What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

Went to USPS today to get a temporary change of address card. They used to have these forms laying around at the Post Office. The nice lady at the window said, "Well, we're trying to do away with these and have everyone change addresses on line." But she gave me one.

So I asked her why they were doing the big switch. She said "There has been a lot of fraud with folks changing addresses without someone's knowledge." I pointed out that I always get a card telling me of a change at BOTH addresses. Then I pointed out there is WAY more fraud on line than on hand written documents. And mail fraud has way more penalties than computer fraud in many cases (Watch "THE FIRM.")

I asked her "What if you don't have a computer or smart phone?" "She said, maybe you could get a friend to do it for you." I said "If a friend can do it for me then an enemy can do it to me." She didn't chuckle.

Then she said "Well, we do confirm ID when you use your Credit card in your on-line change request." "Credit card??" I asked. "Well, yes, it costs a dollar for each change."

Okay, NOW I get it.

I asked for 10 more hard copy cards. She did not smile.
Ok, here’s my peeve today - people who park their car at the gas pump, and go inside for a long while
when others are waiting in line behind them. I’m talking about situations where the person paid by credit or debit card, and knows people are behind them waiting. And they just walk off. Pull the car into a parking place, please, and
let others use the pump!
^^^ +1 my pet peeve as well. Last year I pulled up to a pump in SC with my truck and travel trailer and there was a car fueling at the front pump. I refueled and had to wait for them to come back from whatever dumb-a$$ thing they were doing before I could hit the road again... annoying!
This is my pet peeve from yesterday but is still steaming me today. We took our Toyota wheelchair van to Firestone to see why the A/C stopped working. $200 worth of diagnostics later, the technician told my wife that we needed a new compressor ($1300). I did some research online and discovered that there is a common part failure on the Toyota A/C air flow sensor that is externally mounted on the compressor but a PIA to replace. That part is basically a magnet, and the "expensive diagnostic test to see if that's the problem is to stick a magnet on the sensor. Sure enough, the A/C kicked on when I put a magnet on the part using a hitch magnet that I use for hitching up my camper. The replacement part isn't offered by Toyota but is available on Amazon or Ebay for $10-30. I called Firestone, and they said they don't mess with repairing compressors; they only replace them. I'm still exploring my DIY options for replacing the sensor (basically a magnet), but the idea of replacing an expensive component instead of a failed sensor designed to tell you that the expensive component has a problem is my pet peeve of the day.
Generally, we have friendly conversations and have shared our garden goods with each other (she has apples and raspberries, we have blueberries and tomatoes). Lately, all she has done is complain--where we plant things (too close to "my" fence-which is on the property line), "that garden looks like weeds"(son grew a wild flower garden last year), etc.
She just is getting grumpier in her old age, or I am getting less tolerant of her complaining of things in my yard!

OK, with those specifics, I can see where it would be annoying. -ERD50
^^^ +1 my pet peeve as well. Last year I pulled up to a pump in SC with my truck and travel trailer and there was a car fueling at the front pump. I refueled and had to wait for them to come back from whatever dumb-a$$ thing they were doing before I could hit the road again... annoying!

Hey, I've got an idea. How about gas stations putting pumps at the back of parallel stalls. You back in and can reach either side of the car with the nozzle.

Wait, I think someone thought of that already. Never mind. :blush:
Bartenders rounding up my tab. It’s happened twice to me as I was checking out local watering holes. My tab was $18.55. I paid with a $50 and got $31 back. She made sure to give me several singles! I had a great lunch and I was feeling generous before getting shorted of 45 cents. The first time bartender said she was “out of change” when I asked “why”? This reinforces my commitment to using a credit card for everything. Am I being unreasonable or cheap?
Bartenders rounding up my tab. It’s happened twice to me as I was checking out local watering holes. My tab was $18.55. I paid with a $50 and got $31 back. She made sure to give me several singles! I had a great lunch and I was feeling generous before getting shorted of 45 cents. The first time bartender said she was “out of change” when I asked “why”? This reinforces my commitment to using a credit card for everything. Am I being unreasonable or cheap?

