it all and have plenty.

Love to burn brush piles and clean up old dead fall.
I remember when I used to heat our house with wood in Connecticut in the mid 1970's. I used to cut and split 6 full cords of hardwood each summer. We had a nice house on several acres. Now I just turn up the thermostat when we need heat! I miss my chain saws. :LOL:
^ it is very enjoyable and relaxing for me also to cut/split/stack wood. I still use gas as primary heat tough. At ranch all heating is done with wood.
^ it is very enjoyable and relaxing for me also to cut/split/stack wood. I still use gas as primary heat tough. At ranch all heating is done with wood.

I was a lot younger then and I had local friends who lived on acreage like ours. We used to team up and go cut dead hardwood trees all summer and then split them. I built a gas powered log splitter in the shop and we would have splitting parties. Old memories!
I was a lot younger then and I had local friends who lived on acreage like ours. We used to team up and go cut dead hardwood trees all summer and then split them. I built a gas powered log splitter in the shop and we would have splitting parties. Old memories!

The good old days! I bet it was a fun with good camaraderie and rewarding as well.
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