What is your one material weakness ?


Gone but not forgotten
Jan 2, 2007
I'm a real LBYM type and can resist most anything but I love antique wristwatches. I try to stay away from Ebay because if I'm on the watch page I'm in trouble nothing excites me more ( except s--) than a vintage Bulova .So what's your weakness ??
I'm a real LBYM type and can resist most anything but I love antique wristwatches. I try to stay away from Ebay because if I'm on the watch page I'm in trouble nothing excites me more ( except s--) than a vintage Bulova .So what's your weakness ??

I can only list one? ;)

Let's see...
Computer things
Junk Food/Soda (don't laugh; it adds up, both in cash and pounds)

But I'm mostly immune to other things, like alcohol, cars, fine clothes, furniture, etc.
Books. I am dangerous in a bookstore and have difficulty leaving one without a purchase. I love the smell, texture and visual cues of a new book (especially if it's one I want to read).

Some day I will have a big garage sale or donate them to charity.
Art! Paintings! Sculpture!

So, I search through the cheap stuff, and search, and search, until I find something pleasing.

If I could spend more, it would be EASY to find beautiful, tasteful art and no challenge at all. What's the fun in that? Anybody can have great art if they dump enough money into it.

So, in a way the LBYM approach has turned out to be a whole lot more fun than just buying without regard for prices.

OK, so I'm not perfect and I did spend $140 for a fabulous Italian statue of Napoleon. It was a bargain, though, and besides I couldn't live without it! :2funny:
Books. I am dangerous in a bookstore and have difficulty leaving one without a purchase.

Same here! I love Books-A-Million, and go to one whenever they're near on our travels. I grab a cup of coffee, browse through the books, plop down in one the armchairs or couches and peruse my selections. Then get another cup of coffee, and browse some more. I have NEVER left BAM without purchasing AT LEAST one book...usually several!

I also search out Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, or any other bookstore around. I especially like the used book stores...there's a really neat one in the "old downtown" area in Daytona Beach.....it's crammed floor to ceiling, in several rooms, with all sorts of books both old and new! Also have gone to a neat one in a big, old, 2-story house in (IIRC) Palmer, MA....I go there when I visit my brother a few miles away.

So, yeah, my material weakness.....BOOKS!!! :smitten:
Books. Getting a library card has helped me break my buying addiction.
Food. This is bad for me as I am diabetic and have been specifically told to lose weight in order to remain qualified for my next pancreas transplant.

Mike D.

Understatement: Problems arise when a LBYM cheapskate mentality lusts after a big ticket toy. :p
Well... we kinda gave ourselves permission to spend on old tribal rugs and weavings - Caucasian, Baluch, Turkoman, Navajo. Some Molas from the Kuna people of the San Blas islands off Panama. Some Indian/Mexican pottery - some Mata Ortiz and Casa Grande gets me going, the gal has duped some Mimbres pottery that is amazing. I'm also a sucker for a "buy". A beat up property, a BMW with a bad engine, an old wood chair covered with paint and wired together.... those sort of things can suck a little money (OOOOoo - this is cheap!) and then get spendy.
Costco. Too tempting to get a good deal, especially when I do the math to see what the per-portion cost is vs. my local highway robbery grocery store, drug store, whatever. I manage this by only going there when we are running out of diapers and limiting myself to whatever fits in one cart. Stick a box or two of diapers and wipes in, and it is half full already. Still can't seem to get out the door for less than $250.
1. Cheap properties
2. Chocolate chip cookies.
I was addicted to books for a long time, but I got a library card and have been able to spend a LOT less in that area. I've only bought 6 books this year!

For me, the addiction is video games... I have sold a lot of them, but if I go to a game store I can't seem to leave unless I buy one. So, I've just been avoiding the games store, and its helped me to cut down on expenses a lot this year :)
For me:


For him:


Growing up, I never knew where my next pair of shoes was coming from, so I admit to having a problem in that area. I once even considered doing some therapy to get over this shoe obsession.

But then I calculated it out.

It's cheaper to keep buying the shoes. Heh-heh.;)
1. DVDs. There are so many reasonable alternatives to owning them, but I keep buying.
2. Hardcover books.
3. Housecleaning service.
4. Just once, a brand new two seater convertible. Kind of a mi-life crisis thing.

Motorcycles. I have 3 and would have more but I'm running out of space and I don't like paying property tax. :(
BOOKS....even living in a motorhome hasn't helped this addiction. I've overflowed the bookcases we built in, and I don't even want to think of how much they all weigh.....

Worst are the trips to Bookman's Used bookstores in Flagstaff, Phoenix and Tucson, which result in bags and bags of books "waiting" to be read, but, of course, before they are all read and passed on, more trips have occurred, and more books accumulated.

I bet I could go out in the desert and sit and read all day for several years and not get through the "waiting to be read" category. If I could keep from spending time reading these boards and several others, I might get through them faster than my present rate of about 125 books per year..... ;-)

I am reaching the point where I bring back a book from the store, and discover that I already have a copy, unread. That has happened SEVERAL times.

Oh, the joys of having a patient and kind husband......(who is also a reader, but not nearly so obsessed as me).

Motorcycles for me too. Five in the garage one in the barn and allways looking for another bargain.

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