What did you do today? - 2022 version

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Here you go. Almost anyone can pick up a motorcycle by themselves. I have done this a couple of times - once for myself and once for someone else. No need to call anyone.

That is what I should have done before I tweaked my back. I knew better but did it anyway, doh! My back is still sore but not as bad. I finally got reasonable temps and time to install the radiator guard, and the battery tender leads today.
Laid my motorcycle down. In the garage, it was not even running.
I backed it up a foot or 2, then pushed forward and to the left.
Decided the new spot was fine, and went to put it back on the kickstand.
Which seems to have touched the floor and folded up.
It's only 430 pounds, but it does not take much lean from vertical before it is too heavy to hold up. So I laid it down as easy as I could.

I did that too, right in the driveway. Yeah, motor not even running. Driveway is sloped, got on the bike, in neutral, backed it out of the garage with my feet, put it in gear and let out the clutch and flipped the kickstand. Just like always.

But not like always, the kickstand was not fully forward and when I got off the bike it fell over. Busted off the clutch lever. But at least I didn't hurt my back - :)

Hope nobody saw it. Don't want to ruin my "Fonz" image!
Bow hunted early morning than spent the afternoon at the ranch. Was a beautiful day in paradise. I hiked into the cabin and did some work around the place. Mowed the grass and drained gas for the wintah. Hand pump water for a few young trees I planted last spring. A lot died but had some that survived will plant more next spring.

Here are a couple pictures hiking up to the cabin.


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Went out to the little boat and washed off about 5 pounds of guano. Gotta go back with a mop. But me thinks the swallows are on their way back to Capistrano as none were around. Amazing that so much poop comes out such a small bird.

Blazed it down the river a mile or so to keep the motor good, started right up. Prepping for sale. Nobody's going to buy a boat covered in feces.
That is what I should have done before I tweaked my back. I knew better but did it anyway, doh! My back is still sore but not as bad. I finally got reasonable temps and time to install the radiator guard, and the battery tender leads today.

Sorry about your back. +1 on the radiator guard and battery tender. The first things I install on all my motorcycles. I also have a very loud horn and pegs on the guard so I can put my feet up on long rides.

I installed and tested the replacement compressor on my truck, and loaded up tools and diesel for this weekend's project.
Spent the day helping DH move the wood from 24 dead/dying trees as he cut them down. We live on one acre in a forest so it’s not even noticeable that we took down that many trees.

Once I had a good-size stack of firewood I posted “free firewood” on our community Facebook page. The first person to show up filled the cargo space of his Forester with wood to use in his outdoor fire pit. The next person to show up said he would be glad to take the rest, even the logs that were bucked but not made into firewood. He’s retired, heats with wood, and really appreciated free heat.

While the second guy was going home to get his trailer to carry the logs, a third guy stopped and was disappointed that the pile of logs was already spoken for. He perked up when I told him that there would be more available after lunch and I would save that batch for him. He’s a friend of a friend and we’ve heard that he lives on very little income.

A win-win all around. No dead trees or logs rotting away on our property, and three neighbors happy.
Spent the day helping DH move the wood from 24 dead/dying trees as he cut them down. We live on one acre in a forest so it’s not even noticeable that we took down that many trees.

Once I had a good-size stack of firewood I posted “free firewood” on our community Facebook page. The first person to show up filled the cargo space of his Forester with wood to use in his outdoor fire pit. The next person to show up said he would be glad to take the rest, even the logs that were bucked but not made into firewood. He’s retired, heats with wood, and really appreciated free heat.

While the second guy was going home to get his trailer to carry the logs, a third guy stopped and was disappointed that the pile of logs was already spoken for. He perked up when I told him that there would be more available after lunch and I would save that batch for him. He’s a friend of a friend and we’ve heard that he lives on very little income.

A win-win all around. No dead trees or logs rotting away on our property, and three neighbors happy.

Very nice indeed!! Last fall I cut up a couple grain trucks full of 2-foot logs. I also gave it to a neighbor rancher that uses wood to heat his small home. It wasn't split but I'm sure he has some left for this winter also.

I agree it is so nice when we can give back without charging.
I met my mom, dad and brother at my favorite nursery which is between my house and theirs. The nursery is in a couple's backyard (in the middle of nowhere). They have unusual plants and lots of native plants that are hard to find at big box retailers. The quality is excellent and the prices are too. We all found some treasures (more camellias for me [emoji16]).

Then we had a wonderful lunch at a Thai restaurant and headed back to our respective homes. Did a bit of yardwork, and now watching college football. [emoji1696]
Met my current student at the club field for more R/C flying instruction. He's two years older than I am, is just starting out in the hobby and is doing well. I'll probably sign him off to fly solo in about two or three more lessons. The primary concern with that is safety, as in "Is this guy safe to fly by himself?" While there I also put a video camera (Runcam 2) on one of my airplanes and took some video that I'll upload to youtube later on today.
Back out to the boat and finished up the "guano detail" with the mop. Birds seem to have gone, hooray! Wind was blowing good and clouds to the west, rain predicted, so went home laddered up to the roof and blew out the gutters.

Now drinking whisky and sushi for supper - :)
Counted votes for directors at our annual HOA meeting. Only things on the ballot were unopposed directors and a provision to raise dues about 60%. So it was an easy count.
Interesting, we are not required to hold a vote for directors unless we have a contested election... more candidates than open board positions. Also, the board votes on the budget and assessments, not the owners.
Laid my motorcycle down. In the garage, it was not even running.
I backed it up a foot or 2, then pushed forward and to the left.
Decided the new spot was fine, and went to put it back on the kickstand.
Which seems to have touched the floor and folded up.
It's only 430 pounds, but it does not take much lean from vertical before it is too heavy to hold up. So I laid it down as easy as I could.

