Who here takes aspirin daily?

For years now

Have been taking the 81mg aspirin every day for many years now. Inexpensive to get a bunch of them at the warehouse stores. Figure it can't hurt. People on blood thinners have to be careful, of course, but I have never been on any prescriptions so it shouldn't be a concern in my case anyways.
I know older people were told to take a baby aspirin, daily...Then as we all know, it was decided maybe that wasn't good for every older person...due to bleeding, etc. BUT, I am taking one daily, now, due to fear of Covid. They said Covid can cause blood clots. So until there is a treatment for Covid, I will take my 81mg aspirin...then I'll stop.
I started taking one, doc said no problem but didn't specifically recommend it. I quit them. Bleed too much. Get a bloody nose or cut your finger and the thing never stops bleeding.
Since about time of colonoscopy, I take 1 small aspirin daily + Magnesium Citrate 400 mg Tablet (NOW brand) + 4 psyllium husk capsules.

The psyllium husk increases fiber bulking (colon cleaning) while the Magnesium Citrate assures regularity.

I put about a teaspoon of Whole psyllium Husk in most meals and snacks.

What really seems to help is going on FODMAP diet.
Probably been 25 years on aspirin. 81mg. Part of high cholesterol regiment along with a statin. The original doctor that prescribed said the aspirin helps the plaque released by the statin move thru the blood stream. He also said statins should be put in the water. He died of cancer at 74. Latest two doctors have not changed anything for me. Actually added fish oil.
Yes, for pain.
My Dad had two strokes less than a day apart when he was 65. I think the treatment for the first one caused the second one. I was 41, my doctor said if I took 81mg a day he guaranteed I would not have a clot stroke and if I had a bleeder stroke I would most likely not survive. Seemed like a good trade off. So I took a baby aspirin for 30 years then my current doctor said since I don't have any problems that warrant an aspirin a day and suggested stopping, so I did. By the way I took mine before bed since I heard most strokes and heart attacks happen at night.
I take an enteric coated 81 mg aspirin every day. It’s what at they told my dad to take after bypass surgery at 63, he is now 97, and what the told my mom to take after her stroke at 72. She lived till age 93.

I specifically stated “enteric coated“, because it is less likely to cause ulcers as it dissolves in the intestine, not the stomach. A regular baby aspirin may cause ulcers.

I really believe that for many people aspirin is a life saver. Not for all, but for many. Do what your doctor says...
I just (mid March) got heart attack and ended up with a stent so I'm on a bunch of meds - one being baby Aspirin. My cardiologist claims I'll be on it for the rest of my life.
I take one daily along with the lowest dose of hydroxeria to keep my platelet count down. The only adverse effects I’ve noticed are slightly longer wound healing times since it thins the blood. Oh, and dropping them on the floor!
... - one being baby Aspirin. My cardiologist claims I'll be on it for the rest of my life.

That's what I've been told too. I have two stents from what I call an "almost heart attack" (LAD 90% blocked) but it was treated before I actually had the heart attack. I'll take the baby aspirin....
Had two ablation procedures. On baby asprin for life. No negative side effects I am aware of.
My dad is a healthy 75ish, and mentioned this week that his cardiologist had said "yeah maybe stop doing that" on the baby aspirin. So for those that still take it, maybe ask your Doc on your next visit.

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