Would you be nervous in my neighborhood?

Sell the house now, while it's still a high priced neighborhood.

As has been shown in various idealistic 1960's "planned communities," bringing a poor element into a nice neighborhood doesn't elevate the poor element; it only brings down the nice neighborhood.
City living has its challenges. I have always found that the longer we live in a city neighborhood, the more secure we feel. Much of it is getting to know the cues and boundaries that evolve; the occasional homeless person hanging around the gas statioin, or cruising along the main drag becomes familiar and non-threatening, but the one who strays deep into the residential parts (versus the business streets) become an object of attention.

On the plus side, there is almost always pedestrian traffic and people around. The neighbors seem to be alert though not paranoid, and any unusual happenings lead to lights being turned on and people taking a look outside their homes. Usually turns out to be a false alarm, but that's fine. Lots of folks own dogs who seem to understand these things.

We walk miles in our neighborhood without a concern almost every day. Would not do the same 6 blocks to the north. Very rarely we have called the police to check out a very suspicious scenario (kids in a run down pick up walking into a neighbors garage).

But you've got to feel basically safe, if not invulnerable, in your own neighborhood and what does that for one person may be different for another. My semi-rural friends seem equally affected - they all have weapons and a stranger wandering in the back 40 in a remote area is not something they take kindly to.
Carry it anyway.

"I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."

:LOL::LOL: I love cops who give advice like this (and I agree 100%). It always reminds me of when my old grandma complained about people coming into her yard, and the cop told her "if you shoot one, make sure you drag him into the house".

Seriously, though, I second all the people who say to follow your gut. Better safe than politically correct. Like that old saying, a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
Carry it anyway.

"I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."
I have a female friend who is married to a NYS Trooper. He often works long hours and sometimes doubles. She owns an exercise place with late release night classes across the street from a bar that can be rough at times.
My area is relatively safe. However she asked me where I got my pepper spray. So I bought her one to save her the trip. Capsaicin spray is not illegal, but it is not sold freely at the counter. Mace is very hard to find, at least legally.
I asked the Trooper if capsaicin is OK. He essentially said, if it's strictly for defense, no problem. If it is used in an assault or a robbery or brought into a public building or airport (intent) , it is treated as an assault weapon just like a knife or gun would be. Busted!!!
NYers can get pepper spray legal for their state from Buying Force Spray, Pepper Spray in NY New York State NYC Law.

If you're not in NY or similarly evil state, you can protect yourself with batons and tasers; and citizens of the 39 shall-issue states can get their CCP/CCL and pocket carry a nice little SW 442. :)

Yes, I am in NY. Born and raised and still living here. :dance::dance::dance:

I actually have a local store who carries capsaicin spray, but it is not openly displayed for the easy taking. Store owner always asks me why I need it, and I say for defense. No problem.
It's kind of like the old days of buying rubbers at the drugstore. Yes, I was the one who went in, not my BF. :LOL:
It all depends on who has possession of the ball. :rolleyes:
Rubbers for bears?? Sounds like a sick fraternity event:mad:

Many running backs during the Chicago Bears Butkus era wished Dick had been wearing one!


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This has been one of the most unanticipated threadjacks yet. :)

BTW Oldbabe, those homeless creeps are usually not a big problem, but they are a pita and every now and then one of the nutters among them does go off.

You'll be happier elsewhere, IMO. Glad to hear you listed your place. I really like city life, but I do not like the low life on the sidewalk any more than you do. It is a real relief when I am in more upscale location where people are polite to one another, rather than playing sidewalk chicken all day. On an average day, I am accosted by at 15-20 panhandlers and they are small part of city social friction.

The problem is that I hate driving even more than dodging people on the street.

I think Vienna or Geneva might suit me, but I am not financially or lingusitically qualified. :)

This has been one of the most unanticipated threadjacks yet. :)

BTW Oldbabe, those homeless creeps are usually not a big problem, but they are a pita and every now and then one of the nutters among them does go off.

You'll be happier elsewhere, IMO. Glad to hear you listed your place. I really like city life, but I do not like the low life on the sidewalk any more than you do. It is a real relief when I am in more upscale location where people are polite to one another, rather than playing sidewalk chicken all day. On an average day, I am accosted by at 15-20 panhandlers and they are small part of city social friction.

The problem is that I hate driving even more than dodging people on the street.

I think Vienna or Geneva might suit me, but I am not financially or lingusitically qualified. :)


Hmmm - perhaps so. I remember the old days - back when I was er younger in the accumulation phase - the talk was to find the low life areas that were getting gentrified and trying to get in at the start of the trend.

