I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences

Yes, I’m on dose 3 of Paxlovid. I’m not feeling any better yet. This is the sickest I’ve ever been. There are times I’m coughing so bad I’m afraid I”m going to choke.

All the best, hope you improve soon.
I’m at 96% so I think I’m OK there. My doctor said to just take the Paxlovid and tough it out. My partner has been getting me some food and juices to stay hydrated.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.
I’m at 96% so I think I’m OK there. My doctor said to just take the Paxlovid and tough it out. My partner has been getting me some food and juices to stay hydrated.

Take care, hope you feel better soon!
I can't help but notice that the majority of people reporting that they got COVID in recent weeks/months came down with it after traveling. I just had a similar experience.

My brother sent me an email yesterday saying that he and his wife just came down with COVID. They had spent several months in Europe recently, but got back to the US three weeks before he felt his first symptom.

They only feel like they have a mild cold, and they are on Paxlovid and vaxed/boostered. My hypothesis is that maybe they got a very mild version of Omicron while traveling, and then it took a couple of weeks before they were even aware of any symptoms. But who knows.

Take care, hope you feel better soon!
+1 Hoping for the best. What worked for me was lots of rest and sleep, healthy food, and immediate medical attention as needed. The nurses in the ICU were terrific although I can't remember much about what went on in the hospital.
I can't help but notice that the majority of people reporting that they got COVID in recent weeks/months came down with it after traveling. I just had a similar experience. Went to Alaska in late July, stayed at a lodge for 6 days. One guy at the lodge was sick, I don't think he ever tested for COVID, but he spent the last day or two alone in his cabin (before that, I was around him for dinners, etc). We departed for home after that............had a horrible, long, red-eye flight coming home, so I got zero sleep for over 24 hours (closer to 36 hours). Got home, felt sick the next day. Fever, body aches, fatigue. Got a little sleep for 2 nights and was slowly recovering, but then........INSOMNIA kicked in. As tired as I was, I could NOT fall asleep for 4 straight nights - just laid there most of the night, exhausted and frustrated. Felt really horrible after that, so went to Urgent Care to get something to knock me out. They gave me 2 different drugs. Took the stronger one first, and that did knock me out, thankfully. Finally slept, but felt groggy the whole next day, with a dull headache. Took the weaker/safer drug the next two nights (an antihistamine), and slept okay, but felt groggy for half the next day, both times. Finally, last night, I was able to sleep through the night with no drugs. What a relief. Never had insomnia before in my life, but I am reading now that it is not an uncommon symptom after this latest COVID strain. Anyone else have issues with insomnia after COVID? I would not wish it on anyone.........I can see why they keep people awake to torture them. I can handle the fever/body ache/fatigue, as long as I am sleeping at night, but insomnia for several nights is just terrible.

I don't think I will be traveling too far from home in the foreseeable future. Do not want to go through something like this again.

Yep, the flight back from Alaska is what got me (back in May). The folks I visited while I was there never got sick, so I assume it was on the way back...plane was PACKED. Paxlovid did me good, but I did have a rebound positive test when I was in Roatan a few weeks later (no symptoms, though). I had positive tests (3 if I recall) for about 5 days before finally getting a negative test. Wife has still not had it.
Day 5 since symptoms first appeared. Persistent cough, sore throat, chills, night sweats, high fever even with Tylenol. I was fully vaccinated and received my last booster in May. I kept hearing that with my vaccinations if I get COVID it would be like getting a cold. That turned out to be way off. I’ve never felt this sick in my entire life. This is my first bout with COVID if that makes any difference. I just can’t believe how sick I’ve been. I’m on dose 4/10 of Paxlovid.
Day 5 since symptoms first appeared. Persistent cough, sore throat, chills, night sweats, high fever even with Tylenol. I was fully vaccinated and received my last booster in May. I kept hearing that with my vaccinations if I get COVID it would be like getting a cold. That turned out to be way off. I’ve never felt this sick in my entire life. This is my first bout with COVID if that makes any difference. I just can’t believe how sick I’ve been. I’m on dose 4/10 of Paxlovid.

Sounds like it might be time to go to urgent care or call your doctor!

Sometimes Covid can really sneak up on a person fast. I didn't think I wanted to go to the emergency room because I didn't feel that bad, but Frank insisted on calling an ambulance for me. By the time I got to the hospital, well, honestly I don't remember anything after being loaded into the ambulance.
Ready, I am concerned that you might have pneumonia now. I agree with W2R, you might need to see a doctor. Don't let things get out of control.
Ready, I am concerned that you might have pneumonia now. I agree with W2R, you might need to see a doctor. Don't let things get out of control.


