What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

What did you do today? - 2023 version

I'm working on cleaning and organizlng the garage so I can drywall the ceiling. A friend gave me a nice old table saw earlier this year so yesterday I gave my old one to someone else. It turned out that the new one needed some work to get all the adjustments freed up. It has a cast iron top and two cast iron wings and is very heavy. I got it flipped over and cleand up and working. I'll wait for more help to set it back on the stand. One less piece of equipment in the garage is nice. I am putting everything I can on wheels so shuffling things around should be pretty easy.

Hermit I don’t know your plan but use drywall screws. Ours was nailed and after 30 years the ceiling started to fall down. I did google it and it’s a common problem with the humidity and temperature changes.
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Yesterday worked on a small engine carburetor that was dirty. Sometime in the next few days will go and install it hoping it will start.

Also tore out the flooring in the kitchen and will start laying vinyl planking today and hope to complete that job today.
I'm working on cleaning and organizlng the garage so I can drywall the ceiling. A friend gave me a nice old table saw earlier this year so yesterday I gave my old one to someone else. It turned out that the new one needed some work to get all the adjustments freed up. It has a cast iron top and two cast iron wings and is very heavy. I got it flipped over and cleand up and working. I'll wait for more help to set it back on the stand. One less piece of equipment in the garage is nice. I am putting everything I can on wheels so shuffling things around should be pretty easy.

I resurrected a 20+ yr old rusty cast iron Craftsman table saw about a year ago and started to make a few simple projects (small movable work bench, planters, etc.). It may not be real accurate but close enough for my projects. I work in the garage too so everything is on wheels and it is still crowded with my wife's Can-Am Spyder on the other side. Great fun but still a bit scary even when taking it slow and checking to be safe.

More painting today, we did the walls in the 16x33 downstairs family room. I love that pressure roller. One of the greatest inventions since canned beer!

It's like a roller that never runs out of paint so you can just keep on going with it. If we'd been able to clear the room of all furniture it'd be a lot easier but some of it is just too heavy for us and there's no place else to put it anyway. So the best we can do is push it all toward the center of the room and drape drop cloths over it. That slowed me down some with fiddling with the hose and keeping that from getting tangled in stuff, but DW was there most of the time and helped a lot with that. At the moment we have one coat of paint done and will do the other in an hour or so. Then it's just the trim - baseboards, doors, window and door frames and that stuff.
Well, the day's not over yet but it's been a good one. I attended class 5 of 8 of my high blood pressure prevention class - quite good. Today we discussed physical activity - how much, how frequent, how to do some of the more complicated types, and how to work it into our everyday routines. After that I helped a friend work through a complicated insurance problem. Now I'm home and heading upstairs for a spaghetti dinner. Overall, I'm quite happy with the day so far. :)
AM dr. appointment and then... more painting! This time was the trim around doors and windows and the baseboards. There is still a couple more bits of window trim to do but the bulk of the paint job is done. Good, I'm getting tired of painting.
Early morning kayaking, water like mirror, one other boat on the lake. Small joy of life. Spent an hour paddling about.
Stopped for coffe and croissant in Richland, outside of Johnstown, then off to camp.

The camp's lawnmower has been giving me fits, keeps throwing off the deck belt. Spent some time looking at the drive system, finally saw the culprit. The drive pulley on the motor shaft is bent.
After getting home looked up parts, $75 for a replacement. Checked fleabay found one for $36 free shipping. Now on order. Next trick, see what it takes to get the bent pulley off, if lucky, easy, if not will need to administer some rust bust and a fair amount of beating. :LOL:
Meantime, tomorrow is Swing dance class:cool:
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Chalked with color chalking on back splash new kitchen remodel. Installed floor base board and moved a few things back in the kitchen. After lunch went to ranch to install a carburetor, I took off to clean since a rubber gasket in gas cap broke and fell into gas tank. Started right up and run great after I install the clean carb.

Home for the night and excited about a fresh salad from garden produce tonight.
AM trip to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, then paint a window frame and sill. While I was doing that, DW got a "bee in her bonnet" and insisted on mowing the hill behind the house despite the near-90° temperatures. I do almost all the mowing but once in a while she insists. I don't argue.

When almost done she complained that the mower was hard to push (it's self-propelled) and one wheel was spinning. Turns out that the gear teeth on the left wheel were worn out and not engaging the driving gear. Given that this mower is a good fifteen+ years old and we initially bought it to leave at FIL's place so she could mow over there (2 acres!) that mower doesn't owe us anything. So I ordered a new pair of rear wheels for $90 & change to give a new lease on life for "her" lawn mower. For some reason I'll never understand she doesn't like the one I use although they're nearly identical. But hey, if she's going to mow I'm not complaining about which machine she uses.
I spent a couple hours today mowing the lawn at church. It was in the high 80s and I'm beat. At least it was a break from pulling the wildly overgrown weeds in my garden, which I have been doing for 4 hours every day since we got home from Maine this past Saturday. I'll go back to that tomorrow (although I think I'll go out there at 6am to work when it's a little cooler). Maybe I'll be done by this Saturday.
Cut the grass. Organized my workshop a little. Playing around with Apple Motion - animation software. And ordered supplies to build a cedar strip kayak.
Hermit I don’t know your plan but use drywall screws. Ours was nailed and after 30 years the ceiling started to fall down. I did google it and it’s a common problem with the humidity and temperature changes.

