I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

I joined the club, McDonald's dining room gave me COVID. Two Modernas and a booster in 2021. Yesterday super chills and fever, cough, body aches. Called the doc and they do not recommend an antiviral, just take ibuprofen and Tylenol. Feel much better today.

Did your doc tell you why he didn't want to prescribe Paxlovid?
I use my pulse-oximeter every morning, and have for the past 26 months since I got out of the ICU (due to Covid). It's usually 96 these days. It was around 87 when I first got out back in 2021.

I'm not sure if it's really meaningful, but it's easy to do so I figure, why not. :D

Do you know if you are prone to a more severe outcome the next time you get covid? ie....does someone needing o2 therapy (like myself) once for covid mean they have a higher risk of a bad outcome in the future. Or just luck of the draw?
I realize the government is giving everyone 4 free tests again, but if there is covid in the household it is easy to go through many tests in a short period of time. I had a stash of tests that I got from Costco when you could get a pack of 5 every month for free (for Medicare people) . Some of these tests expired in 1/23, but they must still be good, because we got our positives on them. Our symptoms were no worse than a mild cold. We only tested because we had been to a wedding and knew others who were positive and we were going to visit family and wanted to make sure we weren't positive...Otherwise we probably would not have tested. I can definitely understand someone with mild cold symptoms and no tests in the house not wanting to go out and spend $20+ for tests.

You can look up the test lot numbers online and see what their latest expiration date has been extended to, they didn't know how long they would work for when they put them out, so the numbers are still evolving as the tests age and they determine if they are still good or not.

Currently if you have cold like symptoms, the odds are still in favor of it being Covid than it being anything else except maybe RSV depending on your community.
I use my pulse-oximeter every morning, and have for the past 26 months since I got out of the ICU (due to Covid). It's usually 96 these days. It was around 87 when I first got out back in 2021.

I'm not sure if it's really meaningful, but it's easy to do so I figure, why not. :D

Considering how sick you were, 96 is a darn good recovery number!
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Do you know if you are prone to a more severe outcome the next time you get covid? ie....does someone needing o2 therapy (like myself) once for covid mean they have a higher risk of a bad outcome in the future. Or just luck of the draw?

I'm hoping there is no "next time"! :) Guess we'll see. I have been staying at home and away from most people except Frank, since I got out of the hospital.

I was on oxygen and oxygen monitoring the whole time I was in the ICU, but haven't had it since they released me from the hospital.

Considering how sick you were, 96 is a darn good recovery number!

I'm happy with it! You *know* what it is like to be that sick, so I especially appreciate your post. Honestly I thought I might die in the hospital but figured "what will be, will be", and that worrying about it wouldn't do any good. Now, here I am feeling much better and with these good oxygen readings. :D Much better!

Sometimes I get 94 or 95, maybe one day a week, but 96 sure beats readings down in the 80's. When I wrote my prior post I forgot that when I first got out of the hospital, I was getting readings around 82-84. But luckily those readings in the lower 80's didn't last long.
I was boosted last month and still got it - miserable symptoms for two full weeks (although no need for hospitalization.) Took paxlovid. Lasted a lot longer than I thought it would, given I'm healthy, had the booster and took paxlovid.

(Despite my older age, my doc didn't even really want to prescribe Paxlovid - he said I would likely be fine without it, but I insisted.) I guess some docs are very conservative about prescribing it unless one has a pre-existing medical condition. I thought if you were over 50, that was already a reason.

Do you have an idea of where you contracted it? Did you have an extended exposure to a group of people? Seems like you must have gotten a pretty good dose. We still don't spend much time indoors with groups. We will be flying next week but we will mask in the airport and on the airplane. Don't want to mess up our trip with a round of COVID (or cold or flu) or make our hosts ill!
Just an update, the last 7 days have been a very painful sore throat. Taking pain pills all that time. Throat looks better, but still not right.
Did your doc tell you why he didn't want to prescribe Paxlovid?

My wife had COVID last week (somehow, I missed it). When she asked the pharmacist about Paxlovid, she was told that they only are giving it to higher risk patients (she is mid 60's and in good health), or if you take a serious turn for the worse. She was told to take Tylenol and it did clear up in a couple of days.
Just an update, the last 7 days have been a very painful sore throat. Taking pain pills all that time. Throat looks better, but still not right.

