What OLD series/movies are you watching? *Spoilers welcome!*

My only clue to how good looking a guy might be, is by the girlfriends he has.

Current Example. Travis Kelce - Taylor Swift seems to like him a lot... For now anyway, :)
Well other things can play into the mix other than "looks". So, I don't even rely on that. But Taylor Swift is ok.
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Looks very familiar... Elke Sommers but I'm really not sure on this one?

She ought to be familiar. It's not Elke Sommers, but wow, you're right the resemblance is uncanny.
She's not Inger Stevens who I saw last night on a Twilight Zone episode. Like Elke, close, but not this lady.
She's not Inger Stevens who I saw last night on a Twilight Zone episode. Like Elke, close, but not this lady.

Funny, but for a moment I did think "Her name is Nan Adams. She's twenty-seven years old. Her occupation: buyer at a New York department store. At present on vacation, driving cross-country to Los Angeles, California from Manhattan."

I'm pretty sure Inger Stevens was in another TZ episode as well, but I can't recall and I'm too lazy to google it.


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I just noticed that Hulu is offering Moonlighting, one of my favorites from the late 80s. Starring Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis.

Maddening if you were a fan back then because they took forever to cough up new episodes, but we survived.
Last night I watched one of my all time favorite Blaxploitation parody movies - Black Dynamite starring Michael Jai White. I had a few dollars on my Amazon Prime account from choosing slower shipping speeds, and it was well worth the $3.99. The Kung Fu fight scene between Black Dynamite and the nunchucks-wielding Richard Nixon was worth the price, but here it is (by the way, not totally SFW) for free:

Last night I watched one of my all time favorite Blaxploitation parody movies - Black Dynamite starring Michael Jai White. I had a few dollars on my Amazon Prime account from choosing slower shipping speeds, and it was well worth the $3.99. The Kung Fu fight scene between Black Dynamite and the nunchucks-wielding Richard Nixon was worth the price, but here it is (by the way, not totally SFW) for free:

I couldn't help but laugh. And, wow, Pat Nixon did not fare well in that fight scene!
DW got me watching "Moonlighting" on Hulu. Never watched it back in the day. I have to admit, it is good for what it is, and quite poignant considering Bruce Willis' FTD diagnosis.

"Moonlighting" was in the streaming penalty box forever due primarily to music rights. It took years of work by the original producer to reach agreements to allow it to be broadcast. It is currently on Hulu.
That's kinda the same problem with WKRP. So much great music that's hard to get the rights for. But what do you expect for a show about a rock radio station?
This is really old:.The Immortal starring Christopher George. Circa 1970 series somewhat like The Fugitive.

I recall watching it as a kid but it is new to my wife but we are both enjoying it.

On YouTube no less.
Last night I watched one of my all time favorite Blaxploitation parody movies - Black Dynamite starring Michael Jai White. I had a few dollars on my Amazon Prime account from choosing slower shipping speeds, and it was well worth the $3.99. The Kung Fu fight scene between Black Dynamite and the nunchucks-wielding Richard Nixon was worth the price, but here it is (by the way, not totally SFW) for free:

That was hilarious. Careful viewers will notice that hat tip to the Gordon Liddy explanation of the Watergate break-in near the end.

I had seen one or two episodes of the animated BD. Though funny the language pretty rough.
That's kinda the same problem with WKRP. So much great music that's hard to get the rights for. But what do you expect for a show about a rock radio station?

Is that why they stopped showing WKRP reruns? Antenna TV used to show it pretty regularly, up until a few years ago.

I've noticed that sometimes they'll substitute a different song, in later releases as well. For instance, there's an episode of "Mama's Family" called "Obscene Caller", where Naomi keeps getting harassed on the phone. At one point the family tried to record the caller. Vint gets a boom box, they hold the receiver up to it, but then Vint presses a wrong button and you hear Willie Nelson singing "On the Road Again."

On the DVD set, when Vint presses the wrong button, it plays some other hokey country song I don't even recognize. Oddly though, when I catch it on tv reruns (MeTV and Logo both run it) and it's still Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again."

So, maybe whomever handles the distribution of the package for broadcast was able to get the rights to "On the Road Again", but Star Vista Media, who put out the DVD set, couldn't?

