I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

My DH and I are also home with Covid and no family celebrations. We are hoping for next weekend to work out. One of our grandchildren is sick with a stomach virus as well. Not a good 2 weeks for our family!
I don't think you understand immunity for this virus. There is very little immunity conferred by infection.

According to the CDC:

Once you have had COVID-19, your immune system responds in several ways. This immune response can protect you against reinfection for several months, but this protection decreases over time. People with weakened immune systems who get an infection may have a limited immune response or none at all. Protection against severe COVID-19 illness generally lasts longer than protection against infection. This means even if you get infected again, your immune response should help protect you from severe illness and hospitalization.

As the virus evolves, new variants with the ability to evade your existing immunity can appear. This can increase your risk of reinfection. Reinfection can occur as early as several weeks after a previous infection, although this is rare.
I'm sorry to hear that you have to spend Christmas without seeing your son. You have made a difficult but responsible decision.

We are having my step daughter, her husband, 2 grown sons in their mid 20's and one of their girlfriends over for Christmas dinner. We are 75 and 77 yrs old and never had Covid. We have been very careful to consistently wear masks, social distance, avoid anywhere there is a crowd, wash hands, etc. I am very nervous about Christmas dinner today.

Let us know the outcome in a week or so. You are definitely substantially increasing your risk. Hope you have a positive outcome. No, wait, a negative outcome. You know what I mean! Break out those COVID tests if you start sniffling or coughing. Catch it quick so you can take Paxlovid early, if required.

I wish we could rely on the CDC, as we have in the past. Plenty of researchers and papers demonstrate this is inaccurate. I'm no conspiracy theorist. I WISH the CDC were doing the job!

ETA: Seeing Dr. Cohen smiling unmasked at senior citizen homes with unmasked residents infuriates me. I wonder how many got sick after the photo opps.
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All I know is that our tour guide, bus driver and a few of our fellow tourists didn't get it. They had covid in the previous few months. Everyone else on the bus got it.
I am more than halfway through my Paxlovid. It seems to have helped a lot with the Covid symptoms, although I still feel very weird. Missing Christmas with my family did not help. My five day quarantine will end tomorrow at 4 pm then another five days masked (per my doctor). Masking and trying to keep away from DH, so far so good with him. Merry Covid Christmas!
I am more than halfway through my Paxlovid. It seems to have helped a lot with the Covid symptoms, although I still feel very weird. Missing Christmas with my family did not help. My five day quarantine will end tomorrow at 4 pm then another five days masked (per my doctor). Masking and trying to keep away from DH, so far so good with him. Merry Covid Christmas!

The five days is a general guideline. In your shoes, I would continue to test until the tests are negative. Many people continue to test positive and are infectious for over five days.

Stick with a well fitting N95 mask. Cloth and blue paper masks are ineffective at blocking the virus.

Happy your symptoms are improving.
I had a good dose. No way was 5 days sufficient. I was testing positive 10 days out and could still feel the germs leaving my body.
The five days is a general guideline. In your shoes, I would continue to test until the tests are negative. Many people continue to test positive and are infectious for over five days.

Stick with a well fitting N95 mask. Cloth and blue paper masks are ineffective at blocking the virus.

Happy your symptoms are improving.

Yes, I've got a test out ready to try this afternoon. I was not planning to go around anyone outside my house, maybe just hang out with DH a bit more. I feel better yet this morning.
DH & I are spending Christmas Day alone and feeling sorry for ourselves. We were supposed to travel to our son's...but our son has Covid. We debated whether or not to go since DH & I had Covid late October/early November and thought we might still have immunity. However, there is this new variant circulating (I'm sure we had the older variant) and we didn't want to take a chance of getting covid a 3rd time!

We are 77 and 71 yo and don't have that many more Christmas's left to spend with our kids and grandkids. It's sad we are still living with this.

As a follow-up....we made the right decision not to go. Now my DIL and her mother (who has been with them the last few days) have covid. First Christmas we were ever alone, but it was a quiet, relaxing day.
DD, DSIL and DGS were all over at our house all day on Christmas Eve and called us Christmas morning and told us they all just tested positive for Covid on Christmas morning. I'm not the least bit worried. We went to another relatives house all day on Christmas day and there was one person there who exhibited symptoms but hadn't tested. We called ahead and told them of our possible exposure the day before and they asked us to please attend anyway. IMHO, Covid is completely and absolutely unavoidable unless you stay sheltered from the rest of the world and pass up many opportunities and memories.

All through the end of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 I worked sometimes in confined spaces, right next to people who got it and they would be off work for a week. I had to go to my rental property for an emergency repair when my tenant had it. I did get two vaccines to help with immunity. I never got more than a low grade fever for half a day and that didn't stop me from doing anything I wanted to do. BTW, the low grade fever was from the second of two vaccines.

I believe getting exposure and building up immunity is the key for surviving this in the long run, provided no underlying health conditions. Sheltering just seems to prolong the inevitable.

I remember back in March 2020 the medical experts would say that this will be around virtually forever, but with each passing year the variants will become less and less lethal and more like just a common cold. This sure seems accurate at this time.

I know many others here view Covid quite a bit differently, but I thought I'd share our actual real life experiences. I'll check back with you all in a week to see if I'm still alive and kicking.
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The fear of covid seems irrational at this point.

Carpe diem, seize the day; preferably without a mask or any precautions whatsoever.
The fear of covid seems irrational at this point.

Carpe diem, seize the day; preferably without a mask or any precautions whatsoever.