Perhaps a visit to your Dr for a check for strep throat?
Hope you feel better soon.
Do you have an idea of where you contracted it? Did you have an extended exposure to a group of people? Seems like you must have gotten a pretty good dose. We still don't spend much time indoors with groups. We will be flying next week but we will mask in the airport and on the airplane. Don't want to mess up our trip with a round of COVID (or cold or flu) or make our hosts ill!

Sorry for the delayed response - you're probably flying as I type this! Yes - we traveled and were in crowds part of the time, including one crowded restaurant. We tried to wear masks often, but honestly, it probably didn't do much good.

Too many people's hygiene and manners are atrocious: they're hacking away clearly sick - no mask, not even bothering to cover their mouths, crowding other people with no concept of personal space. We were constantly trying to move away from people.

But I've been laying low since 2020 and tired of skipping the stuff I want to see and do in life at this point, given that I probably don't have many healthy years left.

Covid just isn't going away in the next few years, if ever. And everywhere we want to go seems overcrowded, even during "off" times.
Did your doc tell you why he didn't want to prescribe Paxlovid?

It's interesting - some docs encourage and advise it...others are very reluctant and advise against it. When I saw someone I know get a fairly bad case of covid even after vaxxing and boosting - I felt it like it was worth the risk to avoid potential hospitalization.

The risk with "seeing if it gets worse first" is that it may be too late. You only have 5 days max from first symptom - and it's most effective when taken in the first 2-3 days
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The risk with "seeing if it gets worse first" is that it may be too late. You only have 5 days max from first symptom - and it's most effective when taken in the first 2-3 days
If my doctor suggested "a wait and see" approach to Paxlovid, I'd seriously consider changing doctors! It's really quite poor advice IMHO.
Even though my symptoms were extremely mild, on the advice of my doctor I decided to take Paxlovid. I am 71 and in good health. I took it when I had Covid in June 2022 but only lasted 2 days because of the taste. Surprisingly the taste did not bother me as much this time and I lasted the whole 5 days. It's been 5 days since I finished the medication and no rebound.

My dh was not able to take the Paxlovid because of medication he takes. He is 77 yo. In June 2022 they sent him for an infusion but that's not done anymore. The doctor said there was an alternative infusion available but you had to go 3 consecutive days for it. He chose not to do that and just let the Covid run it's course. He was sicker than me, coughed badly for about 2 days and a fever that reached 101 but recovered quickly.

We have found out it was the groom at this wedding who had Covid and many people at the wedding got it.

We kept putting off getting the latest booster, wish we hadn't....now my doctor said to wait 3 months after having Covid to get it.
There was a new study out just yesterday that found 20 percent of those taking Paxlovid developed rebound Covid, compared to 2 percent of those not taking it. They still recommend it as a life-saving drug for high risk patients.

SARS-CoV-2 Virologic Rebound With Nirmatrelvir–Ritonavir Therapy

I had a rebound case, but it was like an entirely different illness. Phase1 was a flu, deep and heavy and sluggish, but paxlovid knocked out almost all of it in 2 days. A week later, Phase 2 was a sneezy head cold with a fever, but still only 2-3 days of symptoms (and you can't take Paxlovid again for a rebound).

It sucked to get a rebound when i thought I was out of the woods, and that's when DH finally caught it from me. But phase 1 was settling in like a bad flu and would have been a slog and much longer, most likely. As far as the taste, metallic, but it faded usually within 20 mins of each dose.
I had a rebound case, but it was like an entirely different illness.

Yes, when they say "rebound" they just mean a positive test and shedding of live virus particles following the initial negative test after the first time. It doesn't mean another major bout of the thing.
I started getting cold symptoms a two days ago, burning, runny nose and a slight fever. Then came an unusual headache, higher fever and chills—my hands felt like ice—and fatigue that had me shuffling around the house like an old lady.

Decided to test, and the T line showed up within two minutes. Lazed around the house all day blowing my nose and napping. Before bed I took one diphenhydramine tablet and one Tylenol and slept pretty well. The next day I took a Sudafed (the original stuff with pseudoephedrine) which helped my head and sinuses feel better and boosted my energy level a bit, but I still kept gravitating towards the couch. Last night I took one doxylamine tablet and slept ok. Feeling better today, mostly just tired and heavy, with some congestion.

Now DH is having some symptoms, headache, fatigue, and slight congestion. He hasn't had any Covid vaccines, so fingers crossed he comes out ok. (My last vaccine was one year ago.) He does seem to have a strong immune system, rarely gets a cold, while I tend to catch any cold that's within a 10-mile radius. Maybe he doesn't even have Covid, but he's not interested in testing to find out. He might though, if his symptoms get worse, and I'll be nudging him to do so.