If she did that to me then the 45 cents would be her full tip.
I would rather not deal with grubby change. I avoid it by using a card, or if I do use cash like you did, I'd figure in the tip and ask for $27 or $28 back out of that $50. Probably $27 because I know they sometimes have to deal with unreasonable cheapskates. :LOL:
Bartenders rounding up my tab. It’s happened twice to me as I was checking out local watering holes. My tab was $18.55. I paid with a $50 and got $31 back. She made sure to give me several singles! I had a great lunch and I was feeling generous before getting shorted of 45 cents. The first time bartender said she was “out of change” when I asked “why”? This reinforces my commitment to using a credit card for everything. Am I being unreasonable or cheap?

I'd be fine if she told me up front that she was out of change. At that point, I would say, keep the coins as part of your tip. Honesty is rewarded by me.
People can't back up. Or at least think they can't. Actual conversation I had with someone at a grocery store years ago. I had backed into a spot and a lady watching me said I shouldn't do that. Asked why and she said it's dangerous to back into a spot. Confused I asked her how will she get out of the spot she had just pulled into. "Well I back out of course" then she walked away shaking her head.
I don't think it's dangerous to back into a spot. It just holds everyone up while you do it. I have an idea for a store parking lot. Diagonal parking spots only one car length, with one way lanes (all the same way) in between each row of parking spots. You pull in forward and pull out forward.

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People can't back up. Or at least think they can't. Actual conversation I had with someone at a grocery store years ago. I had backed into a spot and a lady watching me said I shouldn't do that. Asked why and she said it's dangerous to back into a spot. Confused I asked her how will she get out of the spot she had just pulled into. "Well I back out of course" then she walked away shaking her head.

Our corporate safety policy as mentioned a long time ago, required us to drive forward when leaving work. Backing up, exiting a parking place was verboten! They said that more accidents and fender benders occurred because folks were in a hurry to leave.
I have friends who were or are first responders and they always back in. In the event of a crisis, they can pull out quickly to respond.

And anyone who goes to a sporting event or concert knows you are the fool of fools if you pull into a spot. You might sit there for 15 minutes after the event is over if you have to back out.
Our corporate safety policy as mentioned a long time ago, required us to drive forward when leaving work. Backing up, exiting a parking place was verboten! They said that more accidents and fender benders occurred because folks were in a hurry to leave.

When Autoz*ne put in commercial delivery that was one thing they insisted on for this very same reason. Then when I started doing that it didn't take long to realize the best practice was doing it too. Now if I'm in a larger parking lot and can see two spots like this ------|------ i will pull all the way thru so I'm facing out and then can just pull out. And I park farther away from the door so I'm not as crowded and some idiot is not as likely to open a dinging door on me.:(
Now if I'm in a larger parking lot and can see two spots like this ------|------ i will pull all the way thru so I'm facing out and then can just pull out. (

But, if you are A, and I am B, and there are many other cars around, I might be coming to park from the other side, and you are gonna come right through which is not the normal way people do it. So that creates another problem (one in which I have been B enough to be annoyed about it and avoided other accidents:

>>A>> ------|------ <<B<<
But, if you are A, and I am B, and there are many other cars around, I might be coming to park from the other side, and you are gonna come right through which is not the normal way people do it. So that creates another problem (one in which I have been B enough to be annoyed about it and avoided other accidents:

>>A>> ------|------ <<B<<

That's on A.

Like Venturer, I'm an A. Yet I have enough of a brain to know that the A method of pull through is not typical, so I look for and yield significantly to all potential B's.

A's that just bully their way to intimidate you, the B, are jerks.
If the parking spaces are not slanted, I’ll pull through so I can drive out straight. But if they are slanted so that doing that would have me pulling out into oncoming traffic, I don’t.
That's on A.

Like Venturer, I'm an A. Yet I have enough of a brain to know that the A method of pull through is not typical, so I look for and yield significantly to all potential B's.

A's that just bully their way to intimidate you, the B, are jerks.

