What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

By the way, the 4 charities which ultimately receive the bulk of my charity dollars NEVER ask for money.

No mailing addresses are sold. I know every person involved, personally which makes a huge difference. YMMV

I'm pretty sure the recipients of my major donations don't sell their mailing lists. Years ago I somehow got subscribed to a marketing magazine and they had offerings of mailing lists for sale by various charities (which they named) including average donation. It was kind of sad- most were in the $15-$25 range. These are probably people like my widowed Aunt, who got a call from one of these places when I was visiting- she says she gets a lot of them and tries to send them a little (which she can't afford). My brothers reported after they took over Dad's finances that he was donating to many of them, too.

I suspect that most charities have more to lose than to gain by selling contact information for their most generous donors.

I'd given over 150 units and then no more calls. One of the worst issues of having cancer: I can no longer donate blood which was a very special "give-back" to me. I WISH they could still call me (though I always scheduled for the next donation at my last donation.) YMMV

I feel your pain. I'm at 76 units. I can't explain why but I feel really good about being able to share some of my good health. I used to travel to India on business regularly and every time I got deferred for 6 months (I think they've shortened that now) because of the malaria risk. It really bothered me.
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Dental cleaning, the woman prattling on the whole time about, you need to do better brushing etc... That is why am paying $100- every six month to do a major cleaning. If I could do as good of a job as she is, I would not need the bi annual visit.

Yeah I know, she does not get the full $100.-

Plus sixty bucks for the dentist to ask her if she found anythin, then spending three minutes pokin around in my mouth.


Three minutes! You got a bargain. My dentist only spends 30 seconds poking around!:LOL:
I feel your pain. I'm at 76 units. I can't explain why but I feel really good about being able to share some of my good health. I used to travel to India on business regularly and every time I got deferred for 6 months (I think they've shortened that now) because of the malaria risk. It really bothered me.

This thread made me look, they have lifted the limit for donations for UK expats or previous long-stationed/temporary folks:

Until recently, if you had spent 6 months in the UK from 1980 to 1996, you were not eligible to donate (Mad Cow panic), but that got lifted about a year ago. I have not been able to donate for decades but now I can again!
Until recently, if you had spent 6 months in the UK from 1980 to 1996, you were not eligible to donate (Mad Cow panic), but that got lifted about a year ago. I have not been able to donate for decades but now I can again!

I never could figure that one out. If it was such a threat, why were there no reports of people in the UK getting mad cow disease from blood transfusions? Were they importing all their blood products from outside the UK?:D

I'm glad they relaxed the restrictions.
I'm pretty sure the recipients of my major donations don't sell their mailing lists. Years ago I somehow got subscribed to a marketing magazine and they had offerings of mailing lists for sale by various charities (which they named) including average donation. It was kind of sad- most were in the $15-$25 range. These are probably people like my widowed Aunt, who got a call from one of these places when I was visiting- she says she gets a lot of them and tries to send them a little (which she can't afford). My brothers reported after they took over Dad's finances that he was donating to many of them, too.

I suspect that most charities have more to lose than to gain by selling contact information for their most generous donors.

I feel your pain. I'm at 76 units. I can't explain why but I feel really good about being able to share some of my good health. I used to travel to India on business regularly and every time I got deferred for 6 months (I think they've shortened that now) because of the malaria risk. It really bothered me.

My blood was very common in type but was missing one factor which made it suitable for invitro operations (baby heart operations inside the mom's womb, for instance.) They LOVED my blood. That felt very special indeed to have something that couldn't be made but that I could give. I still pine for those days, but all things must pass.
I just gave my 79th pint this morning, and got a groovy pair of Elf socks for my trouble.


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Skinny people. Not really people but since we're spending so much time in Colorado and are much more active snowmobiling we need proper outerwear. Problem is most of the clothing doesn't fit because I'm "fatter" than most. I'm 69 years old so I deserve to be fat darnit. Not really fat but rounder than all of these fit young'uns.
Skinny people. Not really people but since we're spending so much time in Colorado and are much more active snowmobiling we need proper outerwear. Problem is most of the clothing doesn't fit because I'm "fatter" than most. I'm 69 years old so I deserve to be fat darnit. Not really fat but rounder than all of these fit young'uns.

