What was your happiest moment today?

After questioning the Mrs. about the water resistance of the Kindle she was reading while floating in the pool, I did a cannon ball into the deep end fully clothed. It was just as fun at it was 50 years ago, but I don't think I jumped as high - but the wave was certainly larger.

Now THAT sounds like FUN! :LOL:
I woke up this morning and took the dogs for a hike before the winds pick up. On a ridge line I could see up my river valley from the town below to the snow capped mountains of the continental divide above. Happiest moment of my day so far was up on that ridge watching my puppies ears blow in the breeze.

Niiiiice! ;)
After questioning the Mrs. about the water resistance of the Kindle she was reading while floating in the pool, I did a cannon ball into the deep end fully clothed. It was just as fun at it was 50 years ago, but I don't think I jumped as high - but the wave was certainly larger.

:LOL::LOL: Love it! Fun times.

DH and I just got back from a lovely early morning drive and breakfast out. Nice little restaurant, not busy so able to eat inside.
The sun is out this morning, so now for a good walk.
Went to the dermatologist today and she cut and burned several suspicious spots from my face. (So far, not a happy moment.) On the way home, I stopped at the bank to deposit a check. Several folks were waiting in line on both sides of me. I wasn't wearing a mask and neither were half the folks in line. (Still, not a happy moment - well, maybe just a little bit since I didn't have to wear a mask.)

So as the teller was processing my check she pleasantly asked "How's your day been going." I replied. "Look at my face!" (My face had 4 bandages and a couple of weeping freeze-burns.) She looked horrified until I laughed. And then half a dozen folks in ear-shot joined in the hilarity. All in all, it was a very happy moment for a lot of folks. I guess that's turning lemons into lemonade or some such - though YMMV.
.......... On the way home, I stopped at the bank to deposit a check. Several folks were waiting in line on both sides of me. I wasn't wearing a mask and neither were half the folks in line.........
The ultimate irony was when masks were required in banks.
The ultimate irony was when masks were required in banks.

Yep. Here in Paradise, banks - and every other business - was as stringent about mask wearing as the airport/airlines. So far, I'd estimate less than 50% of folks are going without a mask inside. On an unrelated note, I'd say more men than women have ditched the mask. Not suggesting anything by that - just sayin' from personal observation so YMMV.
Yep. Here in Paradise, banks - and every other business - was as stringent about mask wearing as the airport/airlines. So far, I'd estimate less than 50% of folks are going without a mask inside. On an unrelated note, I'd say more men than women have ditched the mask. Not suggesting anything by that - just sayin' from personal observation so YMMV.
What I find amusing, sort of, is on NextDoor when people post videos of car prowlers, they are 100% masked. Probably the only time they wear 'em. :LOL:
My happiest moment was yesterday afternoon when my 10 yr. old DGD hit a double at her 2nd ballgame and then stole 3rd on next batter. This was her 1st. time to get on base and she was so proud of herself. Some times it is just the little things!
Beautiful sunny day, so we backed the cars out of the garage and I am organizing all of my storage shelves. I've been wanting to do it again for a long time. Somehow, new things just get thrown in any empty spot over time, so now its time to clean up!

Clean and organize--a great thing for someone who has mild OCD :)
Enjoyable day.
About 45 minutes of working on my suntan.
Beautiful sunny day, so we backed the cars out of the garage and I am organizing all of my storage shelves. I've been wanting to do it again for a long time. Somehow, new things just get thrown in any empty spot over time, so now its time to clean up!

Clean and organize--a great thing for someone who has mild OCD :)
Enjoyable day.

I resemble that remark! :)

Funny, I have spent much of the day doing the same in our carport, organizing the storage cabinets. The weather is not too hot or cold so it has been relaxing. I have tunes playing while I work and that helps. In to grab dinner now, then back to the "salt mines" before the sun sets :).
Heh, heh, I need to have my dermatologist talk to you.:angel:
Got a #? :D I can explain the serious need for replenishing Vitamin D:cool:
Got a #? :D I can explain the serious need for replenishing Vitamin D:cool:

My doc offered to write me a script - or just go to Costco for cheap D pills. I will say, there's just something wonderful about sunshine on your skin. I just can't do it anymore. Those days are gone, sadly. Of course, here I am in the land of EverSummer. What was I thinking?:facepalm:

Actually dermatologist complimented both DW and me on our lack of sun exposure. YMMV
Waking up to find my 15-year-old cat snuggled on the pillow next to my face, providing a cozy alternative source of heat while I went back to sleep for another hour. She has been a lot more affectionate since her sister passed away in January, and unexpected morning snuggles are one sign of that.
I'd say more men than women have ditched the mask. Not suggesting anything by that - just sayin' from personal observation so YMMV.

Don't start with that men and women are different thing! ;)
I woke up. I'm not dead yet!

Stopped at the health screening at the local 'Mart, saw my fully caffeinated, just off the road with tourists, pulse rate was 66. BP and cholesterol were reasonable, then clocked 21 miles on a bicycle at >15 mph.

More than one thing to be happy about:)
My doc offered to write me a script - or just go to Costco for cheap D pills. I will say, there's just something wonderful about sunshine on your skin. I just can't do it anymore. Those days are gone, sadly. Of course, here I am in the land of EverSummer. What was I thinking?:facepalm:

Actually dermatologist complimented both DW and me on our lack of sun exposure. YMMV
Sorry to read that. I find sun is good, feels warm, makes D, and Nitric oxide.
I do live by my tag line.:)
DH and I are continuing work on our old pictures and slides. Went through the last box of pictures for save/toss. Now to go through the saved ones and consolidate, get rid of duplicates, etc.
Had too many to start with that were all over the house in boxes from moving years ago, so at least the "saved" ones are now all in one box! Much easier to spread out to find the duplicates.
I inherited a bunch of photos from Grandmother and parents, so thats why there are so many copies, mostly of kids!
Slides will be next.

My siblings and I still have 100+boxes of slides from our parents and grandparents that we just stuffed in a car after last parent died. My grandfather loved photography.
We have not tackled those yet! But at least, they are at my brothers house and n to mine :)
DW and I changed a toilet valve! Afterwards, there were no leaks, and everything works. We have no skills or experience with household repairs, so this was quite an achievement for us.
DW and I changed a toilet valve! Afterwards, there were no leaks, and everything works. We have no skills or experience with household repairs, so this was quite an achievement for us.

Good for you! My father was the handiest person everyone knew. One of the many things he taught me was when there is a task or repair - just try.

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