After straining my back, called AAA and they helped me get it upright.
Amazingly there is no obvious damage. To the bike. So, not the best day but could be worse. The bike is unharmed. LOL.
I have dropped my Venture 3 times. 1st was my 1999, in 2002. I was taking my 19 yr old daughter with me to meet a friend for lunch. We came upon a flagman for some construction, in a curve which was banked to the right. WE stopped and as I was putting my feet down she leaned around to the left to see why we stopped,there was some gravel so my foot slipped and I knew it was going down so I hollered "Jump"! She did and I stepped off and let the 950 lb. bike go, She was very apoligetic as we ,along with the flagman were picking it up.no harm done as it went over on the crash bars. The next 2 times were both driver error"stupid mistakes" of not paying attention to parking surface,once gravel and once on a slight incline and parked out of gear,walking away and heard it fall! I got it up both times alone by backing up to it and walking it up, but if it happened now I don't think my 71 yr old self could pick it up alone again! Glad you were ok!
Sad day today, one of my bands has folded. Last month the lead guitarist left to join another band. This wasn't unexpected and we knew it would happen sooner or later. Although he enjoyed playing with us he's a decade or so younger with different musical tastes. He had been with us for about 6 years.

Then the keyboard player quit yesterday (he's been with us close to 15 years) and we were down to myself, the drummer, and the guitarist/vocalist. The remaining 3 of us have been together for about 40 years. I spoke with the drummer earlier and we've both decided to move on rather than continue as a 3 piece or look for another musician.

I'm still in another active band plus an occasional causal jam band so I'll still be playing but I haven't yet decided if I'll look for another band.
Little droplets of water are coming out of the sky. Haven’t seen rain in my corner of California in months.

Before the light rain, hit the gym, swam, and got an hour workout on my gravel bike.
DH and I got our bivalent COVID booster and flu shots today. CVS makes the process very easy - all the paperwork is done in advance online. So far no symptoms, but it's only been an hour. One annoyance - although I turn 65 next week, they could not give me the high dose flu shot. I could have rescheduled, but we'll be out in the RV for the next 2 weeks and flu is already active in Texas, so I went ahead with the standard dose.
Saturday I went up to work on the property, dragging the 5th wheel up for a place to stay. I picked my brother up along the way. We rented an excavator and a Kubota tractor with a loader bucket and box scraper.
The rental place makes a weekend deal where you get from 3 PM Saturday to Monday morning to get your 8 hours in. I used the excavator almost 11 hours.
It was just a few rocks, right?

about 10~12 tons :)

We gleaned that pile off of about 2.5 acres. The part where I had mowed was easy. The tall grass hid the rocks so I brailled my way across the entire acreage, sweeping about a 25' path as I went. My brother followed with the tractor and I placed the rocks in the bucket. We only hand picked a few when it made sense, the rest I thumbed.
It was a clear weekend and I got a decent view of the pink sky this morning when I was moving the equipment.

We camped at Dungeness and could hear the surf below the bluff.
Found out early this morning that my step mom passed. She was 95 and in hospice, so not unexpected. She was a wonderful person, so she'll be missed. Texted my kids with the news and got tearful calls from them - she was very much their grandmother since my mom died when older son was a toddler and before younger son was born.

Then spent the morning painting a walk in closet. Our granny flat is up for rent again... tenants of the last 8 years finally bought a house, so we're sprucing it up, hoping for another good long term tenant. Last few days I've been cleaning from the ceiling fans to the baseboards... and coming up with the honey-do list (new bathroom faucet, new lockset installed, patch and paint walls) for the hubster. He's finishing up painting the 2 exterior doors and I'll do a final clean tomorrow morning (mop the floors and get all the tools out of the unit.) We have 3 showings in the next 2 days. Fingers crossed we find as good of tenants as the last time.

I forgot how much I don't like painting in tight quarters - the closet is pretty big - but the way the shelves are laid out I had to reach under one shelf, above a different shelf to get to the back corner. Only banged my head 3 times. LOL
Left early this morning for the ranch. I finished up tinning the roof on the lean-too I added to the old 100 plus year-old shop. I also finished up the corral and worked up the dirt inside of corral.

I worked on the water well and will finish it when I take off the hand pump and check valve before freeze up.

Picked up SD cards got some great deer on camera.
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Sorry for your loss Rodi...I just love it when a step parent turns into a Grandparent..my DD2 family has one, SD joined the family when SIL was about 16 so a step. To our joint grands he is just Boppy..No kids of his own so much pure love he has for those kids.

I had an extra "sista" die last week. Young enough to be a sister, formed a profound bond with my DM as coworkers. She has some adult family stuff so we were all so tight. This dear soul was holding my Mom's hand when Mom died and now at 63 she is gone herself...sometimes life is hard.
Sorry for your loss Rodi.

I took DW to dentist office so they could deep scale her roots. She's been dreading this procedure for years! She's never had dental work done but has bad gums. A couple hours later I get a call to come get her. She's all smiles and happy because she told the tech, No injections, topical only! Tech said she would try it but didn't think DW could tolerate the procedure. Never underestimate someone's fears of injections.
New water heater installed today. I hope it lasts as long as its predecessor (15 yrs) but I’m not counting on that!
On Sunday DW and I drove to Kenosha and visited the Civil War Museum. We then had lunch at a seafood restaurant on the shore of lake Michigan. A delightful day.
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