My heart rate variability sure took a dive with this bug! My baseline is 72. Two days ago my HRV was 51, and this morning though I'm feeling better it was 42. Pulse is elevated too. It's typically around 50 in the morning, but has been 60-70 the past two mornings.

I think I'll feel well enough to roast the turkey tomorrow. We're not hosting or going to anyone's house for T-day, so I could do it Friday or Saturday if necessary,
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We just got back from a 2 week cruise. We (and only a few others) masked when in crowded settings like the ship theater and on the bus for a tour.
Masked up when at airport each way and on the plane.
Didn't mask for the ship restaurant, as too hard to eat but only sat with ourselves.

Still, I just tested (+) for Covid.
I've had all the shots, and symptoms are: runny nose, sneezing, slight sore throat.

DW tests negative right now.
We just got back from a 2 week cruise. We (and only a few others) masked when in crowded settings like the ship theater and on the bus for a tour.
Masked up when at airport each way and on the plane.
Didn't mask for the ship restaurant, as too hard to eat but only sat with ourselves.

Still, I just tested (+) for Covid.
I've had all the shots, and symptoms are: runny nose, sneezing, slight sore throat.

DW tests negative right now.

Sorry to read that you are testing positive for Covid! Take care, get plenty of rest and sleep, and good nutritious food. Hope you recover soon and that your DW does not get Covid.

Frank never did, even though I had a bad case of it. Apparently the spouse of someone with Covid doesn't always get Covid.

Thinking of you and sending good, healing thoughts to you and to all the others on this thread that reported getting Covid.
We just got back from a 2 week cruise. We (and only a few others) masked when in crowded settings like the ship theater and on the bus for a tour.
Masked up when at airport each way and on the plane.
Didn't mask for the ship restaurant, as too hard to eat but only sat with ourselves.

Still, I just tested (+) for Covid.
I've had all the shots, and symptoms are: runny nose, sneezing, slight sore throat.

DW tests negative right now.

I hope you feel better soon and that masking helped reduce your exposure and the length and severity of your sickness.

We just flew back last week from 8 days in Portugal. We wore masks during the trip there and back but not while in Portugal. We connected in the Philly airport (by far the most crowded place we had been during the entire trip) and it was packed. There were lots of coughing people with no masks or who made the slightest attempt to cover their cough. I came down with a bit of crud (headache, cough that required OTC meds to control) two days after we got home. I tested negative for flu and COVID so it was just a cold that started clearing up in within 48 hours. I'm pretty sure it was from the Philly airport but I think the mask reduced my exposure and therefore the length and severity of my sickness. I'm sold on wearing masks while flying to reduce sickness from travelling.
Got a DUD of a Covid test!

DW and I have taken nearly 100 home tests through the years.

Yesterday, I got a dud! The "C" line never lit up. I guess these tests that are 1 year past expiration are finally expiring.

BTW: tried a different brand test and I was negative. I have a cold. When I compare my symptoms of this cold to my Covid infection... there's no comparison. That's for me. I have zero fever or hint of fever, and my body doesn't ache. The big difference? Fatigue. Covid just slammed me compared to this cold.
We just got back from a 2 week cruise. We (and only a few others) masked when in crowded settings like the ship theater and on the bus for a tour.
Masked up when at airport each way and on the plane.
Didn't mask for the ship restaurant, as too hard to eat but only sat with ourselves.

Still, I just tested (+) for Covid.
I've had all the shots, and symptoms are: runny nose, sneezing, slight sore throat.

DW tests negative right now.

Hope you recover quickly and without problems.
Frustrating to hear of so many others not masking up when they have a cough. It's common curtesy, I think.
We are planning on flying to Hawaii next year, will definitely wear masks.
I called my doc, as started to worry it may just get worse.

I was prescribed Paxlovid by my doc , which I just picked up and have take the 1st dose.

Nice thing was it was zero cost since on Medicare :)
I called my doc, as started to worry it may just get worse.

I was prescribed Paxlovid by my doc , which I just picked up and have take the 1st dose.

Nice thing was it was zero cost since on Medicare :)
Probably a smart decision. Just be sure to check all the potential drug interactions. You may have to stop some of your meds while taking the Paxlovid. It's not just statins: some BP meds have their action enhanced by Paxlovid which can drive your heart rate and/or BP too low. That happened to DH.
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