Feel Good Stuff


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 14, 2011
Didn't know where else to put this:

Free haircuts for the homeless.....rapid transformations. (The music's good too.)
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That put a smile on my face and happy tears in my eyes.

Some people do!

Thanks for posting it.
Their concert here at Calvert Marine Museum has been cancel,;-((((((

Wonderful song !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smaller scale, but it still made me feel good to have five separate customers in the Walmart self check out trying to tell me that I’d left my twenty dollars change in the register slot!
I didn’t realize they were talking to me until I turned around to see what the commotion was about [emoji56]
Strange, but this actually brings back a sad/painful memory.

We were doing a "feed in the park" (back before it was illegal to feed free range humans in the wild) for the homeless. We had a stack of pizza boxes like what was in the video and thus triggering the memory flood. A friend of mine and I were tending some generators to run a couple of tables of microwaves to reheat the pizza.

While we were setting up people started to gather... not forming a line... just hanging out in clumps in the area about 50 yards away.
One elderly gentleman was a lot closer, maybe 30ft away, sitting under a tree.

When things were ready somebody yelled the "come and get it!" and swoosh! everybody was hustling to get in the serving line.

Except for that elderly guy that was closest. Turns out he had a severe walking impediment from some sort of injury or maybe a birth defect... Even though he was among the closest to where food was being served, he ends up having to walk AWAY from the front of line to get to the back of the line. And the line is growing faster than he was moving... so the more he tried to fast-hobble to get in the line the farther back he had to go. One thing you don't do in at homeless feed is cut into a free food line. He ended up behind about 100 others towards the back.

I went up to him and it took some convincing (there were mental deficits in addition to the physical problems) but I got to leave the line and go sit down at some vacant tables out on the perimeter. I then went back to generators behind the serving tables and snagged a couple of slices to bring to him without anybody seeing so as to avoid a problem.

The images of this guy desperately struggling to get to the back of the food line is burnt into my brain.
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