For some reason, I'm thinking there's two different versions of "National Lampoon's Vacation" as well. One of them has "I'm So Excited" by the Pointer Sisters playing every time the Griswolds come across Kristie Brinkley in the Ferrari. But I could swear there's another version, where they only use that one song that was playing when they were at the rest area, and Clark ate the sandwich that the dog peed on.
Music swaps are not your imagination. These drive producers and directors crazy when a distributor does them. Good producers and directors have it written in their contract to exert control of this.

I think the movie "FastTimes at Ridgemont High" had a release with different music that really ticked off the director. In recent years, that has been corrected. There were iconic scenes in that movie that were ruined.

Syndication frequently changes the title song. Shows like "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Twighlight Zone" had different music in the first season compared to subsequent seasons. These were changed for syndication.

One nice thing about streaming is that a lot of producers have realized the value of having original content for posterity. Hence, the streaming versions of "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Twilight Zone" now have the original music. TTZ's first season has the Bernard Hermann title. Very much like Hitchcock and a mile away from the iconic version people remember for later seasons.

One last thing on this music rights issue: a lot of reality stars know about this. When they want to have "private" discussions, someone will sing a popular song behind them to help keep it out of the final cut. (Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-...rity-singing-music-jordan-north-b1767855.html)

It doesn't always work (a good sound can scrub), but it frequently does.
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I've been watching Maverick on MeTV. I mean the original western series not the the fighter pilot movie. The plots are rather hokey and predictable, but James Garner does the character so very well. The other two Maverick brothers played by Jack Kelly and Roger Moore are OK. Garner's the best by far.

I also watched Bret Maverick from the 1990's - I think. Again, Garner does a great job as an older Maverick who wants to settle down but is still able to pull off a con and win plenty of poker hands. As usual, he only swindles bad guys, greedy women, and other ne're-do-wells.
The music rights issue in older shows gets more complicated with overseas distribution rights. In a famous case known to fans of Dr. Who (that would be me!) a story from 1965, "The Chase" features the time-travelers watching a time-space visualizer on board the Tardis. There is a clip of the Beatles singing "Ticket to Ride." One of the Doctor's companion, Vicki, who is from the far future comments, "I didn't know they played classical music."

Another companion, Ian, a school teacher appears to be singing along to the song. This is an impossibility since Ticket to Ride was released in 1965 and Ian boarded the Tardis in 1963, has been traveling the universe since, and so would not know the song.

Anyway, the BBC was able to get the rights to the song in DVD region 2 (Europe, the middle east, and Japan) but did not get the rights in region 1 (North America.) Thus, there are versions of this Dr. Who episode with Ticket to Ride in it and versions where the entire clip was cut.

I'm not sure but I think my Betamax recording from the local over-the-air PBS TV station made 35 years ago has the song on it.
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A lot of fun ideas in this long thread. A good reason to have a DVR and a broadcast antenna.

Someone earlier mentioned a couple of movies that I liked ... In Harm's Way, and Das Boot. I toured the Bavarian Film Works in Munich some years ago and was able to see the sizeable model they had of the exterior of the submarine in Das Boot and to walk through the full-sized recreation of the inside of a U-Boot --- that was pretty cool after having seen the movie.

Someone else a while back mentioned Hogan's Heroes, and spending some time in Germany recently I was surprised and not a little appalled that this show seems to be one of the most common re-runs played on German TV. If you recall how it portrays Germans as pretty much universally stupid and incompetent, ... when I lived in Germany in the Army during the cold war, there's no way I think that this would have been broadcast (?). Enough years have gone by and that generation pretty much dead that it plays as comedy there today. I guess. What a strange world we live in.

So here are some favorite old TV series and movies from me, including some mentioned before, but I think some not yet mentioned:

My Mother the Car --- I remember not being allowed to stay up for this one, kind of stupid, but most TV was (and is).

The Second Hundred Years --- gold miner in alaska frozen, revived in the 1960's

Dobie Gillis --- intelligent show for its time, witty

Adam's Family --- clever yet often stupid, far better than "The Munsters" IMO

12 O'Clock High --- TV series, but also the movie

Northern Exposure --- I'd like to watch this all again if it were available


The Man Who Came to Dinner --- great cast, great movie

Anything with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn

So very much stuff from the past I never want to see again, but also so very much that I would.
Mystery Actress 5.

I suppose it'll be guessed quickly.

If anyone would like me to start a new thread dedicated to this sort of thing let me know, esp. any mods that happen to see this.


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