What did you do today? - 2022 version

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DW's chest X-Ray this morning revealed a circular bright spot at the lower part of her right lung. And some fluid is still in her lung. Tomorrow, a look-see into the lung will be performed to take a sample for analysis. This is concerning to the docs as they have been dosing her with powerful antibiotics for days now.

She feels much better and can talk and make sense, but she is still very weak (to be expected). I'm starting to look into home health care services for when she gets home.

I hope all goes well for the both of you, and things work out.
A beautiful snow day today. Roads are terrible but still a great day. In a few days things will clean off and I'll be out hunting and doing my outdoor things I like to do.

I cleared snow from roof with a snow rake this morning and will go out shortly to blow and shovel the drive and walks.
Thanks, procedure cancelled for today as the hospital is very full and busy. Tomorrow is now the schedule.
Like many here, I am hoping that the procedure reveals that the bright spot in her lung is nothing of concern.

Interestingly, I was talking to two nurses who worked the pandemic and I asked how many Covid patients were in this 6 story huge hospital at the moment. They said only one patient. Seems like the entire floor that is (was) dedicated to Covid patients has been mostly empty for months now and they are scheduling other patients in those rooms.
Now this is EXCELLENT news! :D
I really don't care what they charge; I'm going to pay it. Having a mouthful of functional teeth is worth a very great deal to me.
I joined a Zoom meeting targeted to Illinois retirees now living out of state. The pressing issue is that IL is switching from UnitedHealthcare to Aetna for retiree healthcare insurance in 2023.

It was worthwhile although a bit tedious, mostly owing to the results of the elections in Illinois (I found those interesting, many didn’t).

I didn’t realize how many people had switched jobs during their careers and how that affected their benefits. Understandably confusing. Me - I just stayed the whole way through at a single place and that’s made it simple now.
I went out and installed it today and it looks great! Wood matches better than we thought it would.

But (as usual) I left the phone in the car and wasn't going to make a special trip just for pics - :)

But I'll be back soon to mount the propane bracket and hopefully I won't leave the phone again...
$140 for a cleaning and x-rays? I need to go to your dentist!:facepalm:

Mine is around $300 for that, and nowhere near what the expensive dentists around here charge.

My dentist is amazing, the best dentist I ever had. I was his very first patient when he first got out of LSU dental school. I have been going to him for 23 years, and always pay on the way out of his office. We get along really well! It's possible that after all these years, he might be giving me a "friend-of-the-dentist" discount or some such thing. :)
Got my new Keurig coffee maker today. The old one (7 months old) had 5 points to pierce the K-cup. The gaskets leaked and I was getting half coffee and half hot water. They wanted $23 for a replacement gasket. I looked and it would be a PITA to replace, so I said the heck with it and ordered a new one with only one piercer.
Made a cup of coffee with it and works great.
Got my new Keurig coffee maker today. The old one (7 months old) had 5 points to pierce the K-cup. The gaskets leaked and I was getting half coffee and half hot water. They wanted $23 for a replacement gasket. I looked and it would be a PITA to replace, so I said the heck with it and ordered a new one with only one piercer.
Made a cup of coffee with it and works great.

They (Keurig) make a great cup of Joe! I need to use ours more. I make a few pots of stout cowboy coffee with drip machine. I like strong and black.
Installed a new TOTO Drake II toilet in the spare bathroom to replace a cheap contractor-grade piece of crap (pun intended). Since I had never done this particular task, I sought out guidance from my trusty YouTube experts. The whole job took about 3.5 hours. The first test run revealed a leak from the toilet base onto the floor. I used a modern Fluidmaster "better than wax" ring made out of some foam substance. Turns out it was not better than wax, so after a trip to Home Depot to get a couple wax rings, reinstall went quickly. Now it flushes everything down on the first try. Very satisfying!
Spent an hour with the BMW dealership genius now that we've had the car for almost 2 weeks. We had lots of questions the Youtube videos didn't address, some of which the 'genius' couldn't answer :(. Then to The Counter for a leisurely lunch, swung by our old work location and ran into someone we used to work with...it was great catching up a bit. Then spent more time with the car setting up some personalized settings and putting duct tape on the garage floor so that we can easily pull in the car now that we have cameras up the gazoo :dance:. Now hanging out with the cat :).
Installed a new TOTO Drake II toilet in the spare bathroom to replace a cheap contractor-grade piece of crap (pun intended). Since I had never done this particular task, I sought out guidance from my trusty YouTube experts. The whole job took about 3.5 hours. The first test run revealed a leak from the toilet base onto the floor. I used a modern Fluidmaster "better than wax" ring made out of some foam substance. Turns out it was not better than wax, so after a trip to Home Depot to get a couple wax rings, reinstall went quickly. Now it flushes everything down on the first try. Very satisfying!