The fear of Long Covid should sober you up. 10 to 20 percent risk.
I've got rebound covid. I finished the 5 days of Paxlovid 5 days ago, and I also tested negative for the first time that day after testing positive for 6 days. I felt normal again after just 3 days of Paxlovid. However, greatly-reduced symptoms returned yesterday along with testing positive again. I'm still glad I took Paxlovid.
I've got rebound covid. I finished the 5 days of Paxlovid 5 days ago, and I also tested negative for the first time that day after testing positive for 6 days. I felt normal again after just 3 days of Paxlovid. However, greatly-reduced symptoms returned yesterday along with testing positive again. I'm still glad I took Paxlovid.

Some doctors will prescribe a second course. Might be worth checking.
The fear of covid seems irrational at this point.

Carpe diem, seize the day; preferably without a mask or any precautions whatsoever.

There are more than 1.1+ million people in the US that would see this recommendation as being irresponsible. Of course they won't be able to tell you since they have already died from Covid. There are so many elderly that don't have a strong immune system or are immunocompromised for a number of reasons. Even if it doesn't kill you it can seriously effect the rest of their live with long covid.
I wear a mask, avoid crowds, social distance, and have been vaccinated because I don't want to bring it home to my wife. I also don't want to be responsible for transmitting it to my closest friend who is seriously immunocompromised from past fights with cancer and who is again struggling to survive cancer once again.
Update - I showed Covid symptoms 12/19, tested positive 12/20, took Paxlovid finishing my last dosage on 12/25, along with Mucinex few a few days. Tested negative 12/24 or 5 days later and went to a public venue on Christmas with no problems. Was using neti pot even before my positive diagnosis and I really think it along with the Rx helped speed up my recovery. Less time for the virus to build up in my system. Boosted in September. Feel about 90% of normal right now. Quite fortunate it didn't last weeks. Wishing anyone dealing with it now a speedy recovery.
We had to curtail our New Years Eve plans. From our family gathering on Christmas Day, 2 of our nieces contacted us Friday saying they had tested positive for covid. We tested, I was negative, and I have no symptoms. DW however was positive. Her only symptoms are sinus sniffles that she thought were allergies from household cleaners she had been exposed to on Wednesday.

Fortunately our house and property are large enough to easily isolate and not feel cooped up. Tested again today, I am still negative. DW is still positive but she says the line seems fainter.

We will welcome in the New Year on our porch (mild night) socially distanced and watching the ball drop.
Well we survived our first Covid experience. DH eventually got it too, even though we tried to prevent that. He is now six days out and I should be good to go. But we totally missed Christmas and it was a bummer. I am planning to do a make up holiday brunch for my son and family a week from today.
My son had a cold last week, then on Wednesday my wife started feeling bad, had a sore throat and constant clearing. I thought I was going to not get it but Friday I had a tickle in my throat. I hate to admit it, but Covid never even entered my mind until an hour ago. I pulled out a 5 months expired BinaxNOW test and took it, Solid positive.
I think I'm feeling better already and hope tomorrow shows that I am.
I may see if my doc can get me a paxlovid prescription in the morning. Holidays, I'm not sure.
My son had a cold last week, then on Wednesday my wife started feeling bad, had a sore throat and constant clearing. I thought I was going to not get it but Friday I had a tickle in my throat. I hate to admit it, but Covid never even entered my mind until an hour ago. I pulled out a 5 months expired BinaxNOW test and took it, Solid positive.
I think I'm feeling better already and hope tomorrow shows that I am.
I may see if my doc can get me a paxlovid prescription in the morning. Holidays, I'm not sure.

My doc didn't think Paxlovid was appropriate, offered me prednisone for muscle aches. I declined, not feeling that bad.
I drive to my shop everyday which is four miles from my home. On the way there I pass by an Urgent Care . For the last few weeks I notice the parking lot has been packed . I am told the Flu is pretty bad here along with Covid.
Friends got Covid for the holidays

I am friends with a family that lives about 20 minutes from me. The husband is my oldest friend; we went to school together 40 years ago. He is 71 and retired. His wife is a bit younger (60) and still works. Their son is 16.

They invited me to visit right after Christmas, but I declined due to the high community levels of flu, Covid, and RSV around here right now.

The husband tested positive for Covid on 12/27, and the wife tested positive on 12/29. The son is still testing negative.

The husband is high risk due to health conditions, so his doctor immediately put him on Paxlovid. He had to deal with terrible metal mouth, and his wife spiked a very high fever; both feel awful in different ways. :sick:

I felt a little bad when I turned down the invitation, and I know that some people in my family (not these friends) think I am unnecessarily cautious. One of my family members recently called me anti-social. :(

I am very glad that I listened to the little voice telling me not to risk a visit.

I am equally glad that my friends both seem to be recovering and feeling a little better every day. Now I'm just praying that the husband doesn't have a Paxlovid rebound, and that they never experience long covid.
My doc didn't think Paxlovid was appropriate, offered me prednisone for muscle aches. I declined, not feeling that bad.

I turned the corner last night, I spent 1/2 hour in my sauna, took a cold shower and 20 minutes later I realized, Wow, I'm feeling much better. My first symptom was Fri, by late Tuesday I'm pretty well over it. I will have to skip my usual Thursday morning breakfast, especially since one of our regulars is 97 yrs old. My doc said what is going around now is a much less virulent strain.
The cross country path this took, my son has an online gaming 'friend' in Indiana, they decided to have a weekend in Los Angeles. He flew from Florida to LA to meet her, turns out she had a [-]cold[/-] Covid, she brought from Indiana to LA, he brought it from LA back to Florida and we got it.

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