What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

It’s called an upsale and it results in more profit.

Yeah, I hate that too. Amazingly enough, when I buy a 6 or 8 year old car with all kinds of features, they cost very little compared to similar vehicles with a lot fewer special features. These high-demand (expensive) special features seem to lose value rather quickly. YMMV
I was just in the used car market and bought a 2011 vehicle offered for $44k at the time because it literally had every single option. Nice versions of the same vehicle (a few options but not all) were about $32k.

In today's market, the price difference is a few hundred dollars.

I never had a vehicle with all the options. I will say I'm enjoying some of them which I didn't think I would. The sunroof, for example. Thought I'd hate it. Turns out I love it during these spring days.

As a minivan, I also like the remote sliding doors, which was an option on the upscale versions.

But all the other stuff? Some of it is broken (CD/DVD), some totally obsolete (Nav system), and some just fluff that shows its real worth on the market is about zero (drink cool box).
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I have posted in another thread about buying a new car.

So, my pet peeve is having to buy a "package" to get a minor upgrade. Example: In order to get a power lift tailgate I had to get a "trim package" with a sun/moon roof. What do those 2 have in common?

I know this for fact at Mazda and Toyota, and suspect it is common with others.

Ford also does this and I think you are right about it being a common problem with buying a new car. I bought a Ford Escape that had a sun/moon roof that I wasn't interested in but it was the best deal of small SUVs at the time. I hated it and never used it. However, the opening for the glass did manage to provide a convenient place to rust.

I have posted in another thread about buying a new car.

So, my pet peeve is having to buy a "package" to get a minor upgrade. Example: In order to get a power lift tailgate I had to get a "trim package" with a sun/moon roof. What do those 2 have in common?

I know this for fact at Mazda and Toyota, and suspect it is common with others.
They all do it. I think it streamlines production rather than having to customize each car coming off the assembly line to the buyer's specs. You want leather seats? Then you have to get the 12 speaker upgraded surround sound system. It makes no sense but from a production standpoint I can kind of understand it.
People who post vague questions to a forum on a particular subject (not ER.org!) but it’s worded so badly nobody can make sense of it. Many requests for clarification ensue, but the OP is never heard from again.
So, my pet peeve is having to buy a "package" to get a minor upgrade. Example: In order to get a power lift tailgate I had to get a "trim package" with a sun/moon roof. What do those 2 have in common?

We ran into this when we bought the 2013 Honda Accord. I wanted the V6 engine, but at the time the only way to get it was to buy the package with the sun/moon roof, or a hole cut in the otherwise perfectly fine roof. Because of past experience, a sun/moon roof is an automatic deal-killer. No further discussion will be entertained. BTDT, got the wet t-shirt, not making that mistake again.

Turns out the 4-cylinder is adequate (most days) but we almost didn't buy the car because of that nonsense.
My Pet Peeve for the moment is food companies who put their product in an odd shaped jar or container that can't be easily cleaned out when it gets down to the last bit. I recently changed my allegiance from one salsa brand to another due to my struggle to get the last tablespoon or so out of the 'hour-glass' shaped jar. Give me one with straight up and down sides that a spoon or spatula can clean the product out. (Yes, this is a very minor problem to have !!) :)
My Pet Peeve for the moment is food companies who put their product in an odd shaped jar or container that can't be easily cleaned out when it gets down to the last bit. I recently changed my allegiance from one salsa brand to another due to my struggle to get the last tablespoon or so out of the 'hour-glass' shaped jar. Give me one with straight up and down sides that a spoon or spatula can clean the product out. (Yes, this is a very minor problem to have !!) :)

A worse problem is that they do those odd shaped jars to make it look like you're getting more than you actually are. Not being able to get the last little bit is simply adding insult to injury.
Came to this thread just to complain a little.
I've been running into a bunch of dorks talking very loud in public on their speaker phones lately.
I consider this extremely rude, and inconsiderate.
I'm not going to start a "road rage" type of situation calling them on it. I don't see it going well. I try to move away if possible.
Thanks for reading my whine. I'm glad that is the worst thing I have to complain about.
Came to this thread just to complain a little.
I've been running into a bunch of dorks talking very loud in public on their speaker phones lately.
I consider this extremely rude, and inconsiderate.
I'm not going to start a "road rage" type of situation calling them on it. I don't see it going well. I try to move away if possible.
Thanks for reading my whine. I'm glad that is the worst thing I have to complain about.