Shop at my local Costco. Their idea of a small thin man is one who wears size 36 pants. Most of the time the smallest waste is 38 inches. Same with shirts. I wear a medium for a normal cut, but the tables are full of L, LX, LXX and even some LXXX! The M’s go fast. If a medium shirt is available it’s in neon pink with lime green as the accent color.
If a medium shirt is available it’s in neon pink with lime green as the accent color.

Reminds me of how I got clothed as a kid. Mom ordered from Sears during sales and got the close-outs which only allowed selection by size. I can remember the advertisement saying "No Choice of Style or Color." My clothes generally fit but, wow, I wore some really wild style and color combinations!
Just got slapped by IRAMAA today. She does not care that I'am old,nor that i have paid her for 60 years. I think I even paid her from a hostile fire zone,while in the Army,while her leaders let me be exposed to Agent Orange. She is not nice.
Skinny people. Not really people but since we're spending so much time in Colorado and are much more active snowmobiling we need proper outerwear. Problem is most of the clothing doesn't fit because I'm "fatter" than most. I'm 69 years old so I deserve to be fat darnit. Not really fat but rounder than all of these fit young'uns.

I once read that you know you're in Colorado when the mothers in your kid's play group are comparing Ironman times.

And it's not easy to be skinny, either!:D I'm a 34A and can't find bras in my size. Between the vast majority of women who are just bigger and curvier and the ones who are surgically "upgraded" there's not a lot of demand for my size.
Reminds me of how I got clothed as a kid. Mom ordered from Sears during sales and got the close-outs which only allowed selection by size. I can remember the advertisement saying "No Choice of Style or Color." My clothes generally fit but, wow, I wore some really wild style and color combinations!

Photos, please :)
I have an Airbnb and my pet peeve is people who show up 1-2 hours earlier than the check in time and expect to get in. They don’t ask or message in advance, they just show up.
If someone messages and asks if they can come early I do all I can do make it happen. However at times it’s not possible because the cleaners ran late or had to do extra work.
I would never show up and expect to get in early at an Airbnb or Vrbo.
Yikes, I love my hygienist and dentist. We have a plan $520, we get 4 cleaning, free exams, free x-rays and 10% off dental work. Ms G just had a crown done last week $1243.
The state licensing department now requires membership in License eXpress to "Manage my personal driver license". I don't need to "manage", I just want to renew my tabs! So, yet another username and password on my list, sheesh!
Business' that want to try and rip you off!

Whether it be the Airlines with their added fees

Hotels with their low list price then all the added resort fees

Cruise companies trying to nickel and dime you on everything, thinking you will not notice

Recommended exorbitant prompted tipping at restaurants

It seems so many, mostly the travel and hospitality business' are trying to hoodwink folks into paying much more than initially advertised. When will these folks get with the program and advertise the actual costs of items and itineraries?
Cashier math - the 9.99 item was on sale, to be 50% off. Working diligently on her calculator, the dear lady came up with $ 5.29. Plus tax. I called to her attention that it should be $ 5.00. She: Did I want her to call her manager? Me: No, not worth the fuss for the 29 cents, but please figure it out after I leave for the next customer. (I figured that it could be that her manager is the person who taught her how to work a calculator.)
Cashier math - the 9.99 item was on sale, to be 50% off. Working diligently on her calculator, the dear lady came up with $ 5.29. Plus tax. I called to her attention that it should be $ 5.00. She: Did I want her to call her manager? Me: No, not worth the fuss for the 29 cents, but please figure it out after I leave for the next customer. (I figured that it could be that her manager is the person who taught her how to work a calculator.)
Yeah, I'm a stickler for these things. I would have had her call the manager. How is the person supposed to learn? I don't see the point in reinforcing the overall mediocre education system in this country.

A similar pet peeve, likely posted elsewhere in this thread. Have the sales total come up to something like $5.25. Give the cashier a ten dollar bill and a quarter. Stand there while the cashier stares at the cash, trying to figure out what to do. If they look back at me confused, I tell them to just enter in $10.25. Most seem surprised the cash they owe me is exactly $5.

There will be some who think they know what they're doing. They'll quickly hand me back the quarter, enter in $10, and give me back $4.75 in change. Ugh!

BTW, if your sales tax is 6%, then $5.29 would have been the correct total *after* taxes, assuming $5 off.
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