Hehe, yeah, "better than wax", which has worked well for centuries...

Newer is not always better, especially with toilet seals eh?
8Am round of golf with a couple of friends. 41 degrees, sunny, no wind - I was comfortable with my :). We were the first ones out, and even with me walking we completed the round in less than 3 hours.

Relaxed tinkering around the house most of the afternoon, then did some yard work as tomorrow is going to be a washout with the remnants of Nicole. Hauled some leaf bags and branches to the local recycling place.

Dinner and conversation with DW, catch up on some IT tasks in the home computing center, now relaxing with Thursday Night Football game. Hoping my decision to leave Cordarelle Patterson on my fantasy football team bench was a good one :).
Yes, twice.

Once out to Port of Stockton and once out the other way, towards the Bay.

Not to mention the 8 hour re-homing cruise. Still have about 400 gallons of diesel on board. Going to pump the "low tanks" to the "high tanks" and cruise on that while I hope the price of diesel drops. Damn Russians.

Also need to get 'er hauled and bottom serviced. Through hulls, anodes and a fresh bottom paint. That'll be about 10 grand.

Ah boats - :)
Yes, twice.

Once out to Port of Stockton and once out the other way, towards the Bay.

Not to mention the 8 hour re-homing cruise. Still have about 400 gallons of diesel on board. Going to pump the "low tanks" to the "high tanks" and cruise on that while I hope the price of diesel drops. Damn Russians.

Also need to get 'er hauled and bottom serviced. Through hulls, anodes and a fresh bottom paint. That'll be about 10 grand.

Ah boats - :)

Great that you have had it out. Big boats are a lot of fun and work. I have an old friend who retired from ARCO and he lives in Long Beach and has a boat like yours. Every time he runs it up the coast for a couple of days, it's a 2,000 trip, but he does stay onshore at night and pay a daily dock fee..
Spent 2 hours in the morning after the market open, looking at my brokerage account screen. Yesterday, it looked like a bunch of option calls I wrote was going to bite the dust this Friday as the market tanked. Today, a total reversal and it now looked like I will be selling a lot of stocks if this market holds up tomorrow.

Well, nothing to do but to buy back all the puts that went to pennies. Then, went with my wife on a shopping errand.

Came back and saw that the market went up some more while I was out. Crazy stuff. Now looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. Never can tell. Never a dull moment.

I then surfed the Web to see what damage Hurricane Nicole has done. My wife heard from her brother living in Florida about 40 miles from landfall. He said he was OK, and there was no damage to his home.
Great that you have had it out. Big boats are a lot of fun and work. I have an old friend who retired from ARCO and he lives in Long Beach and has a boat like yours. Every time he runs it up the coast for a couple of days, it's a 2,000 trip, but he does stay onshore at night and pay a daily dock fee..

After a year of doing the Delta, I'd like to sail down to Monterrey Bay. Nice and protected can anchor in 15 to 30 feet of water (perfect) for not more than 30 days in 6 months. That's more than we would need. Seven days at the Monterrey Bay Inn would cost about 3 grand.

Gotta get the mate up to speed and build her confidence first. Still scared about going out in the ocean.
I said goodbye to the last of 3 motorcycles. :( It was a good ride for the past couple of decades. Salvation Army came and picked it up this morning. I hope the donation makes a difference in someone getting their life together. They should be able to sell it for quite a few thousand dollars. I can't ride anymore and even if I could it has become too dangerous in Florida. Florida is one of the most deadly states for motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

Finished up rebuild on my gravel race bicycle. Raced the heck out of that bike this past summer and has sat in the garage collecting dust since.

Tore it down to the frame, knocked off all the crude, replaced bearings, tires, brakes and the drivetrain. Rides like new now. And as an added bonus geared it lower to help with races with lots of mtns to climb coming up next Spring in the Sierra Nevada mtns and Cascades.
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