I did say I park farther away so I wouldnt get door dinged,and like you I look to see that no B's are coming to park head in before I carefully pull thru. With my Ram 4 door 4w drive pick up that has a turning radius simalar to a big commercial truck I can't just whip into one of thse tiny parking spot like some of the B's in their smaller cars.
French bread. Here in south Louisiana some of our locally owned grocery stores make a very good French bread in their deli/bakery. But lately they've started putting the bread in a plastic bag then in the paper sleeve. What makes a good French bread is the texture and the crust. A paper wrapper allows the bread to breathe and maintain the crust and texture. Putting it in a sealed plastic wrapper changes that. The crust becomes too soft and the texture is different. My DW has had to argue with them to get one not in the plastic wrapper. The bakery people don't seem to know the difference and don't care. Management is clueless and unless their sales drop off won't make the change back.
Just another one of life's little annoyances that younger people don't seem to care about.
Some of our favorite poboy shops are best because of the bread. Others are just ok, again because of the bread.
French bread. Here in south Louisiana some of our locally owned grocery stores make a very good French bread in their deli/bakery. But lately they've started putting the bread in a plastic bag then in the paper sleeve. What makes a good French bread is the texture and the crust. A paper wrapper allows the bread to breathe and maintain the crust and texture. Putting it in a sealed plastic wrapper changes that. The crust becomes too soft and the texture is different. My DW has had to argue with them to get one not in the plastic wrapper. The bakery people don't seem to know the difference and don't care. Management is clueless and unless their sales drop off won't make the change back.
Just another one of life's little annoyances that younger people don't seem to care about.
Some of our favorite poboy shops are best because of the bread. Others are just ok, again because of the bread.

It's truly amazing that a bakery that is good at making French bread does not know that plastic bags are BAD for the bread. Actually, in the old days (see old paintings of bread being carried home) bread was never wrapped at all! I don't recommend that, but the best compromise is an open paper bag (IMHO so YMMV.)
drivers who don't look or don't care--geeze, DH and I went out for haircuts this morning and almost got hit twice. Once in the parking lot ( guy pulled through entire parking lane to get to the next one up and did not look either way to see if cars were coming, we had just pulled into the lane, so going slow enough to brake quickly) and secondly driving home, a car pulled out in front of us and in front of the car coming in the opposite lane, causing both of lane drivers to slam on their brakes while the car pulling out went on their merry way. :-(.
Luckily in both instances, no one was behind us so no risk of tail end collision.
drivers who don't look or don't care--geeze, DH and I went out for haircuts this morning and almost got hit twice. Once in the parking lot ( guy pulled through entire parking lane to get to the next one up and did not look either way to see if cars were coming, we had just pulled into the lane, so going slow enough to brake quickly) and secondly driving home, a car pulled out in front of us and in front of the car coming in the opposite lane, causing both of lane drivers to slam on their brakes while the car pulling out went on their merry way. :-(.
Luckily in both instances, no one was behind us so no risk of tail end collision.

Heh, heh, for some reason, I'm flashing back to "Breaking Bad" when Walt finally gets even with Ken (Ken Wins tags on car) for previously, unconsciously taking what should have been Walt's parking place at the Bank (IIRC.) I'll let anyone look it up on YouTube for yourself. Obviously "inappropriate" but somehow secretly satisfying if you can restrain your personal morality as Walt did. YMMV
French bread. Here in south Louisiana some of our locally owned grocery stores make a very good French bread in their deli/bakery. But lately they've started putting the bread in a plastic bag then in the paper sleeve. What makes a good French bread is the texture and the crust. A paper wrapper allows the bread to breathe and maintain the crust and texture. Putting it in a sealed plastic wrapper changes that. The crust becomes too soft and the texture is different. My DW has had to argue with them to get one not in the plastic wrapper. The bakery people don't seem to know the difference and don't care. Management is clueless and unless their sales drop off won't make the change back.
Just another one of life's little annoyances that younger people don't seem to care about.
Some of our favorite poboy shops are best because of the bread. Others are just ok, again because of the bread.

I won't even look at French or sourdough bread that is in a plastic bag. It's a waste of time and calories.
I don't eat any bread at home in plastic bags. Exception is a loaf of whole brain bread that some delivery outfit delivered to our front door instead of the intended recipient. And then only if there's no other bread in the house!
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