What did you do today? - 2022 version

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Thanks everyone, tonight she appeared to be responding to the mega antibiotics and is breathing on her own with just 4 litres of oxygen per minute supplied. Tomorrow, she will be moved to a regular room. :)
Spent the last few days at the hospital as DW came down with pneumonia last Friday. She's in bad shape due to her severe COPD to start with. She's in ICU. Heading back now for a while.

Sorry to hear that. I wish her the best in fighting pneumonia and that she has a full recovery.
I also wish you the best also. It is harder on the loved ones then the one going through the illness.
Thanks everyone, tonight she appeared to be responding to the mega antibiotics and is breathing on her own with just 4 litres of oxygen per minute supplied. Tomorrow, she will be moved to a regular room. :)
That’s good news. Best wishes for your DW’s speedy recovery.
Thanks everyone, tonight she appeared to be responding to the mega antibiotics and is breathing on her own with just 4 litres of oxygen per minute supplied. Tomorrow, she will be moved to a regular room. :)

Excellent news!!! Especially that she's down to just 4 liters of oxygen. I don't know much about oxygen dosages but I do remember that I was on 8-12 liters of oxygen during my time in the ICU with Covid pneumonia. So, I would imagine she was using a lot more than 4 earlier, too, and has improved dramatically. :)
Thanks everyone, tonight she appeared to be responding to the mega antibiotics and is breathing on her own with just 4 litres of oxygen per minute supplied. Tomorrow, she will be moved to a regular room. :)

Great to hear!
Spent the last few days at the hospital as DW came down with pneumonia last Friday. She's in bad shape due to her severe COPD to start with. She's in ICU. Heading back now for a while.

Thanks everyone, tonight she appeared to be responding to the mega antibiotics and is breathing on her own with just 4 litres of oxygen per minute supplied. Tomorrow, she will be moved to a regular room. :)

Seems to be a good response to the correct antibiotics. Moving out of ICU is a terrific improvement. 4L of O2 is not too bad at that stage.
Well wishes for her continued better health.
Yesterday I worked as an election judge. It was a long day, actually starting Monday night when we did basic setup - tables, electrical, indoor signs, etc. Tuesday we started around 5:30AM to get everything ready for the poll opening. Then a long day of processing voters, then repack, cleanup that did not end until after 10PM.

It was my first time doing this, and seeing what went on behind the scenes, particularly the integrity aspects, were very interesting. For example, once we were arrived we (the judges) were not allowed to leave the polling area (they did provide a break room and restrooms nearby). Many checklists to validate and place tamper proof seals. Nothing was discarded in regular garbage, everything had to be put in special bags for return to the county election board for storage. And so forth. Suddenly my initials and signature are on lots of official documents :eek::).

We had about 800 folks show up, so the work was not that much. 99.9% of all folks were very pleasant and many thanked us for being there. Only one voter I would classify as obnoxious, who felt we had to power to change the state's voting laws then and there. Even the folks we had to turn away after to polls closed were disappointed, but understood and were pleasant.
Thank you for your service, Jollystomper - that indeed is a very long day. I worked 4 shifts as a poll watcher/election observer - 3 during early voting and a longer shift yesterday. I was very impressed with the courtesy, professionalism, and teamwork of the poll workers at all 4 sites, and also with the conduct of voters who had difficulties, some of whom were able to vote but some who had to vote provisionally or not at all.

PSA - I learned from my observation that is is super important to verify your registration before EVERY election, even if you didn't move or anything else since the last time you voted. To verify your registration (and get lots of other voting information, VOTE411 is a non-partisan one-stop shop. And if voter id is a thing in your state, make sure to understand the rules and don't assume you can't vote if, for example, you let your drivers' license expire because you don't drive any more. Texas has extremely strict voter id rules, but I saw dozens of people successfully vote with alternate ids through the "reasonable impediment to having a Texas id" process.
I had an AM appointment with the cardiologist to clear me for the colonoscopy next week. The good news is that I'm fine, the bad news is that there is no impediment to the colonoscopy. Then a grocery run on the way home for the special diet stuff (no nuts, no uncooked veggies or fresh fruits) that I normally eat lots of.

During the multiple car starts I noticed the starter motor was not turning over with it's usual vigor, and when I got home checked when the battery was installed - four+ years ago so it was due. According to Consumer Reports the AutoZone Platinum battery was near the top of the ratings, so I got that after a load test on the old one to confirm my suspicions. DW has a number of appointments and other family/friends "running around" to do in the next week so I wanted to get that done ASAP. I didn't want to be thinking about her being stranded someplace with a dead battery.