I'll use drywall screws. My parent's house, which was built in 1962, had nails and they had problems with the nails popping out so I have always used the screws.
I resurrected a 20+ yr old rusty cast iron Craftsman table saw about a year ago and started to make a few simple projects (small movable work bench, planters, etc.). It may not be real accurate but close enough for my projects. I work in the garage too so everything is on wheels and it is still crowded with my wife's Can-Am Spyder on the other side. Great fun but still a bit scary even when taking it slow and checking to be safe.


The one I gave away was a used Craftsman with a stamped steel top and a direct drive motor. I used that one for 40 years and it was a struggle, but saw me through a lot of projects. This new (to me) one is also a Craftsman but the old cast iron Craftsman saws with a belt drive are pretty good machines. I plan to upgrade the fence and expect to have a great table saw. I might also add that I got an old Craftsman radial arm saw and a lathe in the deal. (All for some cut and split fire wood.) My miter saw is fixed so the radial arm saw will be handy for cutting wide boards. That is all I plan to use it for.
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Had a good start to the day. As some of you know, I walk the pooch on the beach most mornings. This morning there was a nice surprise.... A really well done sand castle. Close to 5' tall. PXL_20230712_140142980.jpgPXL_20230712_140216638.jpg
Cool castle by Sasha.

Got my ears lavaged. OK, flushed. The ear wax that came out was nasty. Ick. But I can hear better now.
Cut the grass. Organized my workshop a little. Playing around with Apple Motion - animation software. And ordered supplies to build a cedar strip kayak.

Now I want to see that project with updates!!! That would be a great project. That would be a awesome thing to hand down to the kids something dad or grandpa built.
Was asked to help sometime this week at the State Research Center so I went in today and helped with a couple of projects. Cam home mid-afternoon and mowed and this evening flood irrigated garden.
I completed my first round of 6 BCG treatments for bladder cancer this morning. Will get six weeks off and have a scope done then to see where we are. Possible these six treatments will put it in remission but even if it does I will still have maintenance treatments for a period of time. But that's okay because the process was not that bad. So I won't be dreading them like I did initially.

Golf tomorrow hopefully. It rains just about every day these days. :facepalm:
I completed my first round of 6 BCG treatments for bladder cancer this morning. Will get six weeks off and have a scope done then to see where we are. Possible these six treatments will put it in remission but even if it does I will still have maintenance treatments for a period of time. But that's okay because the process was not that bad. So I won't be dreading them like I did initially.

Golf tomorrow hopefully. It rains just about every day these days. :facepalm:
Glad all went well and I wish you the best.
Continuing to recover data from a single drive NAS device (WD Cloud) that failed. Knowing it was a single drive device, I did not keep anything on it that was of concern if lost. After of couple of days not being able to connect to the device, I took it apart (thank you again YouTube videos), removed the drive, and the drive to one of my workbench systems. SMART reports yes, the drive is failing, but still readable, so I have a copy humming away more for the purpose to seeing what happens. There are frequent read errors but files are being recovered, just slowly.

Now I want to see that project with updates!!! That would be a great project. That would be a awesome thing to hand down to the kids something dad or grandpa built.

Hopefully it will look something like this. Can't wait to get the supplies and get started. Probably won't be done until spring.


  • Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 1.47.21 PM.png
    Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 1.47.21 PM.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 44
I finished mowing the back yard that DW did most of yesterday, starting at 9:00 AM. So now we're all caught up on lawn care, still have to do some trimming of bushes but we're taking it easy in the heat, low 90's and 50% RH, which is hot for around here but not unusually so. Later in the day the two ceiling light fixtures that we ordered for the freshly painted downstairs family room arrived so I installed those.

DW still does not want me to rehang the stuff we had hanging on the walls, a large print of the B-17 "Shoo shoo baby" on approach flying over a couple of guys throwing hay on a wagon, a framed D.C. area sectional chart that expired in September of 1940 (it was my father's) and a framed copy of the poem "High Flight". The sectional chart I found in the attic at my mother's house after Dad died and I thought it would be neat to keep it.

DW wants to look at the freshly painted and unmarred walls before rehanging all that stuff. I have no idea why, but hey, no harm in it.
Looking at a string of 100 degree days coming up. So, went out early on the moto and back at 11 AM when it was only 90 degrees. Next up, need to get back to the painting and house stuff. It's mostly inside so that's good.
Hopefully it will look something like this. Can't wait to get the supplies and get started. Probably won't be done until spring.

Oh boy they do look beautiful, what a great project. Are you getting a kit or are you using some instructions guide for building one?
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