That IS absurdly rude and inconsiderate. How anyone thinks that is acceptable in any way I can not imagine.
Well, I'll top that or add to it. When I attend one of my fraternal organizations that requires some labor (ie., carrying boxes of foodstuffs, cleaning cemeteries), it never fails that certain folks show up, but spend the whole time on the phone, acting like they're negotiating the Ukraine Russian peace treaty. And they finish up their phone call, just to carry the last box and say how great it was to help out.
I sympathize with your issue. My personal pet peeves with cyclist (not all, but many) is they tend to think they are a vehicle, when convenient (like taking up an entire lane on a two lane rural road), but then blow thru a stop sign (or light) because stopping on a bike is a PITA.

Sorry, if you are a vehicle, follow the same rules as a car. If you are a pedestrian, get off the d@mn bike and walk thru the intersection.:mad:

It has been proven that treating a stop sign or red light as a yield is the safest thing to do for bikes. States that know what they are doing have this law on the books. Unfortunately they are in the minority right now but it is going in the right direction as people become more educated on the issue.
Today’s is an oldie but a goodie. Neighbor on the next block must’ve gotten a new dog.

Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Hours on end.

Just far enough away to not be too terrible. Just close enough to be annoying. I’m not even sure exactly which house.
That IS absurdly rude and inconsiderate. How anyone thinks that is acceptable in any way I can not imagine.

I was at the eye doctor today and a lady came and sat down while carrying on her loud conversation on her speaker phone. As if on cue, everyone, and I mean everyone, in the waiting turned to at looked at her. She immediately turned off the speaker and put the phone up to her ear :LOL:
It has been proven that treating a stop sign or red light as a yield is the safest thing to do for bikes. States that know what they are doing have this law on the books. Unfortunately they are in the minority right now but it is going in the right direction as people become more educated on the issue.

Sorry. Don't buy it. If I need to treat you as a motor vehicle, then you need to act like a motor vehicle. It is that simple.

If you want to glide though a right hand turn at a stop sign, when there is no traffic, I can live with that (though if I did it in the car I would get a ticket). But straight through a stop sign. NO.
Well, I'll top that or add to it. When I attend one of my fraternal organizations that requires some labor (ie., carrying boxes of foodstuffs, cleaning cemeteries), it never fails that certain folks show up, but spend the whole time on the phone, acting like they're negotiating the Ukraine Russian peace treaty. And they finish up their phone call, just to carry the last box and say how great it was to help out.
That would bug me too.

I'm in a retirement community in the winter now. There are three guys who love to talk business, of course on their speaker phones, real loud. Two of them are at the community pool, and one does this in the parking lot near my patio.

I call them Big Business 1, 2 and 3.
I swear the pool guys are doing it to impress people. Losers. Why always on speaker phone with these guys? One guy mentioned that his friend's friend has realtor people hounding him to list his home for $8M. He said, $8M about six times, like it reflected positively on his.

I suspect the third guy, in the parking lot, is out there, because his wife doesn't want to hear the BS either.

My story: I thought about going out there and cursing at the guy. I don't want to hear it during my morning coffee.
Unfortunately I'm a life long Minnesotan, land of the passive aggressives. I'm not very fond of conflict.
I went out in the parking lot with my coffee, and just stared at him. He noticed me, and now he goes way down the block during his speaker phone business meetings. I'm happy about it.

I told a neighbor friend about this, and she was very happy.

I'm starting to like this thread, even if I'm only whining to an empty internet web page.
Thanks again for putting up with it. I think I got it out of my system.

Take care, JP
It has been proven that treating a stop sign or red light as a yield is the safest thing to do for bikes. States that know what they are doing have this law on the books. Unfortunately they are in the minority right now but it is going in the right direction as people become more educated on the issue.
I now ride with a group of bicyclist. Yes, I'm a dork. If there isn't a bike lane, we are taught to take a lane, because it is safer.

Otherwise two cars will pass at the same time, using both lanes, and basically run the bicyclist off the road.

I agree with you, that the bikes should follow the rules of the road, just like the cars.

Many drivers are very courteous, but I've been amazed at the anger and rage from some drivers who believe they should never have to slow down or be inconvenienced for even a moment, because a bike is on the road with them.