Plus, there's a good chance that she's going to soon be seeing a specialist in Baltimore and that is definitely NOT the place to have a dead battery! I'll be going with her of course but still....
Good job man! At least you got the "slow crank" warning and not the won't start in the restaurant parking lot ordeal...

Today I finished up the "propane tank securing bracket" for the big boat and took it out to the boat, but not installed. Always good to check fit before final install.


Then I removed the chair to make room for the new bar stool conversion. The helpful marina dwellers told me about the dumpster at the store and I checked with them before dumping the old chair in the bin. I love marina people, a very close, tight knit community that always looks out for their fellows.
More yardwork. I missed my DH who is away fishing- not for the digging but because he is a forester and I wanted to ask his advice on which trees to remove and which ones to leave. I left that part for tomorrow- hopefully he'll be home to consult...
Met about 10 former co-workers (a couple of them still working) for wings and a couple pops. It's nice that most of today's group has been meeting about 4 - 6 times a year for 25 or so years.
My church has a new music director, and we met for our first choir practice with her this evening. I am so happy to be singing again.
DW's chest X-Ray this morning revealed a circular bright spot at the lower part of her right lung. And some fluid is still in her lung. Tomorrow, a look-see into the lung will be performed to take a sample for analysis. This is concerning to the docs as they have been dosing her with powerful antibiotics for days now.

She feels much better and can talk and make sense, but she is still very weak (to be expected). I'm starting to look into home health care services for when she gets home.
What did you do today? - 2022 version

I went to the dentist (ugh!). After his hygienist cleaned my teeth, and did full x-rays, my dentist examined my teeth and declared that I have NO CAVITIES! ("Look Ma, no cavities!") :LOL: That made me happy. Total cost for the cleaning and x-rays was just $140, which I think was pretty good considering inflation.

Then I battled insane traffic which was worse because my entire suburb seems to be undergoing road repairs at the moment. Took me almost an hour to get back to my neighborhood, where I went to the Walgreen's drive-through to pick up a routine prescription. That took probably 20 minutes since the line was really long.

But then I was able to drive home, get lunch, and then get back to my favorite afternoon activity, taking a nice, long nap... :D Nice to be retired so I can fit all this into my day.
DW's chest X-Ray this morning revealed a circular bright spot at the lower part of her right lung. And some fluid is still in her lung. Tomorrow, a look-see into the lung will be performed to take a sample for analysis. This is concerning to the docs as they have been dosing her with powerful antibiotics for days now.

She feels much better and can talk and make sense, but she is still very weak (to be expected). I'm starting to look into home health care services for when she gets home.

Sorry to hear this, but so glad she is at least feeling better!
Praying for continuing improvement for her.
Hair cut is on tap today, as is getting a chipped windshield fixed, got a flying rock on our last road trip to the coast :-/
I went to the dentist (ugh!). After his hygienist cleaned my teeth, and did full x-rays, my dentist examined my teeth and declared that I have NO CAVITIES! ("Look Ma, no cavities!") :LOL: That made me happy. Total cost for the cleaning and x-rays was just $140, which I think was pretty good considering inflation.

Then I battled insane traffic which was worse because my entire suburb seems to be undergoing road repairs at the moment. Took me almost an hour to get back to my neighborhood, where I went to the Walgreen's drive-through to pick up a routine prescription. That took probably 20 minutes since the line was really long.

But then I was able to drive home, get lunch, and then get back to my favorite afternoon activity, taking a nice, long nap... :D Nice to be retired so I can fit all this into my day.

$140 for a cleaning and x-rays? I need to go to your dentist!:facepalm:
Sorry to hear this, but so glad she is at least feeling better!
Praying for continuing improvement for her.

Thanks, procedure cancelled for today as the hospital is very full and busy. Tomorrow is now the schedule.

Interestingly, I was talking to two nurses who worked the pandemic and I asked how many Covid patients were in this 6 story huge hospital at the moment. They said only one patient. Seems like the entire floor that is (was) dedicated to Covid patients has been mostly empty for months now and they are scheduling other patients in those rooms.
Worked the noon time shift at the hospice. I'm getting a new cedar fence installed and was pleased to see they've made a lot of progress today despite the rain.
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