Our son plus someone else we know caught pneumonia while suffering with Covid. Different treatment needed for pneumonia, quite possibly antibiotics which is what our son was given.
Agree with others that a call to your doc or urgent care visit is warranted. Pneumonia is a good possibility, also , just a check on lung sounds and capacity.

Do take care.
Best wishes for a full recovery
Thank you all very much for your concerns and well wishes. I’m on day 4 of Paxlovid and I feel like I’m turning the corner. My temperature is running below 100 now and my sore throat is gone. I have a persistent cough but this is normal for me as I tend to develop bronchitis after getting a cold, so I will follow up with my doctor next week about that and see if antibiotics might be required.
Thank you all very much for your concerns and well wishes. I’m on day 4 of Paxlovid and I feel like I’m turning the corner. My temperature is running below 100 now and my sore throat is gone. I have a persistent cough but this is normal for me as I tend to develop bronchitis after getting a cold, so I will follow up with my doctor next week about that and see if antibiotics might be required.

Glad you feel like you're turning the corner! That's great news. :) And good idea to follow up with your doctor.
Ready, so glad you are doing a little better and thanks for keeping your Forum friends updated. Yes, contact your doc next week.
I just came back to the States from a 10-day British Isles cruise with Covid. My full symptoms started Friday on the flight back from London. In hind sight, I noticed on Thursday that I was clearing my throat more frequently for no particular reason. So I guess that's when the symptoms actually started.

I would say that less than 5% of the people on the cruise were wearing masks (it's not required) -- including myself. The customer-facing crew were in masks for the first couple days but were finally allowed to take them off starting on about day 3.

I was solo on the cruise, so I largely kept to myself when I could. I didn't go to the theatre to see shows other than maybe a few minutes at the back of the room to see what was going on. But I was on tour buses with other people and on crowded tender boats a couple times. So it's not a surprise to me. I heard people in the cabins next to me start hacking during the night a couple days before the cruise ended. Both sides of me. We shared a cabin attendant.

So I took 2 home tests on Saturday morning and both came back positive. My symptoms are not awful and don't seem to be getting any worse as of right now. Some occasional coughing and a minor sore throat and sneezing and runny nose some. It's very manageable at this point. I'll call my doctor Monday morning to see if he wants me to add any medicine to the recover process.
I just came back to the States from a 10-day British Isles cruise with Covid. My full symptoms started Friday on the flight back from London. In hind sight, I noticed on Thursday that I was clearing my throat more frequently for no particular reason. So I guess that's when the symptoms actually started.

I would say that less than 5% of the people on the cruise were wearing masks (it's not required) -- including myself. The customer-facing crew were in masks for the first couple days but were finally allowed to take them off starting on about day 3.

I was solo on the cruise, so I largely kept to myself when I could. I didn't go to the theatre to see shows other than maybe a few minutes at the back of the room to see what was going on. But I was on tour buses with other people and on crowded tender boats a couple times. So it's not a surprise to me. I heard people in the cabins next to me start hacking during the night a couple days before the cruise ended. Both sides of me. We shared a cabin attendant.

So I took 2 home tests on Saturday morning and both came back positive. My symptoms are not awful and don't seem to be getting any worse as of right now. Some occasional coughing and a minor sore throat and sneezing and runny nose some. It's very manageable at this point. I'll call my doctor Monday morning to see if he wants me to add any medicine to the recover process.

Hope you don't have any worsening of symptoms! From what you describe, they don't sound too bad so far. But take care, and get plenty of rest and healthy food. Good idea to call your doctor tomorrow.
Day 5 since symptoms first appeared. Persistent cough, sore throat, chills, night sweats, high fever even with Tylenol. I was fully vaccinated and received my last booster in May. I kept hearing that with my vaccinations if I get COVID it would be like getting a cold. That turned out to be way off. I’ve never felt this sick in my entire life. This is my first bout with COVID if that makes any difference. I just can’t believe how sick I’ve been. I’m on dose 4/10 of Paxlovid.