Take care.
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GPS. For the 'I can't count how many times' we've had a delivery to the wrong address. Just caught the driver in time and he has the house number but has no idea what the street name is...this is the stock answer. Kept pressing him why he doesn't know the street name and he kept saying that the GPS directed him here...again, stock answer. Pushed and pushed and he finally admitted that once he closes out the app, he has no access to info. He insisted on getting the pizza back :mad:. The least he could have done is left it for us to enjoy for our troubles.
Had a couple packages dropped off at our neighbors unattached garage. Got looking at google maps and for some reason our house number was on his garage. There were tools on the left side of the map and I was able to fix the problem myself. A day later google verified the fix.
Had a couple packages dropped off at our neighbors unattached garage. Got looking at google maps and for some reason our house number was on his garage. There were tools on the left side of the map and I was able to fix the problem myself. A day later google verified the fix.

LOL, had to read this twice!

At first I thought you went to your neighbor's garage, found it open with your packages inside. Luckily, there were tools in the garage and you used them to adjust the numbers attached to the garage. :LOL:

Man, it is early. I've only had one sip of coffee and it shows.
Neighbor next door has 3 tiny magnolia trees planted in her very small back yard. And a new bush next to her house. Decided she would put a bright spotlight shining up at each of them. All night long, must be on a photo cell to turn on at dusk, off at dawn. 4 bright led lights.
But she pointed them at her house and they shine in our bedroom. All night long.
Guess I'll have to ask her to either turn them off after 10pm or turn them the other way.
And the neighbor on the other side finally started turning off her spotlights on the corner eaves at night. Geez people, don't try to turn the night into daylight.
I left my BB gun at the cabin, darnit.
LOL, had to read this twice!

At first I thought you went to your neighbor's garage, found it open with your packages inside. Luckily, there were tools in the garage and you used them to adjust the numbers attached to the garage. :LOL:

Man, it is early. I've only had one sip of coffee and it shows.

Yes, address problems on Google maps can be reported and they usually will correct them. There is a “suggest an edit” link on the side bar.
DH and I went to Lowe’s yesterday. We need a new outdoor grill. Our Chase credit card is offering a 5% cash back on purchases from Lowe’s and Amazon. We’d like to buy it locally in case there is an issue and we need to return it. Also, we like to check out the options in person, lift lids, turn knobs, etc.

We have a nice Lowe’s and it’s close. They had many models preassembled and displayed outside and inside. We spent about 45 minutes picking out what we wanted. An employee came by and we asked questions.

Decision made, (a Weber this time) we couldn’t find the employee again. So I took a picture of the sign and took it to the checkout. The cashier said that’s fine, we rang up and paid. We need an unassembled one in the box to fit in DHs small SUV. Also, he likes to do the assembly. We saw a few assembled ones on display that had issues. Unless you have a van or pickup those assembled ones are just too big. She had another employee grab a cart to bring one up from the back.

Ten minutes later the employee with the cart returns without one. They’re up on a rack and need a warehouse person to retrieve it. DH goes out to move the car for loading and I wait inside. Another 15 minutes and they get a call from the back. There are none still in the box, we can only have an assembled one. Or, they can partially disassemble one on display and help us fit it in the vehicle. Or, we could pick out a different model!

Not the answer we wanted. So I went to the Customer Counter and got a refund. Came home and ordered it from Amazon. Same price, should be here Monday.

I was quite perturbed by this. I like to buy local if possible. If the Amazon one has any missing or damaged pieces it will be a big hassle. But I was polite to everyone and didn’t even raise my voice until on the way out when I told them, “This is why people buy from AMAZON!”
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Nosy neighbor lady!
She is always asking us what we are planting/doing/etc in our back yard (which butts up against her back yard).
We recently put up a very small green house.
"what's that?" A green house. "Hrumph", and a grumpy face reply.
The only "view" of hers that the green house blocks is into our living room window! (one of the reasons we put it there)
Nosy neighbor lady!
She is always asking us what we are planting/doing/etc in our back yard (which butts up against her back yard).
We recently put up a very small green house.
"what's that?" A green house. "Hrumph", and a grumpy face reply.
The only "view" of hers that the green house blocks is into our living room window! (one of the reasons we put it there)

LOL! Classic :clap::2funny:
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