Not that I ever hired the homeless to work for cash/off the books - nod nod wink wink. I just heard about it. :greetings10:.

heh heh heh - so does one move in the same town - following trends - if they can be identified?
Hmmm - perhaps so. I remember the old days - back when I was er younger in the accumulation phase - the talk was to find the low life areas that were getting gentrified and trying to get in at the start of the trend.

Not that I ever hired the homeless to work for cash/off the books - nod nod wink wink. I just heard about it. :greetings10:.

heh heh heh - so does one move in the same town - following trends - if they can be identified?

I think this loses its charm as you get older. "Gentrification" can take longer than we have. UM, you are familiar with Seattle. Georgetown is currently hyped as undergoing gentrification. Georgetown is easily the ugliest piece of industrial waste that the realtor corps has ever attempted to foist onto buyers. They say gays are first into a new hip area- no gay could stand even one evening in Georgetown.

An area with greater hope IMO is the Central District. But here you have lots of real heavy duty street crime. Bang-bang you are dead type crime. Not many gays here either. The CD has some pretty streets, unlike Georgetown, but it is a real mess demographically. And, it isn't cheap. Plenty opportunity to lose important money here should police layoffs lead to more street crime. I have walked around here quite a bit, and it really is not pleasant. Of course Georgetown is worse, it's like walking around a 1950s auto wrecking yard.

Remember, don't believe anything you hear from anyone who has an interest in selling you on their POV.

One problem Seattle has is that is spite of stunning natural beauty, much of its housing stock was slapped together in various booms. The manmade part of Seattle is truly third rate. So anything that is nice is unbelievably expensive. Eventually the entire city will be town houses and condos. Unfortunately, many of the town houses that have been built recently look like they are designed by the 3 Stooges.
If my family were not here I would be looking at upscale parts of other urban areas with a lot of walk-to attractions in cities that are not so outrageously overpriced for what you are getting.

All of this talk about pepper spray inspired a question. I have a 20 year old can of some kind of self defense spray. If it still squirts is the stuff likely potent or does it spoil with age? And whoever, said it is like buying rubbers, I agree. There is just something about buying a can a pepper spray that is embarrassing. I would much rather buy a gun - still waiting for DC to sort out its regs.
I always enjoy haha's observations.

I think Vienna or Geneva might suit me, but I am not financially or lingusitically qualified. :)

Ha, as I recall, you have spent enough time in Latin America to get into trouble. Ever think of trying someplace like Guadalajara or Chapala?
All of this talk about pepper spray inspired a question. I have a 20 year old can of some kind of self defense spray. If it still squirts is the stuff likely potent or does it spoil with age?
I spoke to a Sgt regarding your question this a.m. You should be able to tell if it is still usable by spaying some...just a little bit..(away from your face). Do not spray it on your skin. You should be able to tell by the smell and any reaction you have to it. If you notice nothing, it has expired. If you don't want it anymore, you may want to see if the police dept will destroy it for you. If they can't, spray the can in the outdoors until it is empty,then toss the can.
There is just something about buying a can a pepper spray that is embarrassing. I would much rather buy a gun - still waiting for DC to sort out its regs.

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

If the person is attacking you with their hands, killing them might be frowned upon.
Spraying them with pepper spray would give you a change to run away.
I have a small can of pepper spray on a key chain.

TAC-156 - Secure Self Defense Spray, Key Chain, Advanced 4 in 1 Formula, Pepper Gas, CS Tear Gas, CN, Dye
I wonder: if I carried a spray can, would I be more likely to stray deeper into unsafe situations?
I wonder: if I carried a spray can, would I be more likely to stray deeper into unsafe situations?

I know that I would not. A spray can is not like Dirty Harry's .44mag. If someone is bent on hurting you, once he is close enough to be affected by spray you are likely going to be hurt. Even assuming right weather conditions, etc.

Just guessing here, but I would imagine it is much more likely to help with opportunistic rapists and muggers, as would screaming or a loud whistle or all of the above. The women I know who carry spray are mainly concerned about rape, and mainly while walking from their car, in their garage, etc.

What always impressed me the few times when I saw street crime was how very fast it happens, and how the situation may appear ambiguous until it is too late to do much. I just try to keep my senses open and fade anything that looks odd.

Also, if I am wearing quiet shoes I always try to cough or make some innocuous noise before I overtake a woman walking or standing at a traffic light, so as to not giver her a scare.


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