What Do You Do All Day?

TromboneAl said:
I spent an hour pulling little gunky things out of the various orifices inside the dishwasher.

As I was reading this for the first time I was afraid the word I was coming to was going to be 'trombone', not 'dishwasher'.... :p

DOG50 said:
Please tell me there is more to retirement than this! :-\

Well, there is always the pig & chicken manure that has to be cleaned up. :D
Lucky, I don't have a "working" retirement farm. ;)
DOG50 said:
Please tell me there is more to retirement than this!  :-\
C'mon, Dog, Al left out a couple things:
1. You can have your kids participate in the activity with you. You get bonus entertainment points if your kid is a surly teenager (I know, redundant), but you'll be penalized if your kid is a three-year-old who tries to eat the results. Our kid (nearly 13) is now certified at cleaning her own hairballs out of her own sink drains, and you wouldn't believe how much more careful she is about that kind of thing.
2. You could do this the old-fashioned way. You could call a plumber, take the day off work (to be home sometime between 8-4), you could get rescheduled (bad) or forgotten/ignored (worse), and you could be charged $75 for the experience!
davew894 said:
6:30 am Wake-up
7:00 am Out the door for hour long drive to work
7:15 am Stop on turnpike. Pay toll.
7:45 am Stop again, pay toll.
8:10 am Arrive at work.
12:00 noon Lunch at desk.
5:30 pm Leave work.
5:45 pm Stop on turnpike. Pay toll.
6:00 pm Honking, brake slamming, cutting off a minimum of 3 people yapping on their cell phones holding up traffic. Keep look out for officers shooting radar beams at me.
6:15 pm Stop again, pay toll.
6:30 pm Arrive home. Eat Dinner.
7:30 pm Bath for kids
8:30 pm Read books to kids
9:30 pm Lights out

Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat ...
And you want to give all this up to retire early? :D

Dave that commute sounds like a killer.
Here's my day
6:30a wake up - breakfast, shower, internet
8:00a leave for work
8:40a arrive at work
12 - 1 lunch
5:15p leave work
6:00p arrive home
No kids
I already posted my day for a non-working day. Hard to say I have a typical work day anymore, but yesterday:

--got up at 5:45 with the dogs. Took shower and let them out. Ate my figs and milk breakfast.
--got DH up at 6:15 and made him take me the two miles to work--too humid out to walk yesterday
--6:20 A fax was sitting on my desk. A client got a nastygram from someone. Looked at what else was waiting for me to do and got to work on client emergency. Checked this board. Checked my email.
--8:00 said hi to secretary and told her would be some rush matters to type but I hadn't started on them yet. She rolled her eyes.
--8:05 talked to client about nastygram, litigation issues and strategy.
--8:30-12:00 investigated backround facts for client emergency and worked on memo to client with recommendations. Provided dictation to secretary to type.
--8:30-12:00 also answered numerous unrelated telephone calls. Tell visitors to my office to go away, I'm busy.
--12:00 lunch meeting with fatty food
-- 1:00-5:15 pm work on misc. matters. BS'd with DH a little on the phone. Caught up with co-workers I had blown off in the morning. Reviewed draft materials from secretary. Edited and returned for revisions. Dictated some letters. Checked out some law. Confered with some clients. Thought about recumbent bicycles.
--5:15 called DH to pick me up--way too hot to walk in a suit.
-- 5:20 ditched the clone clothes and went for a short walk in the heat. Watered yard and pulled a few weeds.
--6:00 ate beans and read new consumer reports and WSJ. Fed and teased the dogs.
--7:00pm -8:00 Complained about the heat. Putzed in the yard. Talked to DH about 5 figure drop in net worth in one day due to volitility. Listened to him talk about how the stock market is going to drop--any day now!!! Or maybe not!!! (sorry Greg).
--8:30 plus NOYDB

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