Sounds very similar to me. I tested positive last Friday, had the sore throat and head ache symptoms. I thought it would be a case of the man flu, but it's so much worse! Night coughing keeps me awake, the night sweats mean getting up and changing PJs, sheets etc. I'm on day 3 of Paxlovid and finally no longer coughing up phlegm. Totally drained of energy and tired.
Sending Get Well Wishes to those of you who are ill with Covid. Sounds like you are turning the corner a bit to feeling better.
My symptoms started 6 days ago. For the most part, my symptoms are gradually going away. I never developed a fever. My temperature got as high as 99.4 degrees, but that's not really even a fever. It returned to normal (or below) levels 3 days ago. I had a day or two where sneezing was pretty common, but that seems to have ended yesterday. I never developed a sore throat, thankfully. I find that the most bothersome when I have a bad one. I had, at best, a scratchy throat for a day or so. Right now, my only remaining symptom is bit of a cough with a small amount of chest congestion. Sometimes it will take 3 or 4 coughs to bring up the congestion. But all things considered, I'm only coughing every hour or so.

I took another self-test this morning, and I still test positive. So, while the CDC says I'm permitted outside of my house wearing a strong mask because my symptoms are improving and it's been 6 days since symptoms started and I have not fever, I choose to remain isolated. I will likely isolate until I have the 2 negative tests 48 hours apart called for by the CDC to remove the mask. Hopefully by the weekend.

I should add that I have had 4 Pfizer shots total. I had my last booster on May 30th. The only medications I have taken are a few Hall's cough drops. I took NyQuil on my first night after my first test, just in case my symptoms got worse during the night, but they didn't.
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DW and I have continued to be very careful. Masking everywhere, sitting outside at restaurants, ect.

Last night my son and his girlfriend came to visit as they usually visit once a week. They had been to a wedding this Saturday.

He text me this morning to say he and his girlfriend weren't feeling well. He said they both felt fine last night. Tested positive for covid. Ugh...... This would be his first and her second time with covid.

Needless to say there is a high probability we caught covid since we were all close together all evening. They're doing okay and we are feeling fine right now.

I figured it was just a matter of time. We plan on testing Thursday unless we start showing symptoms earlier. We are both vaccinated and boosted once. We were going to get the next booster in October. Might be a moot point now.
DW and I have continued to be very careful. Masking everywhere, sitting outside at restaurants, ect.

Last night my son and his girlfriend came to visit as they usually visit once a week. They had been to a wedding this Saturday.

He text me this morning to say he and his girlfriend weren't feeling well. He said they both felt fine last night. Tested positive for covid. Ugh...... This would be his first and her second time with covid.

Needless to say there is a high probability we caught covid since we were all close together all evening. They're doing okay and we are feeling fine right now.

I figured it was just a matter of time. We plan on testing Thursday unless we start showing symptoms earlier. We are both vaccinated and boosted once. We were going to get the next booster in October. Might be a moot point now.

5 1/2 days later we both tested this morning. Negative !!! We have not exhibited any symptoms. I'm amazed we didn't catch it. I mean they had it the next morning. We were hugging, sharing food, laughing together. They should have been highly contagious. WTH:confused:

My son and his girlfriend are having a miserable time. They are finally starting to feel better this morning.
5 1/2 days later we both tested this morning. Negative !!! We have not exhibited any symptoms. I'm amazed we didn't catch it. I mean they had it the next morning. We were hugging, sharing food, laughing together. They should have been highly contagious. WTH:confused:

My son and his girlfriend are having a miserable time. They are finally starting to feel better this morning.

Is the difference that you have had all the vaccines boosters and son and girlfriend have not, or maybe they only had the original shots?
5 1/2 days later we both tested this morning. Negative !!! We have not exhibited any symptoms. I'm amazed we didn't catch it. I mean they had it the next morning. We were hugging, sharing food, laughing together. They should have been highly contagious. WTH:confused:

There has to be a significant component of randomness here.
Despite DW having a strong case of it last April, I never got it. We made no effort to isolate from each other, and we had both gotten the same shots beforehand.
Is the difference that you have had all the vaccines boosters and son and girlfriend have not, or maybe they only had the original shots?

They had the exact same vaccines as us. Fully vaccinated with one booster. And his girlfriend caught it in August 2021 and said it was worst this most recent time.
There has to be a significant component of randomness here.
Despite DW having a strong case of it last April, I never got it. We made no effort to isolate from each other, and we had both gotten the same shots beforehand.

Last year I nearly died from Covid (delta variant), but Frank didn't catch it from me despite spending most of his waking time with me and not being vaccinated. We told my doctor, and he said that many of his married patients who got it, didn't give it to their spouse.

I can't help but think that we do not know all there is to know about how people get Covid. Actually I think we (including me!) know zippo about it. That said, you won't find me mingling closely with large crowds of dirty coughing strangers. That may or may not help, but I have my limits! :LOL:

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