When to decorate for Christmas

When should my daughter decorate for Christmas?

  • Before Thanksgiving

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • After Thanksgiving

    Votes: 55 96.5%

  • Total voters

Texas Proud

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 16, 2005
OK... an argument in the household.... so I proposed a poll to see what people think....

So, when should my daughter decorate for Christmas? Before or After Thanksgiving?

Note.... before means right now!!! But do not let that influence you...
For indoors, the first day after Thanksgiving. For outdoors, the first day after Thanksgiving that has acceptable weather. Sometimes this might mean that outdoors decorating never happens.
I stop decorating for Christmas long ago, when my children got to the late teen years and none of us wanted to do the work.

But for people who still have the spirit, this is my choice but I do not see it on the poll: "Whenever it makes you happy".
Whenever you want, whatever you want.
Me, about Dec.18-20. Earlier = ridiculous imo. Might as well leave them up all year.
Our condo neighbour has shiney Merry Christmas plaque on their door and a green doormat outside the door with three reindeer on it. Looks silly.

They went up late last week. Probably more to come as there is still space on the the door. Very, very tacky. We snicker every time we walk past. But, as long as they get some enjoyment from it who really cares?
Bah, Humbug!

Christmas Eve, remove on Boxing day

A year ago, a house around here won a national competition for the most grandiose Christmas display. Unquestionably, it was impressive. Lights, color, sound, continuously falling artificial snow, pine scent... the whole magilla. Every square foot of their yard was filled, and the entire acre rimmed with ground-to-treetop decorations forming a wall of sensory overload.

The house was in a cul-de-sac, which meant the traffic from an awed public driving past was so crushing that the unfortunate neighbors had to be parked in their own driveways by 4 pm or risk not getting home before midnight.

I asked the owner of the house how long it took to erect their Yuletide masterpiece. He said they started on Labor Day. That's too hardcore for me.

I absolutely love Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year, no question about it. But I also love autumn, Oktoberfest, Halloween, harvest festivals, Thanksgiving, etc. Why forgo those wonderful events just to shortcut to another one?

We get around to decorating about 10 days before Christmas, and we take stuff down on 6 January, aka the 12th day of Christmas.

Recommend to DD that she savor the other seasons (autumn, Thanksgiving, etc.) in their time, and don't rush to Christmas too early. Overall this means more time for celebrating!
We snicker every time we walk past. But, as long as they get some enjoyment from it who really cares?
Well, you care! You snickered. :fingerwag:
I don't do much decorating for Christmas anymore. We leave Dec 26 for Arizona. So, I either spend Christmas day taking the décor down or face it in April when we return home. What little I put out now can be put away in 10 minutes.
When I was seriously into the holidays . I would put a few things around for Thanksgiving but now I decorate a few weeks before Christmas and less every year .
If it was simply outside lights, it would be ok to put them out but leave them off until after Thanksgiving.

One issue is Christmas lights are not designed to be outside for extended periods of time, possibly the UV deteriorates the wire and the thin contacts rust.
We snicker every time we walk past. But, as long as they get some enjoyment from it who really cares?

Sounds like you're the one getting enjoyment out of it....... ;)
TP -

If this means that your DD (and perhaps her DH and the kiddos) are now the lead dogs for family holiday celebrations instead of you, congratulations! That's a well deserved reward for the years you spent in that role.

Spending various holidays and family occasions with DS and his family drinking his beer, watching football on his big screen, eating his food and enjoying his decorations without any preparation or clean-up on our part is the way life was meant to be!
We use a service who installs our lights for Christmas. They came this Sunday and did it. Normally I would do it Thanksgiving weekend, but this was the day they had available to schedule it. We will do the inside decoration probably the week after Thanksgiving.
I don't decorate for Christmas until the weekend after Thanksgiving. I like to keep Thanksgiving its own special holiday-- it's one of my favorites. I usually take the tree down on New Year's Day.

DH is in charge of the outside lights. He always seems to pick one of the coldest days to be out there ?

I've noticed some outside decorations starting to show up on house around here. Too early for me, but none of my business.

(I have a confession to make....I did listen to Christmas music last week. But it was to help me get in the mood while I work to finish a very elaborate quilted wall hanging featuring a gingerbread village)
I don't celebrate Christmas, but y best friend does. He's not on this site. So, on his behalf I voted for after Thanksgiving. He starts then, and finishes a week or so later. He buys the Tree some 2 weeks before Christmas.
We have always (out of habit I guess) started decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving and take everything down on New Years day.
If one goes by the Merchandisers, we decorate starting in October and take them down immediately on the Dec 26th.

For a more historical and accurate take on things, remember that the four weeks before Christmas are actually the Advent season. The Christmas season starts on 12/25 and runs through 1/6. You know - The 12 Days of Christmas.

So... You're both wrong.

But, who am I to judge?. If you have your loving family together for the Holidays, enjoy the blessing. It doesn't get much better than that.
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